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Future Saudi Arabia

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I either keep reading a doom and gloom response regarding KSA or a "look out, KSA is gonna be the next Japan" kind of response. Use your heads people, KSA is doing what KSA should have done 2-3 decades ago.

somebody said there are more women in universities than men. Did you check what they are studying? I won't go into it, you guys can check them out yourself.
Then there is the unemplyment among women. They are almost universally unemployed. In KSA, the employment figure doesn't include women!!!!! It's probably the only country on earth where unemployment is solely calculated for men! When you read 11-18 percent unemployment in KSA, it's 11-18 percent among men in KSA and not women.

KSA is still DECADES behind even Pakistan. Turkey was no where economically a couple of decades ago but the backbone of the country was solid and built decades ago and is now bearing fruit. KSA doesn't have a backbone. There is no spine.
IRAN and SAUDI treat women same dear . who can you react ?

not even close.
We have women in the parliament, we have female judges (one of them got a noble prize a couple of years back), our women work, we have more females in universities then men and they don't study cooking like they do in KSA, our women don't need the permission of men to go outside, our women can drive (lots of taxi drivers in Iran are female) etc...

we HAVE A TON OF PROBLEMS but we're nothing like KSA.
Excuse me!...I admit since our society is so closed and dry we have a huge problem of people going out of Saudi Arabia to "have fun" in neighboring arabic countries. there are no belly dance parlors in Saudi Arabia Raptor. And hopefully there will never be one.

And as for the second video I do not care if it was a prince or a homeless person from Saudi Arabia. And I saw this video before and it makes me sick that people from Saudi Arabia save money for an entire year just to go spend it in 2 days on booze and hookers I am not denying this I know it is happening.
The point is your entire videos made no argument since none of this is happening in Saudi soil but by Saudi people who I personally feel sick even looking at and if you are going to take the people like this as they represent the entire Saudi Society then feel free you will only be deceiving yourself.
I either keep reading a doom and gloom response regarding KSA or a "look out, KSA is gonna be the next Japan" kind of response. Use your heads people, KSA is doing what KSA should have done 2-3 decades ago.

somebody said there are more women in universities than men. Did you check what they are studying? I won't go into it, you guys can check them out yourself.
Then there is the unemplyment among women. They are almost universally unemployed. In KSA, the employment figure doesn't include women!!!!! It's probably the only country on earth where unemployment is solely calculated for men! When you read 11-18 percent unemployment in KSA, it's 11-18 percent among men in KSA and not women.

KSA is still DECADES behind even Pakistan. Turkey was no where economically a couple of decades ago but the backbone of the country was solid and built decades ago and is now bearing fruit. KSA doesn't have a backbone. There is no spine.

Women study medicine and medicine sciences in all its fields. Women also study physics, chemistry, biology by all its fields. Women are also studying law(believe it or not there are saudi female lawyers since 20 years ago) and law enforcement. (yes there are women cops in saudi arabia btw).
And about women unemployment just a month ago a bill was signed that all companies in Saudi Arabia MUST hire saudi women if they want to remain open.
Women study medicine and medicine sciences in all its fields. Women also study physics, chemistry, biology by all its fields. Women are also studying law(believe it or not there are saudi female lawyers since 20 years ago) and law enforcement. (yes there are women cops in saudi arabia btw).
And about women unemployment just a month ago a bill was signed that all companies in Saudi Arabia MUST hire saudi women if they want to remain open.
and that prooves my point
even Saudi men are unemplyable and Saudi companies are forced by govt decree to hire saudi males. Now this.
This is not sustainable. There is nothing positive about it and is actually a last measure.

more drastic measures have to be taken.
and that prooves my point
even Saudi men are unemplyable and Saudi companies are forced by govt decree to hire saudi males. Now this.
This is not sustainable. There is nothing positive about it and is actually a last measure.

more drastic measures have to be taken.

the main reason of unemployment in Saudi Arabia is because companies rather hire an expat for 2000 ryals a month to work him 12 hours a day at least. this is not right too the expat or Saudis. After the new decrees I am really seeing more saudi working in grocery stores and stuff like that. And all of them are saying Thank God finally They did not want to hire me because my minimum wage is 3000 ryals and thats what money you need in order to survive in Saudi Arabia with a family. He told me I kept looking for a job everywhere and no one would hire me. I also know someone else who even went to look for a job as a garbage man but they wont hire him even there. Now with the new rules he got a job as a security guard to a mall.

Women are facing the same problems. and in regard to science Saudi women have more jobs in this field than men.
the main reason of unemployment in Saudi Arabia is because companies rather hire an expat for 2000 ryals a month to work him 12 hours a day at least. this is not right too the expat or Saudis. After the new decrees I am really seeing more saudi working in grocery stores and stuff like that. And all of them are saying Thank God finally They did not want to hire me because my minimum wage is 3000 ryals and thats what money you need in order to survive in Saudi Arabia with a family. He told me I kept looking for a job everywhere and no one would hire me. I also know someone else who even went to look for a job as a garbage man but they wont hire him even there. Now with the new rules he got a job as a security guard to a mall.

Women are facing the same problems. and in regard to science Saudi women have more jobs in this field than men.

listen, the main problem in KSA is the lack of any major indigenous industries. The problem is such that you're happy that your country men no longer have to compete with foreigners over grocery store jobs! If KSA wants to be successful, she MUST kick out foreign companies from certain industries COMPLETELY. Doesn't matter what, you guys have to start with smtg, somewhere. Again, look at Turkey, the economy was nothing for a long time but the backbone was strong. I won't go into more detail but I just want you to realize that getting happy when your country has much more potential is dangerous. Band aid sltns are useless when your country is already behind.
listen, the main problem in KSA is the lack of any major indigenous industries. The problem is such that you're happy that your country men no longer have to compete with foreigners over grocery store jobs! If KSA wants to be successful, she MUST kick out foreign companies from certain industries COMPLETELY. Doesn't matter what, you guys have to start with smtg, somewhere. Again, look at Turkey, the economy was nothing for a long time but the backbone was strong. I won't go into more detail but I just want you to realize that getting happy when your country has much more potential is dangerous. Band aid sltns are useless when your country is already behind.

All of what you said is somewhat true. We are working day and night to get indigenous industries up and going. And it is not an easy thing to do. Iran had a kick start by having some 70Million Iranians in it. 40 years ago Saudi Arabia was just some 8 Million at best mostly living in villages and hejars.

40 years ago 80%-90% of the population was illiterate they did not even know how to read and write. My parents generation had jobs just because they learned how to read and write and almost ALL jobs available was teacher jobs that until some 5 years ago everybody was just asking themselves what should I teach chemistry or physics hmmm?? So yeah naturally there is no way in hell we could have come up with an industry on our own at the time.

But now however people ask themselves (Should I be a doctor or a Physics researcher hmmmm?) And that change only happened some 6 years ago and the people who are capable of making such industries are still students now and I am sure you saw the car and the stuff on the other thread it was all made by students.
So yeah I admit my country is behind but we are catching up very very fast.
listen, the main problem in KSA is the lack of any major indigenous industries. The problem is such that you're happy that your country men no longer have to compete with foreigners over grocery store jobs! If KSA wants to be successful, she MUST kick out foreign companies from certain industries COMPLETELY. Doesn't matter what, you guys have to start with smtg, somewhere. Again, look at Turkey, the economy was nothing for a long time but the backbone was strong. I won't go into more detail but I just want you to realize that getting happy when your country has much more potential is dangerous. Band aid sltns are useless when your country is already behind.

Good point, that's what we discussed here and acknowledges in order to make country stronger depending on self-sufficent and self-reliables without West help. Well, Turkey has many suppliers (Israel, South Korea, Germany, Europe partners, NATO), they are still behind in some ways. Not really advanced country but economy does help and NATO cooperations.

I respect Saudi Arabia and Mosamania's explanation, you are doing great in alot of explanation here working hard we appreciate you. Don't lose hope! I assure you, keep in mind, Saudi Arabia is biggest main buyer to import many expensive products from US, UK, vice versa that doesn't make them a powerful country. It is same thing that Iraq with Saddam Hussien used to buy alot of products more than all Muslim countries, now what happen today?
Good point, that's what we discussed here and acknowledges in order to make country stronger depending on self-sufficent and self-reliables without West help. Well, Turkey has many suppliers (Israel, South Korea, Germany, Europe partners, NATO), they are still behind in some ways. Not really advanced country but economy does help and NATO cooperations.

I respect Saudi Arabia and Mosamania's explanation, you are doing great in alot of explanation here working hard we appreciate you. Don't lose hope! I assure you, keep in mind, Saudi Arabia is biggest main buyer to import many expensive products from US, UK, vice versa that doesn't make them a powerful country. It is same thing that Iraq with Saddam Hussien used to buy alot of products more than all Muslim countries, now what happen today?

the difference between the new buying and the old one is that this one includes a lot of ToT because we want to distance ourself from the west but at the same time being able to produce things that will be on the same level as the US and Russia. and this is no easy process by all means. which the same route turkey is doing but they have been doing it for a longer time than us. and for an example of many is this
[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

Which is set to replace all the Humvees we have in the inventory and it is even more advanced than the humvee because it can mount a mchine gun controlled from inside it. and also it offers more protection from mines and RPG fire. So the rule is if we are going to replace something it will be with something much better than it.

And need I remind you of Al-Masmak which is going to be the Main MRAPC of the Saudi Army which is also domestically made to be even better than western or eastern countries are exporting and this is a link for it if you want to read up on it. http://www.armyrecognition.com/saud...rier_technical_data_sheet_specifications.html
Baby steps but sure steps are the successful ones on the long term.
I either keep reading a doom and gloom response regarding KSA or a "look out, KSA is gonna be the next Japan" kind of response. Use your heads people, KSA is doing what KSA should have done 2-3 decades ago.

somebody said there are more women in universities than men. Did you check what they are studying? I won't go into it, you guys can check them out yourself.
Then there is the unemplyment among women. They are almost universally unemployed. In KSA, the employment figure doesn't include women!!!!! It's probably the only country on earth where unemployment is solely calculated for men! When you read 11-18 percent unemployment in KSA, it's 11-18 percent among men in KSA and not women.

KSA is still DECADES behind even Pakistan. Turkey was no where economically a couple of decades ago but the backbone of the country was solid and built decades ago and is now bearing fruit. KSA doesn't have a backbone. There is no spine.

if KSA is decades behind, EVEN Pakistan then KSA must be days behind Iran
Excuse me!...I admit since our society is so closed and dry we have a huge problem of people going out of Saudi Arabia to "have fun" in neighboring arabic countries. there are no belly dance parlors in Saudi Arabia Raptor. And hopefully there will never be one.

And as for the second video I do not care if it was a prince or a homeless person from Saudi Arabia. And I saw this video before and it makes me sick that people from Saudi Arabia save money for an entire year just to go spend it in 2 days on booze and hookers I am not denying this I know it is happening.
The point is your entire videos made no argument since none of this is happening in Saudi soil but by Saudi people who I personally feel sick even looking at and if you are going to take the people like this as they represent the entire Saudi Society then feel free you will only be deceiving yourself.

That is a very good and honest post.
Sure there is always some evil in society,
there will always be some people who will prove to be exception to the rule; this by no measure allows for the whole society to be stereotyped.
There not a single Islamic country, where the above mentioned phenomenon does not exist.
It is worst in Syria, Lebanon and Bahrain.
And all three of these countries enjoy Persian support, in one way or another.
A Guy from Saudi Arabia comes to the forum,

Tells every one HOW his government is trying to uplift his country,

he is humble, and accepts the short comings of the past.


The whole forum thinks it is OK to take pot shots; for what reason ?

It is okay Salman Really. I don't mind that is what I am here for.
A Guy from Saudi Arabia comes to the forum,

Tells every one HOW his government is trying to uplift his country,

he is humble, and accepts the short comings of the past.


The whole forum thinks it is OK to take pot shots; for what reason ?

Exactly man ...Mosamania has earned a good amount of respect in my eyes atleast
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