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France public debt will explode all records at end of 2014

Aha, uneducated retard. EU27 population is 500 million....resources are situated just south of the Mediteranean (i'm sure it's just a coincidence that's where a lot of mil. bases from EU nations are situated LOL!). Educate yourself before replying with another dumbass comment.

Then again, this sort of thing is probably why you're banned all the time. Dumbfuck spewing garbage. No wonder, LOL!

EU 28 =508 million :P
You know what Islam needs, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan just disappear.

One of those things will probably happen. My money is on the Saudis making it though. Better allies, mo' money, no predicted chaos after 2014!

Maybe China can absorb what is left into an autonomous province of Pashtunistan.
One of those things will probably happen. My money is on the Saudis though. Better allies, mo' money!

I say nuke Saudi Arabia.Just spare Makkah and Medina ,but nuke the hell out of the rest.Even occupy it. Their madness has to end!!!!
Flamer84,I got a pretty positive view of socialism from Kazakhs ,Kirgiz,turkmen .But not in uzbekistan where there is resentment.But the baltics they hate Russia totally ,which I know is due to soviets brutally reconquering them in 1940's.But what surprised me was the level of the difference in central asian sentiment and the sentiment in the Baltics,Finland. What is the reason for it according to you? Sometimes,I think it is standard of living is the cause.In EU ,baltics got better deal ,but central asia after collapse got worse ,which is why there is nostolgia for soviet times. What is your opinion on this?
@vostok,I also refer this question to you?

At for the Baltic states - all is very simple. In the Middle Ages in the Baltic region was full of Russian principalities , but once there the Crusaders arrived . The Pope blessed them to campaign against the pagan Balts . Oddly enough, but the Teutons - Crusaders attacked with also and Russian cities, although we have long been Christians . Several centuries Teutons and Livonians enslaved Balts , destroying all freedom-loving and proud people - eventually inspired them blind obedience and admiration for the Germans. In the Baltics, there was no nobleman Baltiets - only Germans . The local population are considered livestock. Later Teutons replaced by the Swedes . Russian defeated the Swedes and then bought the the Baltic land for 2,000,000 silver Taller . Balts were able to study in universities.
The Germans believed their cattle, we gave them freedom, but they hate us, and adore the Germans.
Since 1991 , the population of the Baltic states was reduced by 20-30 % - this is the fruit of their independence. And during the Soviet "occupation " of the population has increased by 30-50 %.
As for Uzbeks - a people with imperial and nationalist manners . They want to rule in Central Asia. They honor of Tamerlane - conqueror. Russian do not give them to capture the surrounding nations and rob them, here it is for some of them hate Russia - which does not prevent them to go to work in Russia , as almost half of all migrants in Russian - Uzbeks.
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Oh well, i make mistakes too! I forgot about Croatians.

Apparently so did they.They are allready going to be sanctioned with restriction of funds and penalties for protecting former communist executioners.Took them long enough to make trouble :laughcry:
Apparently so did they.They are allready going to be sanctioned with restriction of funds and penalties for protecting former communist executioners.Took them long enough to make trouble :laughcry:

Croats are a devious bunch. You have to hold them by their neck and close to the ground.
Where are you from? Originally? Spain?France? Germany?

half Slovenian, half Swiss. And i wrote the above from a perspective of a disgruntled Slovenian tourist on the Croatian coast, where i was served last just because i spoke Slovenian, while we spend the most on their pathetically managed tourism. Ironically, only tourism is keeping them afloat. Never going back there again.

#edit: serving staff goes out of their way to speak German or Italian, but when i speak Slovenian they pretend to not understand even though two languages are quite similar. Fucking hypocrites.
half Slovenian, half Swiss. And i wrote the above from a perspective of a disgruntled Slovenian tourist on the Croatian coast, where i was served last just because i spoke Slovenian, while we spend the most on their pathetically managed tourism.

Father from Switzerland?Switzerland is a rich nation,why do you live in USA?Corporate assignment?
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apni aukaat na bhoool indian!

this is from where you belong

You know what ,people like you are the first to commit racism against non-muslims or ethnicities you don't like ,but scream racism when the same happens to you in the West. What a bunch of hypocrites
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Father from Switzerland?Switzerland is a rich nation,why do you live in USA?Corporate assignment?

Yes, father from Switzerland, mother from Slovenia. Dad's last post was in Slovenia due to request of my mom, so we stayed here. And frankly, people are much nicer here as well, not so uptight, weather is better, it's so small you can be swimming in the morning and trekking in the Alps in the afternoon.
it's a cute country, but terribly mismanaged politically.

Flags are just for the lulz, to annoy pan islamists and chi bots when they predicted the fall of western civilization last year.
Yes, father from Switzerland, mother from Slovenia. Dad's last post was in Slovenia due to request of my mom, so we stayed here. And frankly, people are much nicer here as well, not so uptight, weather is better, it's so small you can be swimming in the morning and trekking in the Alps in the afternoon.
it's a cute country, but terribly mismanaged politically.

Flags are just for the lulz, to annoy pan islamists and chi bots when they predicted the fall of western civilization last year.

Forget the pan-islamist expansionists,they will make sure that world will hate islam even more.
I say nuke Saudi Arabia.Just spare Makkah and Medina ,but nuke the hell out of the rest.Even occupy it. Their madness has to end!!!!

I agree except for the occupy part.

Ending the monarch of Saud will end terrorism
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