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Friends .Who is the Kalash people?

You Hindus are despised because of your treatment to your own fellow Hindus.

Indian casteism is why we consider you inferior.

You guys are the ones always harping on about how we are all human.

Yes, the caste system is an abomination and a curse and a distortion of the Hindu scriptures. Not all but in fact a minority community of the Hindus still stick to that outdated cultural system. Can we likewise now start considering Muslims "inferior" due to their communal strife such as killings between Shia and Sunni etc ? Don't bother answering Aslam since we are going fftopic and the Mods may get peeved off. Ciao. Have a good day

Dude, do you really live in Zimbabwe???

Yeah, am posted in Harare
Yes, the caste system is an abomination and a curse and a distortion of the Hindu scriptures. Not all but in fact a minority community of the Hindus still stick to that outdated cultural system. Can we likewise now start considering Muslims "inferior" due to their communal strife such as killings between Shia and Sunni etc ? Don't bother answering Aslam since we are going fftopic and the Mods may get peeved off. Ciao. Have a good day

Yeah, am posted in Harare

My name is Raza Ali.

If you want a serious discussion, provide me your email.
Yes, the caste system is an abomination and a curse and a distortion of the Hindu scriptures. Not all but in fact a minority community of the Hindus still stick to that outdated cultural system. Can we likewise now start considering Muslims "inferior" due to their communal strife such as killings between Shia and Sunni etc ? Don't bother answering Aslam since we are going fftopic and the Mods may get peeved off. Ciao. Have a good day

Yeah, am posted in Harare

Any hot black chicks there? :D Is it nice? I hear Harare is a relatively developed city.
Any hot black chicks there? :D Is it nice? I hear Harare is a relatively developed city.

Yeah, Zim has some pretty awesome ladies. Harare is a nice city except for the blackouts at times but we have generators for that

My name is Raza Ali.

If you want a serious discussion, provide me your email.

Sorry Raza Ali. Didn't mean to offend you. Yeah private message me and will give you my email
Yeah, Zim has some pretty awesome ladies. Harare is a nice city except for the blackouts at times but we have generators for that

Sorry Raza Ali. Didn't mean to offend you. Yeah private message me and will give you my email

LOL @ generators. Are you guys going to exchange pics and talk about who has more aryan genes?
LOL @ generators. Are you guys going to exchange pics and talk about who has more aryan genes?

I don't have any "aryan" genes lol. Noways that I am sending my pic to a dude. I am married for 2 years now and don't want my sweetheart kicking me out of the house for being weird :D
I don't have any "aryan" genes lol. Noways that I am sending my pic to a dude. I am married for 2 years now and don't want my sweetheart kicking me out of the house for being weird :D

Just curious. Are you married to a black chick?
Just curious. Are you married to a black chick?

Areh bhai, can you imagine a guy from Delhi returning home with a Black chick? My father is an ex army general. He would place me before a firing squad :D

My wife is from Punjab
I've had experiences with Indians that are also Punjabis just like me. They are dark as hell and facial features are not similar at all.

I've only met one Sikh Indian kid that looked like a Pakistani to me, and trust me. I have met dozens and dozens of Indians in the states.

World is formed by Migration. just for one minute you forget your Islamic belief and look at this picture..


Now lets talk about Migration in India
1. Earliest wave: Almost 100,000 years ago, Our ancestors traveled from Africa-->Arab-->India-->Indonasia-->Australia (You can find those descendant in Australia, Andaman)
2. Late waves: there were many wave when ppl migrated to India.

In short every one on earth are descendant of migrated ppl. Only difference is time, some one migrated 100 years ago some one 10,000 ear ago
Bro there is no need to feel bad for having dark skin or light skin. Both represent part of human phenotypic diversity. Imagine how boring the world would be if everyone were the same colour? :)

I also dont care about skin colour.Its not about skin color .Its about color in our brain and heart. When some white guy come and talk like a dumb person who care about him except laughing.
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