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France starts ban on full-face veil

Exactly there are not any solid argument or reasoning against this ban except personal hate and bigotry

Even the Islamization in Europe is becoming a unchangeable reality, then the White people shouldn't blame the Muslims except themselves.

Just look what they did to Libya which caused so many homeless refugees.

They have robbed the natural resources from the Islamic land for centuries, now they gonna pay for the sins they committed.
You have extended the topic really too far.

We should never forget the history and that is why China builds stronger army to protect itself. We won't let the past repeat. However, that is not what is talked about here.

The talk here is about French's ban on Burqa since it is a symbol of repressing against women. And I strongly support French's ban on this full facial covered clothes.

About stirring up the tension between Chinese and Muslims??? You are saying that as Chinese, I cannot point out those ugly problems that exist in current muslim culture and countries???

Even in muslims, there are some members who still posess common sense, e.g. from post #270 on page 18:

"Islamic countries do not let non-Muslims open bars, Saudi Arabia doesn't let temples, churches, or anything else be constructed in their country. We expect non-Muslims to live by our standards, but we cry 'freedom & secular democracy' in their situation. Typical hypocrisy. The truth of the better is, even with this face veil thing, they are far more respectful to our religion than we are to theirs. In the US, we have our mosques, Islamic (Sunday) schools, Islamic centers, Imam Bargahs (for Shias). No one kills in the name of religion. We have Taraweeh during Ramadhan for our Sunni brothers, Friday prayers for everyone, we have full freedom observing Lailut-Qadr in Ramadhan & Ashoora in Muharram. Hijabi women are not left out of any way. Niqabi women however, create an awkward situation for everyone."

By your logic, Japan has done the "rape of nanjing", so we should bomb Japan now???

France and U.K. have started two opium wars and we should invade them to get our revenge???

Well, Libya has never invaded China, why don't we let Gaddafi wipe out all of those rebels?

Well, Egypt and China has never had any war in between and China has good relation with Egypt. Why don't we give more tanks and weapons and let Mubarak kill all of those who are against him???

Your logic is really twisted.

Those who have not invaded or exploited China do not indicated they are on the right side. Those who have done wrong to China in the past do not mean they are always against China.

A so-called "friend" who always pick the good words to praise and choose to ignore the dark and ugly facts is a good friend???

In that case, the whole Europe chose to ignore Hitler's cleansing of Jews for a long time just to remain friends with Germany. Are they the true friends of German people???

Keep your focus or drop it.

You wanna stir up the tension the Chinese and the Muslims. What is your true motive?

Did the Muslims sell the opium to China?

Did the Muslims burn down our palace?

Did the Muslims occupy our country as 8 invading nations?

Did the Muslims exploit the Chinese workers in building the railway?

Did the Muslims rob our land in Northeast Asia and Outer Mongolia?

Did the Muslims commit the massacre in Nanjing?

China sees most of the Muslim nations as a fellow companion who both shared a unfortunate future.

Only the West and its puppets wanna see they both kill each other.
You have extended the topic really too far.

We should never forget the history and that is why China builds stronger army to protect itself. We won't let the past repeat. However, that is not what is talked about here.

The talk here is about French's ban on Burqa since it is a symbol of repressing against women. And I strongly support French's ban on this full facial covered clothes.

About stirring up the tension between Chinese and Muslims??? You are saying that as Chinese, I cannot point out those ugly problems that exist in current muslim culture and countries???

Even in muslims, there are some members who still posess common sense, e.g. from post #270 on page 18:

"Islamic countries do not let non-Muslims open bars, Saudi Arabia doesn't let temples, churches, or anything else be constructed in their country. We expect non-Muslims to live by our standards, but we cry 'freedom & secular democracy' in their situation. Typical hypocrisy. The truth of the better is, even with this face veil thing, they are far more respectful to our religion than we are to theirs. In the US, we have our mosques, Islamic (Sunday) schools, Islamic centers, Imam Bargahs (for Shias). No one kills in the name of religion. We have Taraweeh during Ramadhan for our Sunni brothers, Friday prayers for everyone, we have full freedom observing Lailut-Qadr in Ramadhan & Ashoora in Muharram. Hijabi women are not left out of any way. Niqabi women however, create an awkward situation for everyone."

By your logic, Japan has done the "rape of nanjing", so we should bomb Japan now???

France and U.K. have started two opium wars and we should invade them to get our revenge???

Well, Libya has never invaded China, why don't we let Gaddafi wipe out all of those rebels?

Well, Egypt and China has never had any war in between and China has good relation with Egypt. Why don't we give more tanks and weapons and let Mubarak kill all of those who are against him???

Your logic is really twisted.

Those who have not invaded or exploited China do not indicated they are on the right side. Those who have done wrong to China do not mean they are always against China.

A so-called "friend" who always pick the good words to praise and choose to ignore the dark and ugly facts is a good friend???

In that case, the whole Europe chose to ignore Hitler's cleansing of Jews for a long time just to remain friend with Germany. Are they the true friends of German people???

Keep your focus or drop it.

At least Islam never sent any insurgency to China, unlike some so-called democratic nation who has planned to break China apart for over half century.

Most Chinese people can distinguish their real enemy.

Oh, and Saudi is one of the most close allies of your beloved US master. How ironic you are criticizing a regime which is totally supported by your white master.
Are you sure about that?

Who has supported and funded those Uighur separatists/terrorists? Who has trained them?

Turkey has openly supported them, harbored them and funded them. Saudi is another big donor. In addition, where are the training camps for those bastards???

You have never heard about the insurgencies in Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu and etc for the past three hundred years: during Kangxi emperor, YongZheng emperor, Qianglong Emperor, JiaQing, DaoGuang, XianFeng as well as Cixi Era during Qing time. After Republic of China established, there WERE still many insurgencies there, even Sheng Shicai had to put down them by himself.

They never invaded China? Well, first they have tried. During mid-tang and later-tang era, they did. During the last three hundred years, either they were defeated by China since Qing is so powerful, or they did not get the chance since they were also being invaded by the west then. Second, they have funded such insurgencies historically for the past three hundred years against China. Maybe we can call them the old "freedom fighters" in the Qing or Republic of China time.

I bet you have never heard of "杀回赶汉".

BTW, I suggest that you really have a tour in Xinjiang or even LanZhou. I do not even suggest the Uighur or muslim dominated region, just Urumqi where Han has more. Take a bus there and try to stand by the side of Uighurs for 1 minute. In addition, if you accidentally step on the foot of a Uighur, well, let me know then what happens next!!! BTW, do not RUN when you see the knife and tell them like them just like their brother. I suppose those almost two hundred Han Chinese massacred in Urumqi not long ago forgot to say that, right???

At least Islam never sent any insurgency to China, unlike some so-called democratic nation who has planned to break China apart for over half century.

Most Chinese people can distinguish their real enemy.
Are you sure about that?

Who has supported and funded those Uighur separatists/terrorists? Who has trained them?

Turkey has openly supported them, harbored them and funded them. Saudi is another big donor. In addition, where are the training camps for those bastards???

You have never heard the insurgencies in Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu and etc for the past three hundred years: during Kangxi emperor, YongZheng emperor, Qianglong Emperor, JiaQing, DaoGuang, XianFeng as well as Cixi Era during Qing time. After Republic of China established, there are still many insurgencies there, even Sheng Shicai had to put down them by himself.

They never invaded China? Well, first they did not get the chance since they are also being invaded by the west then. Second, they have funded such insurgencies historically for the past three hundred years against China. Maybe we can call them the old "freedom fighters" in the Qing or Republic of China time.

I know some Pan-Turkish Ultranationalists are indeed annoying, but still Turkey itself is a Nato member, which is one of the closest political allies of US.

Most of the Muslim rebellions in the late Qing Dynasty was all backed by the Tsarist Russia.

Again, your analogy of "Muslim = the biggest enemy of China" fails.
yesterday, a girl travelling in train in UP was thrown out of train, she lost her leg bcoz she refused to give them her jewellery,,,,,,
Sports minister has announced Rs 25000 for her as govt sympathy,,,,
i dont understand is ths wht these indians call it as respect to women,,,
I reply from my cell phone so forgive my spelling mistakes. I also like those who prove their superiority by correcting the English of others :)

He got mentally enslaved by his white master, this spontaneously strip off his Chinese identity as well.
The Islamic civilization has preserved the Greco-Roman culture which was totally eradicated during the dark age by the Christianity.

The White people should be grateful to Islam as it in fact has protected their ancestral civilization from the total annihilation from the Christianity.
The Islamic civilization has preserved the Greco-Roman culture which was totally eradicated during the dark age by the Christianity.

The White people should be grateful to Islam as it in fact has protected their ancestral civilization from the total annihilation from the Christianity.

I hope you realise that Islamic civilization sat on the laps of Indian and Chinese Civilizations.
I hope you realise that Islamic civilization sat on the laps of Indian and Chinese Civilizations.

As one of your fellow Indian poster explained, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis were originally low caste Hindus, so there was nothing wrong for them to convert into Islam in order to improve their social status.
The Islamic civilization has preserved the Greco-Roman culture which was totally eradicated during the dark age by the Christianity.

The White people should be grateful to Islam as it in fact has protected their ancestral civilization from the total annihilation from the Christianity.

What? I can't see how Islamic states preserved Greco-Roman culture.
You`re no Israeli, i know that for a fact, stop pretending to be. You might live in Israel but you are not one of us.I won`t bother arguing that Judaism gave birth to all Abrahamic religions nor will i argue that Judaism existed centuries before Islam.
Might i suggest though that you bless everyday you draw breath as a free man in a free country before soon enough you`ll be expelled to your beloved Palestine?

It TAkes one to know one ;) see in red

btw what the heck does me being ISraeli or not got to with the topic at hand , just being all heated up and jealous Indian hindu because you're not one. Ashamed to be Hindu Ipakman ?
We all know what you RAcist username implies

And what are you implying in bold ? Do you support Nazism iPakman

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