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France public debt will explode all records at end of 2014

The delay behind signing MMRCA contract................

Is the GOI deliberately delaying signing the contract, being well aware of the situation, so the France will be forced to sign the deal the way India wants it?

The delay behind signing MMRCA contract................

Is the GOI deliberately delaying signing the contract, being well aware of the situation, so the France will be forced to sign the deal the way India wants it?

yaar if this is true
Kammal kardita ji Antony brah ne
It means people in power who know a lot more then you do, don't share your opinion.

Those days are long over, gone in the dust of two world wars. Noone is sheding any tears because of the lost mass effect.
And btw cupcake, Europe will retain massive effect on the matters that concern us. For everyone else, we wish them lots of luck and hope they get lost somewhere while trying to apply for an asylum in our embassies.

lol, non oil rich Arab nations will be starving soon, because of excessive procreation. Egypt in the past year would be a prime example. If it weren't for the Saudi cash which was preconditioned with a coup....

Thanks, average age in the USA is ~37 and you don't hesitate to give it better chances. Double standards much?
Also, because of our better standards our people can live longer and work longer.

I will give you a hint how to counter Auz & Other cheer leading Pakistanis celebrating a European Collapse

Just ask him what is Pakistan doing in all this
Lol, so you are as imperialistic in your thinking as West is, if not more ;)

Probably your countrymen are right...You are indeed a part of Western World....

lol, I knew what you have written but that doesn't justify Russian take over of Central Asia...

Central Asians were never a part of "Russia" ...
Let us think. Look at this map and imagine that Pakistan was in this borders for centuries.

And suddenly came to power hidden American agent. He talked a lot about democracy, goodness, wealth for everyone, but as result of his reign only Balochistan remains Pakistani. And half of the plants, even the most important, strategic - military remained in the new countries. Would you like that? You would like to reunite the country, which you believed for centuries part of your people and your country?
About stans in Central Asia. Russia will have to somehow strengthen the border with Afghanistan - is not discussed. Otherwise, in 5-10 years the whole of Central Asia will be like Afghanistan, and then it will start in the Muslim regions of Russia.
Let us think. Look at this map and imagine that Pakistan was in this borders for centuries.

And suddenly came to power hidden American agent. He talked a lot about democracy, goodness, wealth for everyone, but as result of his reign only Balochistan remains Pakistani. And half of the plants, even the most important, strategic - military remained in the new countries. Would you like that? You would like to reunite the country, which you believed for centuries part of your people and your country?
About stans in Central Asia. Russia will have to somehow strengthen the border with Afghanistan - is not discussed. Otherwise, in 5-10 years the whole of Central Asia will be like Afghanistan, and then it will start in the Muslim regions of Russia.

The only problem is: Russia did not had Central Asia and Stans as an integral part of their country for centuries.

Stans were always independent people....Probably some part of Kazakhstan was with Russia for sometime..but other than that, stans were always independent of Russia...

And don't worry, Central Asia won't be like Afghanistan. Afghanistan become what it is today due to Soviet invasion..only way for central Asia to become like Afghanistan is that if Russia tries to take it over yet again...which would be quite pathetic of you btw...

Central Asian governments need to let the Islam florish..traditional Islam..when you "oppress" your people for no reason..they go towards extremism..Ever wondered why extremism never took root on large scale in U.S? Because they let everybody practice their faith freely...

Extremism by definition arises through oppression...and same goes for Russia. How many Mosques were there in Russia before revolution? How many after? Thousands of Mosques were destroyed by Communists...how pathetic...

I will give you a hint how to counter Auz & Other cheer leading Pakistanis celebrating a European Collapse

Just ask him what is Pakistan doing in all this

OMG, what a great 'trick' you have given to Audio? :lol:

another dumb indiot.
The only problem is: Russia did not had Central Asia and Stans as an integral part of their country for centuries.

Stans were always independent people....Probably some part of Kazakhstan was with Russia for sometime..but other than that, stans were always independent of Russia...

And don't worry, Central Asia won't be like Afghanistan. Afghanistan become what it is today due to Soviet invasion..only way for central Asia to become like Afghanistan is that if Russia tries to take it over yet again...which would be quite pathetic of you btw...

Central Asian governments need to let the Islam florish..traditional Islam..when you "oppress" your people for no reason..they go towards extremism..Ever wondered why extremism never took root on large scale in U.S? Because they let everybody practice their faith freely...

Extremism by definition arises through oppression...and same goes for Russia. How many Mosques were there in Russia before revolution? How many after? Thousands of Mosques were destroyed by Communists...how pathetic...

OMG, what a great 'trick' you have given to Audio? :lol:

another dumb indiot.

Maybe you should ask the people of Central Asia what they want .You will be taken aback ,how many long for the old days.The poverty in the Stans today is amazing and that is why a lot of people of the stans go to Russia. And with exception of Uzbekistan ,there is not much islam in Central Asia .Most people there are non-practising muslims.

I do not expect pakistanis to know much though.

Afghanistan become what it is today due to Soviet invasion..only way for central Asia to become like Afghanistan is that if Russia tries to take it over yet again...which would be quite pathetic of you btw...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe-russia/278517-france-public-debt-will-explode-all-records-end-2014-a-4.html#ixzz2fKGgjY4Q

It takes two to make a tango. Pakistan was sponsoring Islamic extremism and attempts to overthrow the legitimate govt and this led to the invasion of Afghanistan by USSR.

But then Pakistanis are known liars ,that I have seen from the quality of the Pakistani media and the huge amount of BS they spew.
The only problem is: Russia did not had Central Asia and Stans as an integral part of their country for centuries.

Stans were always independent people....Probably some part of Kazakhstan was with Russia for sometime..but other than that, stans were always independent of Russia...

And don't worry, Central Asia won't be like Afghanistan. Afghanistan become what it is today due to Soviet invasion..only way for central Asia to become like Afghanistan is that if Russia tries to take it over yet again...which would be quite pathetic of you btw...

Central Asian governments need to let the Islam florish..traditional Islam..when you "oppress" your people for no reason..they go towards extremism..Ever wondered why extremism never took root on large scale in U.S? Because they let everybody practice their faith freely...

Extremism by definition arises through oppression...and same goes for Russia. How many Mosques were there in Russia before revolution? How many after? Thousands of Mosques were destroyed by Communists...how pathetic...


Afghanistan's president has asked Putin at the SCO summit on military assistance to Afghanistan after the withdrawal of NATO troops - he is well aware that will begin anarchy in Afgan and anarchy spread to Tajikistan (there are now restless), Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have already announced that they would enter into a Eurasian Union. They understand that this is - their only hope for stability and development.
During the Revolution, not only destroyed the mosques, but in the first place - the Orthodox churches. This always happens when the country is in civil war.
You shut up ,retarded liar.Go read your own quran and see how much calls for stealing the possessions and killing of kafirs. A lot more people have been killed by muslims and islamic imperialism ,rather than by USSR .

Little indiot, I guess too much cow p!ss has taken a toll on your inferiority-complex stricken christian?/hindu mind...

I have read Qur'an from cover to cover ...have you? :lol: Only some verses here and there by christian missionaries hah!

Bible is wayyyyyy more violent, anti-women, backward, and oppressive book than Qur'an. Have read them both. If you want, open a thread, we can discuss it in detail...subject by subject..but then again, you haven't read either of the book :omghaha:

Another chusiya bhartiiiii trying to lick european a$$ by attacking Islam for no reason.

Its totally justified because Russia crushed the genocidal imperialist islam... And I thank Russia for that.And funny thing ,the central asians wanted to be part of so called 'imperialist' USSR as proven by 1991 referendum,not of some islamic caliphate or else.

Russia "crushed" Islam? :omghaha:

Last I checked, Islam is the dominant religion of 1/4 of entire humanity Mashallah...and Islam is the most widely practiced faith in Central Asia too...

Don't know about 'crushing' part though...
Maybe you should ask the people of Central Asia what they want .You will be taken aback ,how many long for the old days.The poverty in the Stans today is amazing and that is why a lot of people of the stans go to Russia. And with exception of Uzbekistan ,there is not much islam in Central Asia .Most people there are non-practising muslims.

I do not expect pakistanis to know much though.

Another indiot I guess lol...

Its not about if Central Asians are good Muslims or bad Muslims or Atheists all together..the point is of imperialism and aggression...Do you think I would support U.S taking over Vietnam? Hell no, its not cuz vietnamese aren't Muslims lol...It is just what is right..and I think that smaller states must have protection against bigger states...Bigger states 'engulfing' smaller states is a very bad thing...

It takes two to make a tango. Pakistan was sponsoring Islamic extremism and attempts to overthrow the legitimate govt and this led to the invasion of Afghanistan by USSR.

But then Pakistanis are known liars ,that I have seen from the quality of the Pakistani media and the huge amount of BS they spew.

BS. Pakistan only fought Russians AFTER they invaded Afghanistan. Please, provide me any link where it talks about Pakistanis supporting Islamic extremists before Soviet invasion?


Afghanistan's president has asked Putin at the SCO summit on military assistance to Afghanistan after the withdrawal of NATO troops - he is well aware that will begin anarchy in Afgan and anarchy spread to Tajikistan (there are now restless), Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have already announced that they would enter into a Eurasian Union. They understand that this is - their only hope for stability and development.
During the Revolution, not only destroyed the mosques, but in the first place - the Orthodox churches. This always happens when the country is in civil war.

What is this map you shown in the post? Historical Russia or map of Euro-Asian union?

Also, a 'union' based on trade, commerce, joint military protection etc etc is O.K...but "engulfing" these states and bringing them under Russian rule from Moscow is what I'm against...

What is this 'Euro-Asian' union? Can you expand? Kinda like EU? or Soviet Union where you just take over other countries...
BS claims made by our resident communist clown @vostok.Central Asia is not part of Russia "for centuries",it was conquered during the middle-end of the 19th century and populated with russian colonists at the expense of the natives just like the russians did in Eastern Europe or the Caucasus.....bring colonists and try to displace the native citizens and culture.

Take Kazahstan for example:Kazakhstan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Centuries...yeah right...i'm in total awe about the crazyness and utter stupidity of this @vostok character...is your mother proud of raising such a liar and imbecile dude?
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Another indiot I guess lol...

Its not about if Central Asians are good Muslims or bad Muslims or Atheists all together..the point is of imperialism and aggression...Do you think I would support U.S taking over Vietnam? Hell no, its not cuz vietnamese aren't Muslims lol...It is just what is right..and I think that smaller states must have protection against bigger states...Bigger states 'engulfing' smaller states is a very bad thing...

BS. Pakistan only fought Russians AFTER they invaded Afghanistan. Please, provide me any link where it talks about Pakistanis supporting Islamic extremists before Soviet invasion?

Another indiot I guess lol...

Its not about if Central Asians are good Muslims or bad Muslims or Atheists all together..the point is of imperialism and aggression...Do you think I would support U.S taking over Vietnam? Hell no, its not cuz vietnamese aren't Muslims lol...It is just what is right..and I think that smaller states must have protection against bigger states...Bigger states 'engulfing' smaller states is a very bad thing...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...e-all-records-end-2014-a-4.html#ixzz2fKLbHMQh

Now shut up you fool. Didn't you idiots mass murder 3 million bengalis when they demanded independence? or like how your nation conquered Balochistan and constantly tortures the secular baloch nationalists who are fighting against the tyranical kleptocracy that rules pakistan...Pakistan is bloody imperialist state and dares to lecture others. What a joke.or ethnic cleanse millions of non-muslims during partition.

BS. Pakistan only fought Russians AFTER they invaded Afghanistan. Please, provide me any link where it talks about Pakistanis supporting Islamic extremists before Soviet invasion?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...e-all-records-end-2014-a-4.html#ixzz2fKNhbc9E

Another typical pakistani lie. But then I guess it shows the quality of education you have.
1973-1979: US Starts to Provide Support to Islamists Opposing the Soviets in AfghanistanEdit event
In 1973 Afghan Prince Muhammad Daoud ousts the Afghan king with help from the Soviet Union, and establishes an Afghan republic. The CIA in turn begins funding Islamist extremists, including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, as a resistance movement opposing the Soviets. US allies Iran, with its intelligence agency SAVAK, and Pakistan, with its intelligence agency the ISI, play an important role in funneling weapons and other forms of assistance to the Afghan Islamist militants. After the pro-Soviet coup in April 1978, the Islamic militants with the support of the ISI carry out a massive campaign of terrorism, assassinating hundreds of teachers and civil servants. [DREYFUSS, 2005, PP. 260 - 263]
Entity Tags: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Organization for Intelligence and National Security (Iran), Muhammad Daoud, Central Intelligence Agency
Category Tags: Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan, US Aid to Islamist Mujaheddin
War in Afghanistan: Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan

You know what Islam needs, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan just disappear. If you two nations continue to sponsor your version of islam ,the whole world will be against islam. We need sufism back.
Another indiot I guess lol...

Its not about if Central Asians are good Muslims or bad Muslims or Atheists all together..the point is of imperialism and aggression...Do you think I would support U.S taking over Vietnam? Hell no, its not cuz vietnamese aren't Muslims lol...It is just what is right..and I think that smaller states must have protection against bigger states...Bigger states 'engulfing' smaller states is a very bad thing...

BS. Pakistan only fought Russians AFTER they invaded Afghanistan. Please, provide me any link where it talks about Pakistanis supporting Islamic extremists before Soviet invasion?

What is this map you shown in the post? Historical Russia or map of Euro-Asian union?

Also, a 'union' based on trade, commerce, joint military protection etc etc is O.K...but "engulfing" these states and bringing them under Russian rule from Moscow is what I'm against...

What is this 'Euro-Asian' union? Can you expand? Kinda like EU? or Soviet Union where you just take over other countries...

This is a map of the Empire in the 19th century.
The Eurasian Union will be more similar to the European Union. This will create supranational governments, composed of representatives of all the countries.
Map of Eurasian Union

Tajikistan, Kirgyzstan and Armenia have applied for membership
And for military integration is the CSTO.
This is CSTO. Russia in any case be required to protect members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. And it will be much easier if infix border.
BS claims made by our resident communist clown @vostok.Central Asia is not part of Russia "for centuries",it was conquered during the middle-end of the 19th century and populated with russian colonists at the expense of the natives just like the russians did in Eastern Europe or the Caucasus.....bring colonists and try to displace the native citizens and culture.

Take Kazahstan for example:Kazakhstan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Centuries...yeah right...i'm in total awe about the crazyness and utter stupidity of this @vostok character...is your mother proud of raising such a liar and imbecile dude?

Flamer84,I got a pretty positive view of socialism from Kazakhs ,Kirgiz,turkmen .But not in uzbekistan where there is resentment.But the baltics they hate Russia totally ,which I know is due to soviets brutally reconquering them in 1940's.But what surprised me was the level of the difference in central asian sentiment and the sentiment in the Baltics,Finland. What is the reason for it according to you? Sometimes,I think it is standard of living is the cause.In EU ,baltics got better deal ,but central asia after collapse got worse ,which is why there is nostolgia for soviet times. What is your opinion on this?
@vostok,I also refer this question to you?
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Flamer84,I got a pretty positive view of socialism from Kazakhs ,Kirgiz,turkmen .But not in uzbekistan where there is resentment.But the baltics they hate Russia totally ,which I know is due to soviets brutally reconquering them in 1940's.But what surprised me was the level of the difference in central asian sentiment and the sentiment in the Baltics,Finland. What is the reason for it according to you? Sometimes,I think it is standard of living is the cause.In EU ,baltics got better deal ,but central asia after collapse got worse ,which is why there is nostolgia for soviet times. What is your opinion on this?
@vostok,I also refer this question to you?

I really wouldn't know about the people of the Central Asia republics but the europeans who had much to suffer at the hands od the russians (mainly Lithuania,Estonia,Latvia,Poland,Romania) have many reasons to hate them and it's not about economics but mainly because the russians stole land,property,commited abominable crimes and attempted genocide.In the Baltic States and Romanian Moldova the soviets banned the local languages ,introduced chirilic alphabet and terrorisesd the natives into renouncing their identity.You can't have to much love for those drunkards after all of this.If the asians are "down" with all of this it's their business,we're not.
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No, it means that they are expanding their trade ties with Europe..just like they are doing with Middle-East, Africa, Latin America, India and so on.

lol, yes and this fact means your "thesis" (in reality just a pathetic dude talking) about how Europe is going down is plainly wrong and pretty stupid. Considering it's from you, no surprise.

Good for Europeans then, kitty.

I just hope they don't return to their roots of being savages. Europeans must retain civilization that they got in the medieval ages after contacts with the civilized people of East and their ideas.....

Civilized people in the east? They'll burn once more if they'll be too smart for their own good, or if they would like to rewrite history like you are doing all the time.
Oh wait, your country is burning already, must be all the civility it exports. Let's hope for more drones so they can carry all that civility to us hungry savage westerners. :lol:

When I say Arabs, I mean GCC Arabs...Peninsular Arabs...Egyptians and North Africans are a different people...

lol, keep dreaming.
They will have a say over the East Asians you so cherish because that's where the majority of their oil is exported.
Western nations get very little from GCC, less then 10% of oil.

U.S' population is in hundreds of millions! No European nation has such massive population/work force...Also, U.S has mexico..

European nations are small, with less resources...

Ah, lacking in education and talking like he knows it all.
EU27 population is 500 million....resources are situated just south of the Mediteranean (i'm sure it's just a coincidence that's where a lot of mil. bases from EU nations are situated LOL!). Educate yourself before replying with another dumbass comment.

Then again, this sort of thing is probably why you're banned all the time. Dumbfuck spewing garbage. No wonder, LOL!
I will give you a hint how to counter Auz & Other cheer leading Pakistanis celebrating a European Collapse

Just ask him what is Pakistan doing in all this

Dude, it's not about Pakistan. It's just a weak person lying and spreading BS on the net. I think he is just lashing out because the collapse looks to be averted. A weak person with an even weaker mind (knowledge).
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