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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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What? Alcohol is more harmful than cannabis or hashish. The only reason why societies doesn't ban it, is because the society makes money out of it.

Alcohol only harms when someone drink it everytime like water.
Alcohol is nothing before fatal Cannabis and Hashish that's why these two are banned everywhere.

Alcohol is called 'umm-ul-khabayis' in islam which roughly translates to mother of all evils. In generic terms, consumption of any substance or material which lets you lose control of senses is not allowed in islam. At the time of advent of islam, the tribes used to consume alcohol. So it was gradually stopped, not outright banned. But once banned, it stays as banned for muslim everywhere.
Why ? Why is religion such a 'No Go' area ? If one can say 'Dude your breaking the Law'...why can't one say 'Dude your breaking Quranic Law' ? Whether that someone agrees or not is another matter altogether.

Very simple:

Laws are made by (democratic) societies while the Quran isn't. Why should I as non-muslim have to obey Islamic rules?

Alcohol only harms when someone drink it everytime like water.

Nonsense. Researchs have proven that alcohol is higher on the (hard)drugs list than cannabis or hashish.
Alcohol is nothing before fatal Cannabis and Hashish that's why these two are banned everywhere.

We're talking about the 'Freedom of Choice' ? Why does such 'freedom' comes with 'restrictions' ? Why not let be decide whether I want to mess up my life or not...? Its my life...let me choose who is the 'State' to tell me 'No..it might be your life but you still can't do it' ? If the answer is : Because 'Freedoms' are indeed 'Privileges' and these restrictions are the prerogatives of a State to decide on behalf of the society that elected them...what is wrong with (and this goes beyond Turkey) a said State comprising of the elected representatives of the Society deciding that we're going to bracket 'Alcohol', 'Smoking' and even 'Bhaaang' with the list of items already decided to be too hazardous for the society to allow their unbridled usage.

P.S Cannabis isn't fatal....its, according to many, not even a drug...its a weed, Rasta !

A Johns Hopkins study published in May 1999, examined marijuana's effects on cognition on 1,318 participants over a 15 year period. Researchers reported "no significant differences in cognitive decline between heavy users, light users, and nonusers of cannabis." They also found "no male-female differences in cognitive decline in relation to cannabis use." "These results ... seem to provide strong evidence of the absence of a long-term residual effect of cannabis use on cognition," they concluded.

Source: Constantine G. Lyketsos, Elizabeth Garrett, Kung-Yee Liang, and James C. Anthony. (1999). "Cannabis Use and Cognitive Decline in Persons under 65 Years of Age," American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 149, No. 9.

P.P.S As per WHO as many as 2.5 million people and 6.5 million people die of Alcohol related deaths and smoking respectively when compared with 1.8 million deaths due to AIDS !
It's personal choice and I believe it should be allowed. Having said that, Turkey does have a problem of under 16 drinking, it needs to be controlled, not by the state, but parents need to educate the younglings.
Very simple:

Laws are made by (democratic) societies while the Quran isn't. Why should I as non-muslim have to obey Islamic rules?

Democracy is the namesake of 'Popular Will' and if the People decide that they'd want 'Socialism', 'Capitalism' or even 'Secularism' as their Polity then why does it become so controversial when the same People decide that they'd want 'Islamic Polity' to govern them ? Even if one were to argue that Islam was completely man-made...so what ? Popular wills demands that the will of the masses be entertained even if they'd install 'Santa Claus' as the President. However as it so happens, Muslims by and large see Islam as a reference point for all that they do and for them its in complete conformity with human logic and consequently just as pristine, if not a lot more, than other amounts of 'isms' out there !

P.S In a democracy theres always a 'minority' ! In a Secular society its the Islamsits, in a Socialist systems its the Capitalists and in an Islamists society its the 'Secularists' - You should obey them because if tables were turned an Islamist would be required to obey your Secular Laws as well !
Why ? Why is religion such a 'No Go' area ? If one can say 'Dude your breaking the Law'...why can't one say 'Dude your breaking Quranic Law' ? Whether that someone agrees or not is another matter altogether.

He or she is not god therefore how i practice my religion isn't his concern. You can speak to your friends about this, you can't force public to obey how you think is appropriate.

If you start forcing religion to people it will no longer be a religion but a cultural necessity to live.
I heard cigarettes are getting banned in New Zealand, becuse it is extremely harmful. Alcohol is also harmful and destroys social harmony, i wouldn't be against banning both alcohol and smoke in Turkey, in fact i would be really glad if something like that happened.
Nonsense. Researchs have proven that alcohol is higher on the (hard)drugs list than cannabis or hashish.

If Cannabis and Hashish are banned, there must be a big reason behind this. I never read the research nor I tasted that.

In really even the 5 rupees fag(cigarette) is more harmful than alcohol. I have heard may people saying you want to develop the habit of alcohol, do it but never develop the habit of cigarette.
Democracy is the namesake of 'Popular Will' and if the People decide that they'd want 'Socialism', 'Capitalism' or even 'Secularism' as their Polity then why does it become so controversial when the same People decide that they'd want 'Islamic Polity' to govern them ?

Because Islamic polity (sharia) doesn't respect the rights of minorities, non-religious people, etc. It impose religious teachings on all people in the society and even interferes in people's personal affair. It goes against many personal freedoms.
What? Alcohol is more harmful than cannabis or hashish. The only reason why societies doesn't ban it, is because the society makes money out of it.
Which research? Please post a link here. I cant believe alcohol is more harmful than cannabis.
Zulkarneyn, banning it is not the solvei you can't solve problems by restricting the freedom of people, there should be conditions such as age limit but thats it, you can't enforce people do not consume it just because you don't like it.
He or she is not god therefore how i practice my religion isn't his concern. You can speak to your friends about this, you can't force public to obey how you think is appropriate.

If you start forcing religion to people it will no longer be a religion but a necessity.

If he or she can have an opinion on the 'weather' then he can sure as hell have an opinion on 'your religious sensibilities' ! Just as we call the Taliban 'barbarians'...aren't we also issuing an opinion on their 'belief system i.e men and women aren't equal, shi'ites should be persecuted etc.' ?

I wasn't talking about enforcing anything ! I think in a democracy just as the elected representatives of the People get to decide what are 'limits'; where do they start and where do they end, they may well, if mandated by the People who elected them, practise the same in a religious sense and allow the State to have an opinion on matters concerning religion as well ! I would want my State to say : We, collectively, find Taliban's Islam as repugnant and we will not allow its propagation or proselytization in the territorial boundaries of this said country ! Similarly if they say 'the People have decided that Alcohol is not only forbidden as per their belief systems but also a huge menace to our society and we're consequently going to ban its production or consumption...' They'd have the right to do so.
I heard cigarettes are getting banned in New Zealand, becuse it is extremely harmful. Alcohol is also harmful and destroys social harmony, i wouldn't be against banning both alcohol and smoke in Turkey, in fact i would be really glad if something like that happened.

In India alcohol is considered as "cultural taboo"(not religion). In rural areas of India alcohol had been known for destroying poor families. Men who often indulged in drinking known for beating their wives and children and families ultimately ended up being bankrupt.
That's you will find Indians supporting alcohol-prohibition even it is not related to religion for us.
Because Islamic polity (sharia) doesn't respect the rights of minorities, non-religious people, etc. It impose religious teachings on all people in the society and even interferes in people's personal affair. It goes against many personal freedoms.

One might also argue that the converse is true : Secular polity doesn't respect the rights of the Islamists or all those who'd call themselves as practising Muslims who believe in the communal aspects of their religion. It goes against an Islamist's personal freedom to decide to have his or her affairs managed as per the Shariah i.e Personal Laws or even to have his finances managed as per Islamic Finance ! So dude it works both ways and there is nothing 'hallowed', even in a secular sense, about either of them.
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