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G-4 nations put joint bid for Security Council expansion

A) when UN was set up , US , UK, Russia and French asked India to Join the UN P5 body, but India refused and said China should be in UN council because they are most polulous nation ( this was blunder done by our new born PM because he don't know about world politics and influenced by Communalism).

That is a complete lie. :lol: Yet Indians keep repeating this same urban legend.

Here are the facts:

The Hindu - Nehru clarifies

Prime Minister Nehru has categorically denied any offer, formal or informal, having been received about a seat for India in the UN Security Council. He made this statement in reply to a short notice question in the Lok Sabha on September 27 by Dr. J.N. Parekh whether India had refused a seat informally offered to her in the Security Council.

The Prime Minister said: "There has been no offer, formal or informal, of this kind. Some vague references have appeared in the press about it which have no foundation in fact."

"The composition of the Security Council is prescribed by the UN Charter, according to which certain specified nations have permanent seats. No change or addition can be made to this without an amendment of the Charter. There is, therefore, no question of a seat being offered and India declining it."

Please read the entire statement from Nehru, especially the last two paragraphs.
Here is a list of the currently recognized "Great Powers" in the world.

Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are: The USA, Russia, China, Britain and France. Does that sound familiar?

It corresponds almost exactly to the current P5.

and now what your SUPERPOWERS LIKE USA,RUSSIA,BRITAIN AND FRANCE are none but Indian supporters,they all desperately wants to sell their Equipments to India.

As you know India is biggest importer of Arms all around the world. all these above superpowers desparetaly wants Indian money.

meanwhile.....from begining since Indian formation many underestimated India but they did reliaze that we r not dealing with a developing country but with a massive superpower India.
Japan and Germany will never qualify as a Great Power, because their countries are too tiny. Japan would be devastated after a single H-6K strike. I would like to exclude the tiny countries of Britain and France from the P-5 as well, because they don't really belong. However, it is difficult to remove an existing P-5 member and not worth the trouble.


A H-6K can carry three CJ-10K air-launched cruise missiles under one wing.

The video below of a H-6 bomber firing a cruise missile is significant. Due to the high altitude during launch, the cruise missile has extensive range; compared to a ground-launched cruise missile. For example, the H-6 can launch a withering cruise missile assault on Japan from hundreds of miles away.

A single H-6 carrying six CJ-10K thermonuclear-armed cruise missiles with 90 kilotons each (which is four times more powerful than Hiroshima's 20 kiloton bomb) can seriously damage six major Japanese cities.

Alternatively, all six CJ-10K nuclear-armed cruise missiles can be fired at the Tokyo Greater Metropolitan Area for 40 million dead. With one H-6K strike, Japan has lost 1/3 of its population. The downside is that China just lost a lot of customers.

H-6 launches anti-ship missile


Britain and France implicitly acknowledge they're not Great Powers

In recognition of their own weakness, Britain and France removed all land-based thermonuclear weapons from their countries to preventively deter an extinction-level thermonuclear strike on their country by the true Great Powers (e.g. Russia or China; obviously U.S. will never attack its allies/puppets).


"The U.K. eliminated its last land-based nuclear missiles in 1963, and has .... who had removed their tactical nuclear weapons from ships in late 1991, Britain ..."


"All the land based nuclear French missiles silos were deactivated in 1996. On 27 January 1997, France conducted its last nuclear test before signing the ..."
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So people are saying that we should be busy to make the H-Bomb in order to get a set on un?

Has it ever occurred to you that it is not India's choice as to whether it is permitted to develop thermonuclear weaponry?

Firstly, India is nowhere close to developing a thermonuclear weapon.

Secondly, it takes decades to miniaturize a H-bomb into a W-88 class warhead.

Anytime during those decades, a neighboring Great Power can declare that its national security interest prohibits India from testing and deploying thermonuclear weaponry. Otherwise, India faces the ultimatum of denuclearization (e.g. destruction of all nuclear and missile-manufacturing facilities).

The choice of whether India is allowed to pursue thermonuclear weaponry belongs to a neighboring country. They decide, not you.

and u think u can just go bomb japan and the world will quietly accept and then u talk about the aftermath of india testing a thermonuke weapon??.....:cheesy::wave::no::eek::p:cry::cheers::china:

and u think u can just go bomb japan and the world will quietly accept and then u talk about the aftermath of india testing a thermonuke weapon??.....:cheesy::wave::no::eek::p:cry::cheers::china:

The Japanese have been sitting on tons of plutonium for decades. Why haven't they gone thermonuclear? The answer is they can't. A neighboring Great Power will denuclearize Japan completely if they tried to acquire thermonuclear weapons.

The same restriction applies to India.
How did India end up in the same situation as Japan? The Japanese are not permitted to thermonuclearize. The answer is simple. When you take forever to thermonuclearize, your future is determined by a foreign Great Power.

1952: Detonation of first U.S. hydrogen bomb (Ivy Mike)
1953: Detonation of first Russian hydrogen bomb (First Lightning)
1967: Detonation of first Chinese 3.3-megaton hydrogen bomb (You've seen the video below)

Fifty years have passed since the detonation of thermonuclear weapons by the Great Powers. The United States, Russia, and China all have massive thermonuclear arsenals. They govern the world.

To claim that India (or any of the G-4 nations) belongs in the United Nations Security Council Permanent Five is simply ridiculous.

How did India end up in the same situation as Japan? The Japanese are not permitted to thermonuclearize. The answer is simple. When you take forever to thermonuclearize, your future is determined by a foreign Great Power.

1952: Detonation of first U.S. hydrogen bomb (Ivy Mike)
1953: Detonation of first Russian hydrogen bomb (First Lightning)
1967: Detonation of first Chinese 3.3-megaton hydrogen bomb (you've seen the video)

Fifty years have passed since the detonation of thermonuclear weapons by the Great Powers. The United States, Russia, and China all have massive thermonuclear arsenals. They govern the world.

To claim that India (or any of the G-4 nations) belongs in the United Nations Security Council Permanent Five is simply ridiculous.

Stuck in the past? wakeup its 2012

---------- Post added at 01:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------

India pips China to key UN post - Times Of India


---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------

India to head UNSC panel on combating terror - Times Of India
Your status depend on your power, economy, military, culture, population ,science, etc. Economy and military are most inportant I think. Indian deserve it, but it doesn't now, your economy inflence on global is still weak, too much of your weapon are imported. And you science also is weak, as a huge country, you can, but now, your power still is under the patient. German deserve it, I think, more than france. But the quesion is that they are loser of ww2, and usa army station there, their diplomacy is controled by USA. The same to Jap. Brazil is big and have huge population, big territory, good science, huge gdp.but their military is weak. And beyond south america, their influence is weak.
Just easy, Indian will get it, but can't now, and I think if india ally with other to gain the permanent seat in unsc will take much more time, permanent seat depent on your individual power, not the joint power.
Your status depend on your power, economy, military, culture, population ,science, etc. Economy and military are most inportant I think. Indian deserve it, but it doesn't now, your economy inflence on global is still weak, too much of your weapon are imported. And you science also is weak, as a huge country, you can, but now, your power still is under the patient. German deserve it, I think, more than france. But the quesion is that they are loser of ww2, and usa army station there, their diplomacy is controled by USA. The same to Jap. Brazil is big and have huge population, big territory, good science, huge gdp.but their military is weak. And beyond south america, their influence is weak.
Just easy, Indian will get it, but can't now, and I think if india ally with other to gain the permanent seat in unsc will take much more time, permanent seat depent on your individual power, not the joint power.

When UN reform takes place India will have a seat at the table for sure.

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

You saying Brazil science is better than India?

---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

News: UK India Business Council

---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

India has been ranked the sixth most "innovative" country in the world.

GE's annual Global Innovation Barometer, based on a survey of 2,800 senior business executives in 22 countries, identifies the top drivers for innovation in each country along the lines of talent, financial support from public authorities and long-term support from investors.
Well i think you should know history better and politics and now Future also.

A) when UN was set up , US , UK, Russia and French asked India to Join the UN P5 body, but India refused and said China should be in UN council because they are most polulous nation ( this was blunder done by our new born PM because he don't know about world politics and influenced by Communalism ")

B) All P4 was Nuclear weapon other then China which was poor country that time.

C) China blasted Nuclear Weapon , in 1964 and awarded seat in 1971 to UN.

That time only 5 County posses the nuclear weapons and captured the power in UN. Now the time has change and other countries emerges with Nuclear Weapons apart from that they become major economic power which are so powerful that G8 are forced with acknowledge them. Their Myth was broken that they control the world economy.

The economy now change hands and moved to Asian hands and south american hands . But P5 powers don't want to loose their king seat which they enjoyed form long.

Brazil , India and which is not becoming the most booming economy and are regional power and on the verge of breaking the doors in technologial area of P5. Now P5 either need to reform or it will collaasp within next 25 years if P5 keep on holding power.

Japan and Germany was economic power but today they are only technological power, that barrier will also shattered with 25 years. India and Brazile are now on fast track in technical technology also.

Its matter of time.
I know there is a article in wiki refer to thesthing, but wiki not means right. And UN was set up in 1945, India was independent in 1947, UK invite you to join UN, UK kick himself, please think whether it is logic first, don't just see whether it is in your benefit, OK.
There is in one poster here, @gotterdung a german who always supports china .

now wonder, germany wants a permanent seat while China vehemently opposes G4, so who gotterrdamen would support his own nation or china.

You want my opinion on this matter? Here it goes: I want a united voice for Europe, if not for the whole of Europe (excl. Russia) then at least one voice for the EU. Right now, we are divided between the US lapdog UK and continental Europe with France, which unfortunatly since Sarkozy became president has also become a lap dog as well and reversed de Gaul's independent policy.

But first things first. We first have to disband the NATO under the leadership of the US and form an EU Army under European leadership. After that we should give up one seat at the UNSC and give that seat to Brazil. Asia is already represented by China and I think it's unfair to have two seats for one continent. If an additional seat should be created, than that seat must go to a well developed African country.
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