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France starts ban on full-face veil

No where. Burqa is a dress mostly used in south east asia, mostly Pakistan and Afghanistan. Islam only gives guide lines not the specifics. like in this case it requires a woman to cover her body and hair in such a manner that her body shape is not visible/evident.

Photo for Id/passport is taken once and is not dispalyed openly to everyone.
Then why shouldnt men cover there hair & body...cant a women peep from slits in burqa to a mens chest...why hypocrisy only for women...Even Hindus had same backward rules like Ghooghat...wearing white saree after husbands death...sati etc...but most are abolished now...thanx to the strict rules made by the government...I believe if a Hindu women wear Ghooghat in public then it is backwardness & sing of suppression, the same goes for burqua & Muslim women
there is a BIG difference between saudis and other muslim countries around the world, hope you know that!

why is this shamefull. May be its the law of their state, just like the law the french has made against muslim women. why support one annd criticize other.
I criticize both.
there is a BIG difference between saudis and other muslim countries around the world, hope you know that!
I have heard that Both believe in One god & talk about Muslim brotherhood...eventually all muslims belong to 1 UMMA etc thing...now u say saudis are different from other muslims...
Then why shouldnt men cover there hair & body...cant a women peep from slits in burqa to a mens chest...why hypocrisy only for women...Even Hindus had same backward rules like Ghooghat...wearing white saree after husbands death...sati etc...but most are abolished now...thanx to the strict rules made by the government...I believe if a Hindu women wear Ghooghat in public then it is backwardness & sing of suppression, the same goes for burqua & Muslim women

Listen I can't give you any logic, for us muslims this what Allah has ruled. period. To us Allah is the greatest authority. We can't question him. We cant challenge him. We just follow his orders.
I have heard that Both believe in One god & talk about Muslim brotherhood...eventually all muslims belong to 1 UMMA etc thing...now u say saudis are different from other muslims...

Probably what he meant by being different is the style of rule, not muslims or Islam. Muslims are same everywhere.
Listen I can't give you any logic, for us muslims this what Allah has ruled. period. To us Allah is the greatest authority. We can't question him. We cant challenge him. We just follow his orders.
Then that same Allah never ordered that women should wear burqua...stop following the old rules blindly which mullas propagate...the same Allah said all human beings are equal irrespective of gender...
I do not disregard any religion. this is what my religion teaches me. respect other religions and don't call names o their gods.
I can only talk of my religion, why no burqa, niqab for non muslims? you should ask that questions to Guru nanak, Bhuda, Bhagwan. etc.
No God is not exclusive to muslims only. God is the only one true god who created every thing, and everything will ultimately return to him. It's just a matter of belief. We believe in one God and try to live our lives as he wants us to live.

The difference is our religion is our way of life. We do not and can not treat them seperately. What your religion teaches you, you follow that, and I respect that. but at the same time I want other religions to be tollerant and let all other religions to be followed by their followers and not introduce laws which take away this basic right.

You should stick to Islamic republics then..There they won't force you to unveil your face but they encourage it. Western societies are built on different norms which doesn't sit well with Islam. They have been quite successful in this world. You either follow their rules in their country or you don't go there. I see your choice is very simple.
Probably what he meant by being different is the style of rule, not muslims or Islam. Muslims are same everywhere.

Thats what i said wearing Burqua is Cultural practise not a religious practise...there may be few women who likes to stay Inside a burqua, but there may also be thousand others who with the fear of religious obligation wear it...
Welcome to the 21st century.:toast_sign:

Where most people have advanced so much in science but become intollerant and backwards in spiritual enlighenment. Where people claim to have advanced knowledge of many things but don't know who created them and why? where people spned billions and years to know what's out there in space but do not search for their true creator. where religion is treated as a dress which can be worn / taken off at will. where they have made laws that every individual is accountable for his own deeeds, but when it comes to religion they think somebody else can take the punishment for their bad deeds and they will go to heaven. Where they make laws to make all citizens accountable but forget that their creater has also made laws to hold them accountable.

this is really such a shame that despite being so advanced and academically educated, most humans have become backward and ignorant.
Where most people have advanced so much in science but become intollerant and backwards in spiritual enlighenment. Where people claim to have advanced knowledge of many things but don't know who created them and why? where people spned billions and years to know what's out there in space but do not search for their true creator. where religion is treated as a dress which can be worn / taken off at will. where they have made laws that every individual is accountable for his own deeeds, but when it comes to religion they think somebody else can take the punishment for their bad deeds and they will go to heaven. Where they make laws to make all citizens accountable but forget that their creater has also made laws to hold them accountable.

this is really such a shame that despite being so advanced and academically educated, most humans have become backward and ignorant.

Like killing innocents will get you 72 virgins in heaven right? We are happy that we are not so enlightened like you are. We just wanna live this life the way we want. I don't necessarily believe in voice from heaven unless I hear it. There were several people who claimed to heard so I chose not to believe them.
nice job by France, it is a start of new era. all useless customs relating to diff religions should be banned.
The principles on which France is based on should not be allowed to be bent due to some islamic religious immigrants from middle est and eastern europe....i think they should create certain rules which will help to keep their society homogenous and free from external influence.....and to all those who think French only roam around naked.....please don't forget we are the descendants of naked cave man!!!

The principals on which france is based on also makes it illegal to kill new born on the basis of sex, like they kill baby girls in india. It is also illegal in france to force a widow to be burned alive with her dead husband, or to force her never to re-marry again, ot to force her to only wear white Sari for the remainder of her life, or to force her never to sleep on bed, only on the floor (if not aleready burned alive with the husband). There holy cows can not roam freely on the streets. They alsoo do not approve of people using cow urine to "Clean/sterilize" thier homes. they also do not approve of the idea of four seperate casts, like it is practised in india.

Why don't you some time spend some time just thinking honestly how empty amd morally bankrupt your own soocial and religios ssytem is before you come here and comment on Ilam which is beyond your grasp becaus eof your nartrow minded approach. If you want to study about ?isalm, study it as a religion without attaching to any nationality specially Pakistani's. May be Allah may show you some light.
Talk about yourself only. Following others will not make you european, you would still remain the same backward rootless Pakistan.

so you have run out of you arguments. no more discussions with a person who cant even com up with a sigle line original sentence, but keep reading son, may be you'll learn a thing or two, though I seriously doubt it.
nice job by France, it is a start of new era. all useless customs relating to diff religions should be banned.

You Indians can only do this, try banning the turban worn bu Sikhs, or even the burqa/niqab worn by muslim women in india.
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