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France starts ban on full-face veil

What Palestinian has ever said about the destruction of Israel and ended with Inshallah that brought you to type such rubbish here.

Like you have the power of the unseen and that YOU know what Allah(swt) thinks (Astugfullah ! quite literally) How the heck do you know what Allah/ YHWH wills regardless een if you were just saying. Its well established fact that the Jews are cursed by Allah/YHWH (swt) for disobeying him by not having their own land. Even Rabbis say this
So yes INshallah the destruction of Israel will happen - not mentioning the fact that this land and its ideology goes against everything that the Torah has mentioned.

If you want to make derogatory comments on peoples religion and belief then don't cry when people attack you as it has already shown.
Furthermore anyone, that includes Muslims who want to do the same will know it too well that making a mockery of this true religion will only result on their suffering. Muslim DON'T want to wish such curse on Muslim and Non-Muslim alike but these filamentary comment don't help.

Besides Never underestimate the power of the unseen.These are Gods work and believe me His punishment thorough and swift. Also God listens more fiercely on those who are suffering, suffered especially to slaves who listen to him like doing 5 daily prayers, fasting and doing good deeds
Inshallah is used when Muslims are striving and it is mostly effective when they or their Muslim counter parts are suffering like whats happening to Muslim women in France .
ALl Prophets from Adam, Alysia, Solomon, Jesus and Mohammid peace be upon them followed Islam

AS for the Banning of the Burqa,

the only thing it will make things worst for the non-muslim around the world. Sarkozy is a real idiot.

Just for the record
The Burka is not an Islamic dress code as its is known by Muslim scholars that in Islam a woman should cover her head and back of her neck and should cover her body in a way that is not revealing to the opposite sex. Doesn't say anything about covering the face, in fact there is something about seeing someone face for recognition and such.
There is a lot of Muslim women in MUSLIM SOCIETY that don't wear the Burka.

THis Ban is the mind-bully of the west. Its to antagonise Muslims to show that they are second class citizens that are need to be enslave. Being told what to do and have there very lives controlled.
THere were other ways to approach it - to educate the people. We constantly here the west beating the drums that they are a better civilization than any Muslim society yet their attitude of Banning a simple Garment only show how unnecessarily aggressive behavior such a Uncivilized nation can be in the west.

The problem is Banning its such an aggresive way to apprauch it and extremly unnessarly. I fear that France has fallen into the world of the likes of Saudi Arabia.

Whats next are we going to force those woemn to wear thigh skirts and boots
Shave the Beard
Stop Muslim praying at their homes

something tells me that Facsism is comeing back to stay.

You`re no Israeli, i know that for a fact, stop pretending to be. You might live in Israel but you are not one of us.
I won`t bother arguing that Judaism gave birth to all Abrahamic religions nor will i argue that Judaism existed centuries before Islam.
Might i suggest though that you bless everyday you draw breath as a free man in a free country before soon enough you`ll be expelled to your beloved Palestine?
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What Palestinian has ever said about the destruction of Israel and ended with Inshallah that brought you to type such rubbish here.

Like you have the power of the unseen and that YOU know what Allah(swt) thinks (Astugfullah ! quite literally) How the heck do you know what Allah/ YHWH wills regardless een if you were just saying. Its well established fact that the Jews are cursed by Allah/YHWH (swt) for disobeying him by not having their own land. Even Rabbis say this
So yes INshallah the destruction of Israel will happen - not mentioning the fact that this land and its ideology goes against everything that the Torah has mentioned.

If you want to make derogatory comments on peoples religion and belief then don't cry when people attack you as it has already shown.
Furthermore anyone, that includes Muslims who want to do the same will know it too well that making a mockery of this true religion will only result on their suffering. Muslim DON'T want to wish such curse on Muslim and Non-Muslim alike but these filamentary comment don't help.

Besides Never underestimate the power of the unseen.These are Gods work and believe me His punishment thorough and swift. Also God listens more fiercely on those who are suffering, suffered especially to slaves who listen to him like doing 5 daily prayers, fasting and doing good deeds
Inshallah is used when Muslims are striving and it is mostly effective when they or their Muslim counter parts are suffering like whats happening to Muslim women in France .
ALl Prophets from Adam, Alysia, Solomon, Jesus and Mohammid peace be upon them followed Islam

AS for the Banning of the Burqa,

the only thing it will make things worst for the non-muslim around the world. Sarkozy is a real idiot.

Just for the record
The Burka is not an Islamic dress code as its is known by Muslim scholars that in Islam a woman should cover her head and back of her neck and should cover her body in a way that is not revealing to the opposite sex. Doesn't say anything about covering the face, in fact there is something about seeing someone face for recognition and such.
There is a lot of Muslim women in MUSLIM SOCIETY that don't wear the Burka.

THis Ban is the mind-bully of the west. Its to antagonise Muslims to show that they are second class citizens that are need to be enslave. Being told what to do and have there very lives controlled.
THere were other ways to approach it - to educate the people. We constantly here the west beating the drums that they are a better civilization than any Muslim society yet their attitude of Banning a simple Garment only show how unnecessarily aggressive behavior such a Uncivilized nation can be in the west.

The problem is Banning its such an aggresive way to apprauch it and extremly unnessarly. I fear that France has fallen into the world of the likes of Saudi Arabia.

Whats next are we going to force those woemn to wear thigh skirts and boots
Shave the Beard
Stop Muslim praying at their homes

something tells me that Facsism is comeing back to stay.

So as an Israeli, you support banning of Burkhas in Pakistan?

You have full Indian Support Brother.:hang2: .
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So any chance of france rolling back this law???

This is not the end of it. The European Court is the last venue to make the arguments on article 9,

Article 9 – Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, and to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

2. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sarkozy will fail this one.
ignorance personified..do you know how many "honor killings" happen in Turkey?and also they are barely getting imprisoned..Turkey is not only secular but militant secular..no sign of islamic laws but still the punishments are so few..its a cultural thing,nothing else.

If in secular Turkey, such thing happens a lot, then I have to say that there is something serious wrong with islam dominated countries.
how many people getting executed in China? where is the uber-tolerant chinese society?

Dude, stop bringing China into this, this guy is AMERICAN, not Chinese.

He may have the Chinese ancestry, but he has his allegiance with US, not China.
Dude, stop bringing China into this, this guy is AMERICAN, not Chinese.

He may have the Chinese ancestry, but he has his allegiance with US, not China.

Please allow him to have his opinion.

Even you can be branded as a Candanian allegiant. Is it fine with you?
You are a pathological liar. You hate Muslims. Haters like you sooner or later get kicked out.

If every muslim become as stupid as you are, you or your country or your religion will not have any future.
Dude, stop bringing China into this, this guy is AMERICAN, not Chinese.

He may have the Chinese ancestry, but he has his allegiance with US, not China.

You have not seen my posts defending China??? What kind of accusations can you throw at me again???

Did I mention anything against China here or anywhere in this forum???

You are really the pathological liar.
You have not seen my posts defending China??? What kind of accusations can you throw at me again???

Did I mention anything against China here or anywhere in this forum???

You are really the pathological liar.

You wanna stir up the tension between the Chinese and the Muslims. What is your true motive?

Did the Muslims sell the opium to the Chinese people?

Did the Muslims burn down our palace?

Did the Muslims occupy our country as 8 invading nations?

Did the Muslims exploit the Chinese workers in building the railway?

Did the Muslims rob our land in Northeast Asia and Outer Mongolia?

Did the Muslims commit the massacre in Nanjing?

China sees most of the Muslim nations as a fellow companion who both shared a unfortunate past.

Only the West and its puppets wanna see they both kill each other.
This is not the end of it. The European Court is the last venue to make the arguments on article 9,

Sarkozy will fail this one.

Exactly there are not any solid argument or reasoning against this ban except personal hate and bigotry
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