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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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Which research? Please post a link here. I cant believe alcohol is more harmful than cannabis.

According to the prestigious medical journal The Lancet the 20 most dangerous drugs are:


1) Heroin
2) Cocaine
3) Barbiturates
4) Street methadone
5) Alcohol
6) Ketamine
7) Benzodiazepines
8) Amphetamine
9) Tobacco
10) Buprenorphine
11) Cannabis
12) Solvents
13) 4-MTA
14) LSD
15) Methylphenidate
16) Anabolic steroids
17) GHB
18) Ecstasy
19) Alkyl nitrates
20) Khat

According to prof David Nutt.


BBC News - Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
According to the prestigious medical journal The Lancet the 20 most dangerous drugs are:


1) Heroin
2) Cocaine
3) Barbiturates
4) Street methadone
5) Alcohol
6) Ketamine
7) Benzodiazepines
8) Amphetamine
9) Tobacco
10) Buprenorphine
11) Cannabis
12) Solvents
13) 4-MTA
14) LSD
15) Methylphenidate
16) Anabolic steroids
17) GHB
18) Ecstasy
19) Alkyl nitrates
20) Khat

According to prof David Nutt.


BBC News - Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt

It seems research is not about health effect but social effect.
If he or she can have an opinion on the 'weather' then he can sure as hell have an opinion on 'your religious sensibilities' ! Just as we call the Taliban 'barbarians'...aren't we also issuing an opinion on their 'belief system i.e men and women aren't equal, shi'ites should be persecuted etc.' ?

I wasn't talking about enforcing anything ! I think in a democracy just as the elected representatives of the People get to decide what are 'limits'; where do they start and where do they end, they may well, if mandated by the People who elected them, practise the same in a religious sense and allow the State to have an opinion on matters concerning religion as well ! I would want my State to say : We, collectively, find Taliban's Islam as repugnant and we will not allow its propagation or proselytization in the territorial boundaries of this said country ! Similarly if they say 'the People have decided that Alcohol is not only forbidden as per their belief systems but also a huge menace to our society and we're consequently going to ban its production or consumption...' They'd have the right to do so.
Man you are full of sh*t. You can have your opinion, you can express your opinion, you just can't expect others to share it because they have their own brains to think for themselves.

We are electing governments to serve us not to tell as how to live it just doesn't concern them. I will not give up my freedom of choice to satisfy their political agendas. If you are against this you are no different than taliban. And i consume whatever the phuck i wanna consume.
In India alcohol is considered as "cultural taboo"(not religion). In rural areas of India alcohol had been known for destroying poor families. Men who often indulged in drinking known for beating their wives and children and families ultimately ended up being bankrupt.
That's you will find Indians supporting alcohol-prohibition even it is not related to religion for us.
Cultural taboo is okey but state banning alcohol is not. I think it is still banned in gujrat :(
According to the prestigious medical journal The Lancet the 20 most dangerous drugs are:


1) Heroin
2) Cocaine
3) Barbiturates
4) Street methadone
5) Alcohol
6) Ketamine
7) Benzodiazepines
8) Amphetamine
9) Tobacco
10) Buprenorphine
11) Cannabis
12) Solvents
13) 4-MTA
14) LSD
15) Methylphenidate
16) Anabolic steroids
17) GHB
18) Ecstasy
19) Alkyl nitrates
20) Khat

According to prof David Nutt.


BBC News - Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
He has added harm to others due to alcoholism as a factor but most people in UK live normal life and drink alcohol. Only a minority show extreme addiction.
The other drugs are quite addictive and most people using them face long term health risk.
Zulkarneyn, banning it is not the solvei you can't solve problems by restricting the freedom of people, there should be conditions such as age limit but thats it, you can't enforce people do not consume it just because you don't like it.

I don't say they should ban it because i dislike it but because it is harmful. Both alcohol and cigarettes tops the list in illness. So if they are so damn harmful why not ban them? People will find other ways to spend some quality time beside smoking or drinking.
I don't say they should ban it because i dislike it but because it is harmful. Both alcohol and cigarettes tops the list in illness. So if they are so damn harmful why not ban them? People will find other ways to spend some quality time beside smoking or drinking.
Unlike tobacco alcohol only harms people who consume it therefore there is no point in banning it or even limiting it's consumption.

Thank you, really, but people have their own brains to think for themselves.
Man you are full of sh*t. You can have your opinion, you can express your opinion, you just can't expect others to share it because they have their own brains to think for themselves.

We are electing governments to serve us not to tell as how to live it just doesn't concern them. I will not give up my freedom of choice to satisfy their political agendas. If you are against this you are no different than taliban. And i consume whatever the phuck i wanna consume.

Right now I'm full of 'Kebabs' ! :D

Dude, I do have an opinion and I do respect your right to also hold one but can't I also have an opinion about 'Your Opinion' and what is so wrong about 'expressing it' ! I didn't say for a moment that I or anyone else should forcefully shove it down your throat all I'm saying is that we've made religion out to be 'Ssssh...don't ask to many questions' kinda stuff when I find it hard to believe that if, from a completely non-religious point of view, religion is nothing more than a bunch of ideas with nothing divine about it with its polity falling in the same bracket as 'Socialism', 'English Civil Law, 'Secular Humanism' etc., then why is it such a 'No Go Area ?' Why can't we say : 'Hey we're comparing the Shariah with the Swiss Legal System and the Shariah seems to have some pretty nifty concepts to them whilst others are irrevocable out-dated' or that 'We're comparing Islamic Finance with Capitalism and the former's insistence of equitable share of resources and responsibilities just might be what the world needs but its insistence on the elimination of interest seems conceptually flawed' ! Suffice it to say I'm talking about a debate in the Parliament and then let the People decide...let a majority or a 3/4th majority's decision be binding like in every other issue.

P.S For 'Freedom of Choice' go to my first post !

P.P.S I'm not too different from the Taliban but neither are you sunny boy for the Taliban are just an overzealous manifestation of what we all do in subtle ways - Present our opinion as supremely valid whilst we belittle those who are contrary to ours.
He has added harm to others due to alcoholism as a factor but most people in UK live normal life and drink alcohol. Only a minority show extreme addiction.
The other drugs are quite addictive and most people using them face long term health risk.

Alcohol is harmful only if someone drink it like water everytime. One of my friends was a regular addict and he developed liver problem at very young age. I too drink but just once in a week.
I don't say they should ban it because i dislike it but because it is harmful. Both alcohol and cigarettes tops the list in illness. So if they are so damn harmful why not ban them? People will find other ways to spend some quality time beside smoking or drinking.

Most of the time a ban wouldn't help. A good example is the prohibition in the US from 1920 to 1933. Just look at the Netherlands: cannabis use is tolerated, while less people in Holland have used cannabis in comparison with the people in the US, where cannabis use is illegal.
Actually this particular study is not 'entirely' accurate. Edit: Alcohol is just below Heroine.
According to the prestigious medical journal The Lancet the 20 most dangerous drugs are:


1) Heroin
2) Cocaine
3) Barbiturates
4) Street methadone
5) Alcohol
6) Ketamine
7) Benzodiazepines
8) Amphetamine
9) Tobacco
10) Buprenorphine
11) Cannabis
12) Solvents
13) 4-MTA
14) LSD
15) Methylphenidate
16) Anabolic steroids
17) GHB
18) Ecstasy
19) Alkyl nitrates
20) Khat

According to prof David Nutt.


BBC News - Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
You think consumers don't know its harmful ? you can't decide for adult people's place, even though I support some conditions are necessary, banning it is not the solve.
99 % of Turks are Muslim. Let's pretend it is so, but in fact its not.

Anyway every male Turk I've met in my life drinks alcohol. In fact there are statistics that those provinces of Turkey that are most religious drink more alcohol per capita then the liberal provinces, those hypocrites. You see while apparently 99% of Turks are Muslims on official papers (where you have no other choice but to pic Islam as your religion, that why its 99%) many of those drink alcohol thats the reality.

Yeah, a lot of Turks i've met here in America aren't religious at all, very very secular minded. Secular Turkish Nationalism is good for Turkey otherwise you have the option of becoming another religious nut job country which unfortunately most so called "Islamic" states have turned out to be and they aren't really prospering. Religion should be a personal matter and everyone should have the choice to dress the way they want, if someone wants to wear headscarf then that's their personal choice.

Alcohol should be banned not based on religious reasons, rather facts proven through research and studies otherwise non-religious people will see it as government applying religious restrictions on them.
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