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[Gallery] Iran - Iraq war





the moment of martyrdom





یَآ أَیَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ

ارْجِعِى إِلَى‏ رَبِّکَ رَاضِیَةً مَّرْضِیَّةً

فَادْخُلِى فِى عِبَادِى

وَادْخُلِى جَنَّتِى‏

^ that happened b/c of a mine right?

We have a family friend that was in the war and he stepped on a mine and it took his right leg right off. When they were bringing back the wounded he was pronounced dead and was left for quick burial. Thankfully he came around and 'woke up'!! He's the most cheerful guy I know and super smart. He married and had two kids (me and their kids were close friends while I was in Iran).

He still feels like his leg is there after all these years!
^ that happened b/c of a mine right?

We have a family friend that was in the war and he stepped on a mine and it took his right leg right off. When they were bringing back the wounded he was pronounced dead and was left for quick burial. Thankfully he came around and 'woke up'!! He's the most cheerful guy I know and super smart. He married and had two kids (me and their kids were close friends while I was in Iran).

He still feels like his leg is there after all these years!
his body is behind a trench in the front line so the mine cant be the reason.maybe a mortar bomb.
now the shahid is enjoying paradise.
Very sad to see the loss of both sides result in total bloodshed of muslims of both countries !
A successful conspiracy by Western countries and Israel to weaken both countries military :(
Great Iraqi Army
in that war there 340 000 martyr ( shahid )
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Great Iraqi Army
in that war there 340 000 martyr ( shahid )

Thanks for posting here , But In my religion and culture martyrs are the ones die for pure goals . All these people you see in pictures were fighting to defend their country , belief and their honor , but what were Iraqis fighting for ? a pure goal , for God's sake ?

Although I agree the Iraqi people were the prisoners of Saddam and most of them had to choose fighting or watching themselves and their families' execution but calling them martyr is injustice .
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Ayatollah Khamenei , Iran's current Leader







گرگها خوب بدانند

گرگها خوب بدانند در این ایل غریب
که اگر ماتم دیرین پدر سوخته مر جان و جهان را

گرچه "یاران کهن" بیعت دیرینه شکستند ولی
عهد و میثاق پدر چون گره طره یار

بسته بر جان همه دُردکشان است هنوز

جان عشاق به راه شهداء در تب و تاب است هنوز

گرگها خوب بدانند که گر شب تار است

چشم فرمانده این ایل کهن دوخته بر مهتاب است

که فروغ رخ مهتاب پس ابر شکافت

جان عشاق بتافت....


گرگها خوب بدانند که ما

ما نه از گرگ بترسیم نه از مرگ و نه از شمر و یزید

عاشقان را غم یار است مزید

چون که از ناحیه حضرت حق فیض دمادم برسید

در همه دیر مغان حمد خدا راست مزید

که در این ایل غریب

گر پدر رفت یکی مرد خدا هست هنوز

گرچه ما یاد خمینی نتوانیم فراموش کنیم

باز منت ز خداست

که یکی آیت حق رهبر ما بر سر ما هست هنوز

جان عشاق پدر گو به سر طره مویش...


گرگ ها خوب بدانند که این ایل غریب

ره صد ساله خون پدران است همی

چه بس از حلقه عشاق که سر نیک بباخت

چه بس از حلقه پاکان که به خون رزم کهن را بشتافت

رخ معشوقه جلا داد به شمشیر فزون

عاشقان را گره طره یار است فسون

Thanks for posting here , But In my religion and culture martyrs are the ones die for pure goals . All these people you see in pictures were fighting to defend their country , belief and their honor , but what were Iraqis fighting for ? a pure goal , for God's sake ?

Although I agree the Iraqi people were the prisoners of Saddam and most of them had to choose fighting or watching themselves and their families' execution but calling them martyr is injustice .
there war is justified in 1971 Iranian Navy occupied the UAE islands of Greater and Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa and your gov supported the iraqi enemy Kurdish armed movements in the north
Martyr Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh :


Mohammed Hossein Fahmideh, was a 13 year old boy who is praised by Iranians as a true patriot. During the Iran-Iraq war he made his decision to leave his home without his parents knowledge and go to the south of Iran to stop the invasion of the Iraqi army. He fought side by side with the older Iranian soldiers and held the Iraqi troops back despite his young age. Iraqi troops however at one stage pushed the Iranian troops back and at this stage they were going through a very narrow canal. At that point many Iranian troops nearby had been injured/killed by the heavy Iraqi attacks. Hossein knew that his time would be up sooner or later; therefore he grabbed a hand grenade off one of the nearby bodies and pulled the pin out as he ran and jumped underneath an enemy tank, killing himself and disabling the tank. This made the Iraqis think that the Iranians had mined the area which stopped the Iraqi tank division's advance.

Ayatollah Khomeini declared Fahmideh an Iranian national hero and a monument to Fahmideh was erected on the outskirts of Tehran, a place of pilgrimage of young Iranians. In the years following Hossein's martyrdom, murals where erected throughout Iran, book bags displaying Hossein were sold to children, and a postage stamp was issued in his memory in 1986.






In loving memory of teenage martyrs during imposed war
there war is justified in 1971 Iranian Navy occupied the UAE islands of Greater and Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa and your gov supported the iraqi enemy Kurdish armed movements in the north

The islands belonged to Iran and the evidence is the history , In 1971 Iranian Navy took them back and we had 3 martyrs in that operation . and if we didn't do that , nowadays there was no Persian Gulf and it had a fake name like what the Saudis and Arabian puppet shaikhs dreaming .

It was Britain that tried to separate those islands from the mother land like what they did in Bahrain .

1stly , It happened in 1971 and it was problem between Iran and UAE not Iraq ,

Secondly , the reason of starting war was 1975 Algiers Agreement that Saddam torn .

Thirdly , 3 islands was excuse man . Iraq wanted to add Khuzestan province to it's soil ( which had been planed by the western politicians ) in order to 1st end the income of Iran , 2nd weakened Iran forever and third help the Arabian states to reach their ancient dream . Saddam though Iranian Arabs that lived in Khuzestan would join him but he was in mistaken cos those Southern Iranian people were the bravest and if we didn't have their bravery , loyalty and sacrificing we would have lost the war in the first year .
The islands belonged to Iran and the evidence is the history , In 1971 Iranian Navy took them back and we had 3 martyrs in that operation . and if we didn't do that , nowadays there was no Persian Gulf and it had a fake name like what the Saudis and Arabian puppet shaikhs dreaming .

It was Britain that tried to separate those islands from the mother land like what they did in Bahrain .

1stly , It happened in 1971 and it was problem between Iran and UAE not Iraq ,

Secondly , the reason of starting war was 1975 Algiers Agreement that Saddam torn .

Thirdly , 3 islands was excuse man . Iraq wanted to add Khuzestan province to it's soil ( which had been planed by the western politicians ) in order to 1st end the income of Iran , 2nd weakened Iran forever and third help the Arabian states to reach their ancient dream . Saddam though Iranian Arabs that lived in Khuzestan would join him but he was in mistaken cos those Southern Iranian people were the bravest and if we didn't have their bravery , loyalty and sacrificing we would have lost the war in the first year .

1st there no Persian gulf he is Arabian gulf
2nd Persia never had water until 1925 when persia occupied al ahwaz

3rd Iraq is bigger than now before even the rise of persia empier
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