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Free Tibet, Our Right: Tibetan exiles

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Buddy even your own Indian Muslims are supporting Dawood.

How do you think LeT and IM are able to move around so easily inside India? :azn:

And who give you this invaluable piece of information? You are making fun of yourself. Bring it more.:cheesy:
Buddy even your own Indian Muslims are supporting Dawood.

How do you think LeT and IM are able to move around so easily inside India? :azn:

Kid, not even Pakistani members dare to say what you're saying. Just stop. You may think you're doing something great...but all you're doing is painting a big target on your back. Im saying this out of concern.
Tibetans only protest by burning themselves. Nothing they do can provide any real challenge the Government.

Mark my words - One day the embassy of Free Tibet will open in Akbar road,New Delhi and I hope you live to see it. :agree:

President Dawood of Free Kashmir on the other hand, he is looking for some payback for the tens of thousands of Muslims that have been butchered in Kashmir and also in Gujarat.

You dont have a clue what you are talking about..Do you ? LeT being Indian...Dawood associated with Kashmir...LOL..

India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world, how long do you think they will allow oppression by the majority Hindus before they start blowing up your cities? Oh wait... they already do that.

If that Dalai the traitor dare to come back to Tibet, I'll go back home and kick his o1ss for what he did to our people.
you mad? and what u gonna do it about it? replace your tampon and take some midol for your PMS and get a diaper for your mouth because a lot of sht is coming out of it

Kid, not even Pakistani members dare to say what you're saying. Just stop. You may think you're doing something great...but all you're doing is painting a big target on your back. Im saying this out of concern.

LOL buddy you are concerned about me? I believe that.

Long Live President Dawood! :cheers:
Pakistan and China are united in preventing the neo-colonial savage hegemonic nation of india, hurting the smaller countries in the region. :pakistan::china:
The Muslim population in India, is growing much faster than the Hindu population.

They will turn from the hundreds of millions they currently are, into close to a billion one day. It is inevitable.

The ruling Hindus will not allow that, and it will most likely degenerate into a massive civil war. With Pakistani nukes in the balance, waiting for an opportunity to free more of their brothers.

Cool story bro.

Now wake up.

I don't make these maps and flags good sir, they are available on the free internet.:)

Chinese : "Free Internet..whats that bro ?"
I'd like to share a poetry perfect for this farce of "FT".

This tiny sphere,
  Finds a few flies here and there,
  Darting against wall
  Humming drops of tear!
  Ants only assume their colony a big state,
  Mayflies just can’t do the giant tree toppling.
  The west wind scatters leaves on the capital street,
  Now like flying arrows twanging.
  The whole world rolls on,
  With so many urgent deeds to be done
  As time presses, seize the day seize the hour!
  For Ten thousand years would be too long.
  Four Seas‘re surging with clouds and waters raging,
  Five Continents‘re rocking with wind and thundering.
  Wipe out all pests,
  We are always winning!

By Mao Zedong.
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