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'Friendly nation' supplied outdated satellite images during Kargil conflict: ex-Army chief

Few days time is enough to gather all the intel required.

Not always bro,a satalite may pass over a particular point varying from once in every 90 minutes to once or twice in a day. An average observation satelite makes a pass at once in every 6 hours.A lot of factors can hinder intel gathering during these "passes",a cloud cover,climatic changes etc etc.

Naah I meant is US the friendly nation we are talking about???

I got that at the first time itself,
We were under economic sanctions,and US and India was only begining to come under normal relations.We were a long time USSR ally,and US was pakistan's boyfriend for a long time.With the fall of USSR ,India and USA was only begining to come under good relations.
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Yeah his statement confused me too.
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Indian Navy celebrates its silent Kargil victory - India - DNA

And this
"Thirty Indian Naval ships parked themselves outside Karachi. Just 13 nautical miles from the harbour, in the contiguous waters. It did the trick. It conveyed to Pakistan what the warfare in Himalayas and diplomatic channels could not spell out. They started pulling out of Kargil."

Outside Karachi...!!!
I saw them inside Karachi harbour... :)
So,what do you think who won the kargil war?

Do not take the bait bro.

Outside Karachi...!!!
I saw them inside Karachi harbour... :)

There was a every possibility of you seeing them inside Karachi Harbour had a full scale war had broken out.Fortunately there were wise minds on both sides of the border.
A full scale war would've definitly ended up with both our nations nuking each other.
Pretty sure it was Russia. Israel wasn't technically advanced enough to have high quality satellite images back in '99.

There was a every possibility of you seeing them inside Karachi Harbour

You think 20 ships were enough to invade one of the biggest cities in the world? Karachi is extremely dense, there's no way IA would have been able to advance, nevermind the role of PAF...
india is super power , israel upgraded its jets to operate at high altitude in Kargil and a 'friendly nation' provided them with satellite imagery
this also goes to show that Pakistan has closet enemies aka 'the hidden hands' , something for those who shout 'conspiracy threory' to take note
Pretty sure it was Russia. Israel wasn't technically advanced enough to have high quality satellite images back in '99.

You think 20 ships were enough to invade one of the biggest cities in the world? Karachi is extremely dense, there's no way IA would have been able to advance, nevermind the role of PAF...

No,20 ships aren't definitly not enough.I said "had a full scale broken out".

There was a every possibility of you seeing them inside Karachi Harbour had a full scale war had broken out.Fortunately there were wise minds on both sides of the border.
A full scale war would've definitly ended up with both our nations nuking each other.

I case of a full scale war,the entire Indian Navy would've been there.
whoever the friendly country may be.. its our human intelligence that failed . no finger pointing to other countries. General wants to sell his book!
Kargil was a brilliant plan , one that caught india with its pants down , Pakistan's hidden enemies came to india aid other wise india would not have been able to break free from the siege
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