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Free Tibet, Our Right: Tibetan exiles

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First you see your self. How many days will you suppress and hide the internal revolt that is going on in.

The only ones with enough numbers to overthrow the Chinese Government, are the Han Chinese. It has always been this way.

India on the other hand, has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the whole world. And their birth rate is far higher than the Hindu birth rate... it's only a matter of time before India becomes Muslim majority.

Also, don't you just love this guy?

The only ones with enough numbers to overthrow the Chinese Government, are the Han Chinese. It has always been this way.

India on the other hand, has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the whole world. And their birth rate is far higher than the Hindu birth rate... it's only a matter of time before India becomes Muslim majority.

Also, don't you just love this guy?


That guy's poster you are spamming now in forum is in Interpol's wanted list.

Are you alright?
Does that mean: Long Live President Dawood?

If so, then I agree. :cheers:

Lol, you silly kid.........you dont have a clue do you ? Do you even know who dawood is? Or even what he represents? Just dont go blaming the Indians on pdf when interpol or even the Chinese cops come knocking at your front door.
Though this move by censor board is quite childish, but there was no point of attracting unwanted controversies in such a nice movie.
ROCKSTAR is definitely one of the best bollywood movie i came across in recent time.
Sir please - the poor indians are on their knees - I plead clemency for them. ;)

Rafi...there may be dawood worshippers in Pakistan...and this is understandable. But dont go on encouraging the kid to get himself landed in some Chinese prison. Seriously dude, the guy has no clue......
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