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French Secularism: Debate on banning all Religious symbols !

It does become a factor when Muslims claim that they are better at treating minorities.

Then those people making that claim need to be ignored. Answering a distraction by another distraction is not the way to go.

France is "muscularly secular".

You can use any combination of adjectives to dance you way around the blatant duplicity. Either France is secular, or it is not. Their laws favor some religions, so they are not secular. No two ways about it.

Muslims [...] had high enough crime rates

Here we go. You just can't resist with your anti-Muslim rants in any thread, can you?
Even assuming that your gratuitous accusations are correct, what on Earth do they have to do with a woman wearing a head scarf?

I don't think it is anti Islam move as Islam doesn't mandate any dress code as per most of you. Apparently they are disapproving all conspicuous symbols in public schools only.

We've been through this already. Traditional Muslim religious symbols (headscarf) are conspicuous; traditional Christian symbols (pendant) are not. The laws are worded specifically to allow Christian symbols.

If you want separation of religion and state, say 'no religious symbols'. Why put in the word 'conspicuous'?
Then those people making that claim need to be ignored. Answering a distraction by another distraction is not the way to go.

One of them is the one in front of your computer!

You can use any combination of adjectives to dance you way around the blatant duplicity.

It's not a term invented by me and I am sure you have read it before. They are different from the multi cultural approach of UK and salad bar approach of USA.

Either France is secular, or it is not. Their laws favor some religions, so they are not secular. No two ways about it.

I am not sure I would look at it that way.

Every country tries to find some balance that works for it. There are no absolutes in the real world.

Here we go. You just can't resist with your anti-Muslim rants in any thread, can you?

There is nothing anti Muslim there, just a hypothesis of what could have prompted the new rules.

Even assuming that your gratuitous accusations are correct, what on Earth do they have to do with a woman wearing a head scarf?

If it is true and assuming that they want those who chose France over their own countries to integrate better and adapt French culture, the rules seem to make some sense.

We've been through this already. Traditional Muslim religious symbols (headscarf) are conspicuous; traditional Christian symbols (pendant) are not. The laws are worded specifically to allow Christian symbols.

I won't blame you if you look at it that way. I just don't think it is anti Islam. I think they want the immigrants to integrate better and adapt French cultural values.

Whether that is right or wrong is another issue. I think they are going a little to extreme. A scarf can't harm anyone and is a beautiful garment.

If you want separation of religion and state, say 'no religious symbols'. Why put in the word 'conspicuous'?

In a "musculary secular" society having issues in integrating a large number of immigrants that are not integrating well, one can see why.
I think , Muslim countries should bring in laws ie "if french women come to our countries they MUST wear a burka to respect our culture." tit for tat :lol:

btw its getting dirty -- very french way !
I think Saudi Arabia already does it!!!!!!!!! Not only for french but for all nationalities
Then stop going ther to earn the $$$$$

heh... pathetic lame argument... you probably dont realize that people called me at my home asking me to come over to their country to work... I m only being nice to them by working here... integration my friend has nothing to do with work... next time you make a stupid comment like that, keep this in mind...

One can work wherever he likes as long as the contract is permissible according to Islam... does nt mean he has to adopt the culture of the person who employes him/her... If you had a Muslim employer would you pray five times a day?
heh... pathetic lame argument... you probably dont realize that people called me at my home asking me to come over to their country to work... I m only being nice to them by working here... integration my friend has nothing to do with work... next time you make a stupid comment like that, keep this in mind...

One can work wherever he likes as long as the contract is permissible according to Islam... does nt mean he has to adopt the culture of the person who employes him/her... If you had a Muslim employer would you pray five times a day?

I am sure you must be a brilliant worker and every company in the world will be willing to offer you work at a handsome package but that does not mean that they have to be indebted to you.If you work in a company you will have to follow the rules and regulations of the company. This is similar to following the culture traditions and laws of your host country. Havent you heard of the saying "When in Rome do as Romans do"

If you dont like the laws feel free to go to someplace where you like the laws. In a free market you are not a slave of the company and neither are they obligated to keep you in employment. If you are not comfortable with their rules they will find someone else.
We got same problems here in Norway against Muslim women should not wear hijab.
But it was not so serious as well in France it happened.
I bet, thats why they keep moving to America right? Because they were so free in Pakistan, Afghanistan, any Arab country. Hindus, Christians nor Jews have ever been persecuted there...

They migrate to america for $$$$$ not for religious freedom.
One of them is the one in front of your computer!

Different thread, different discussion. Try to stick to the topic in a thread instead of seeing every thread as an opportunity to bash Muslims.

It's not a term invented by me and I am sure you have read it before. They are different from the multi cultural approach of UK and salad bar approach of USA.

Never heard of it and it is a meaningless phrase anyway to justify intolerance.

Every country tries to find some balance that works for it. There are no absolutes in the real world.

Convenient justification for selective discrimination against certain religions. Won't fly in a country that prides itself on its 'secularism'.

There is nothing anti Muslim there, just a hypothesis of what could have prompted the new rules.

You are hopeless with actual facts, never mind hypotheses...

If it is true and assuming that they want those who chose France over their own countries to integrate better and adapt French culture, the rules seem to make some sense.

Not interested in pursuing wild goose chases based on your whims. Stick to the topic at hand instead of your usual runaround when you can't respond.

I won't blame you if you look at it that way. I just don't think it is anti Islam. I think they want the immigrants to integrate better and adapt French cultural values.

It's no surprise that you would think that. It doesn't make it right or justified.

In a "musculary secular" society having issues in integrating a large number of immigrants that are not integrating well, one can see why.

Ah yes, desperation time! Time to fall back on the 'integration' canard again.

So, in other words, you have no rebuttal to the actual points I raised?
Didn't think so.
Different thread, different discussion. Try to stick to the topic in a thread instead of seeing every thread as an opportunity to bash Muslims.

Never heard of it and it is a meaningless phrase anyway to justify intolerance.

Convenient justification for selective discrimination against certain religions. Won't fly in a country that prides itself on its 'secularism'.

You are hopeless with actual facts, never mind hypotheses...

Not interested in pursuing wild goose chases based on your whims. Stick to the topic at hand instead of your usual runaround when you can't respond.

It's no surprise that you would think that. It doesn't make it right or justified.

Ah yes, desperation time! Time to fall back on the 'integration' canard again.

So, in other words, you have no rebuttal to the actual points I raised?
Didn't think so.

If you did not notice, Vinod2070 is banned.

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