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Future of Bangladesh

BRAHMINS are the Aryan. Mass people are the Dravidian. Thanks for clarifying that. Your information about the Dravidian is true for the surrendered portion of the Dravidian People, are the so called Lower classes(called by Animal Aryan).

But the Bangladeshi Nation is not surrendered Dravidian Nation. We maintained the freedom of the religion from the ancient time.

If, all the Dravidians know the true tragic history of the ancient Dravidian Nation, they must bounce back and must crush this small but cruel Aryan Cluster( Aggressor, came from Eastern Europe). Proper teaching about the Nationalism should be provided.

We are Bangladesh. We are the continua-tor of the ancient great Dravidian Nation. True defender of the own land, which is proven since the ancient time.

listen dude!!!!.....the dravidians were a small cluster of people who used to inhabit south india!!!!possibly after the fall of the indus valley civilization!!!!!!......the aryans came from central asia and captured much of north india and aslo south india making the dravidians living there their slaves!!!!!........but after so many years i don't think there is a single pure dravidian left!!!!!just their blood like(and a bit more black skin !!!!)runs through a few south indians!!!!!.......stop claiming yourselves as being dravidians!!!!!:hitwall:
yay for the main topic!!!!!........india-bd relations are greatly improving and it should stay that way!!!!!.....then both countries will become economic and military powers!!!!!:yahoo:
listen dude!!!!.....the dravidians were a small cluster of people who used to inhabit south india!!!!possibly after the fall of the indus valley civilization!!!!!!......the aryans came from central asia and captured much of north india and aslo south india making the dravidians living there their slaves!!!!!........but after so many years i don't think there is a single pure dravidian left!!!!!just their blood like(and a bit more black skin !!!!)runs through a few south indians!!!!!.......stop claiming yourselves as being dravidians!!!!!:hitwall:

Dear Aryan,

Everything must not be run by your fatal brain. Dravidians are the ocean,true originator of this territory. Aryans are still clustered by strict marriage policy. They are demons. Dravidians are like the ocean , not slave of any Bastard. Aryans are spoiled pond and still isolated by the strict marriage policy. Those stooges are still prevalent. If all the Dravidian get the true teaching of Nationalism, all the Animals must be kicked off. None can stop that. We are not a myth. We are the continua-tor of the Ancient Dravidian Nation.
Dear Aryan,

Everything must not be run by your fatal brain. Dravidians are the ocean,true originator of this territory. Aryans are still clustered by strict marriage policy. They are demons. Dravidians are like the ocean , not slave of any Bastard. Aryans are spoiled pond and still isolated by the strict marriage policy. Those stooges are still prevalent. If all the Dravidian get the true teaching of Nationalism, all the Animals must be kicked off. None can stop that. We are not a myth. We are the continua-tor of the Ancient Dravidian Nation.

somebody stop this guy from derailing this thread!!!!!!......he is ***!!!!!:lazy:
ha ha!!!!......all bangladeshi's and indian's are friends!!!!!.......stop being of such a negative mentality!!!!

Aryans are of Negative Mentality. Some Nations get spoiled by those cluster. My Bangladesh is not like that. It is free from all types of debris!!!!!!! It is a respectful , true and pure Nation, the Eighth Largest, hard working Nation of the world which has distinct ethnicity than the others.

Never be confused or a tricker.
I am Bangladesh, the continua-tor of ancient Dravidian Muslim nation.

Are you feeling your Noakhali origin? But one mistake!

You have mentioned You are continua-tor of the Muslim root. You are not like that. Yes, Dravidian Muslim root is present Bangladesh. But we maintain the freedom of religion. Maximum Dravidian Hindu root have left us. They are now Indian. That is their right. We may have sorrow for that. But we can not force them to be part of us. But some Dravidian Hindu root are with us. They are essential components of our great Bangladeshi Nation. They proved their purity to their own territory. They are the soil product of Bangladesh. We are prepared from same soil. We are a Nation. Yes, Dravidian Muslim root is the main contributor to the Bangladeshi Nation. But, Bangladesh has some other root to constitute the great Bangladeshi Nation.

Shame on the collaborators and betrayers who left us and made the Dravidian Bangladeshi Nation as the divided as part of the conspiration of the Cruel Aryan Cluster.

We are the continua-tor of the ancient Dravidian Nation. We are the Bangladesh.
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