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France public debt will explode all records at end of 2014

At for the Baltic states - all is very simple. In the Middle Ages in the Baltic region was full of Russian principalities , but once there the Crusaders arrived . The Pope blessed them to campaign against the pagan Balts . Oddly enough, but the Teutons - Crusaders attacked with also and Russian cities, although we have long been Christians . Several centuries Teutons and Livonians enslaved Balts , destroying all freedom-loving and proud people - eventually inspired them blind obedience and admiration for the Germans. In the Baltics, there was no nobleman Baltiets - only Germans . The local population are considered livestock. Later Teutons replaced by the Swedes . Russian defeated the Swedes and then bought the the Baltic land for 2,000,000 silver Taller . Balts were able to study in universities.
The Germans believed their cattle, we gave them freedom, but they hate us, and adore the Germans.
Since 1991 , the population of the Baltic states was reduced by 20-30 % - this is the fruit of their independence. And during the Soviet "occupation " of the population has increased by 30-50 %.
As for Uzbeks - a people with imperial and nationalist manners . They want to rule in Central Asia. They honor of Tamerlane - conqueror. Russian do not give them to capture the surrounding nations and rob them, here it is for some of them hate Russia - which does not prevent them to go to work in Russia , as almost half of all migrants in Russian - Uzbeks.

There's more BS and lies in your stories than in this guy's

Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf - YouTube
lol, for 100 million, South Korea would have to be a bigger nation....

Err... what? I just said that South Korea can't be any bigger. Their current population is around 50 million. How are they going to double that when they are already at the lowest fertility and birth rates in the world, and have the highest population density?

And nobody is talking about 'doom' of West..but only the natural restoration of global power..which historically lies in the East (over-all) and not in the West..

British Empire, Spanish Empire, Portuguese Empire, French Empire, even the Dutch Empire. Japanese Empire? Chinese Empire? Jokes at best. The natural balance of power has been overwhelmingly in the hands of the West.

As for actual global power, don't make me laugh! Not only has the West dominated the globe for most of modern history, but China itself has never even been a global power... ever... in it's entire history. What's the closest it got to that? Vietnam?

In coming years, East-combined (Arabs, Persians, Chinese, Indians, Indonesians, Russians(?) etc) will be ahead of West-combined in raw industrial production, raw wealth, raw GDP, raw population, raw land area, natural resources, and all other such factors...

Ok look, I don't know why you are combing all of these people together as if they are one united people. You do know that they are already larger in most of the metrics you've assigned to them for the future, right? And what has that done?

The West has around 1 billion people, the nations you listed together over 3 billion, just as one example. Again, what has that done? Your example has already come to pass and it has not shown the end of the West in anything, just more misery for 3rd world populations and more begging for AID. Look at raw GDP. The nations you listed already have a combined GDP around half that of the West. Again, what has that done? Nothing. You know why? Because they are all as different from each other as they are from the West. What does China have to do with India? Or Indonesia with Iran? Absolutely nothing. Different countries have different interests.

Unless you've got one common people, a common culture, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or race that is about to supplant the West in the figures you posted, you should probably just run away with your tail between your legs.
True, all this clamor about the rise of Asia is just them trying to catch up. No new ideas, no new concepts, it's mostly just an attempt at copying Western techniques and inventions and integrating them into their own countries. What's surprising is that most countries aren't even capable of doing something so simple. Just copy our goddamn countries! What's so difficult about this? Why can't India do it? Or Indonesia? Or Kenya? Of course we already know their well-recited answer. Colonialism, slavery, etc., yet that excuse disappears when it comes to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the destruction of Germany and Italy during the second world war.

It's really quite hilarious that most of these countries can't even do something as simple as copy us, yet they speak of the impending doom of the West! More funny though, is that the majority of those saying this are living here.


Typical dumb American.

No idea of geography, history, social factors, social evolution, governance structures, internal tensions, historical perspective etc etc of these nations...just blabbering "why can't they just copy our success?" :D

And copying West? LMAO!!!

West's rise after 17th century is marked by copying East and its ideas in every atom of its existence (and offcourse, improving these ideas and incorporating them is what Europeans did)...You name it! Gun power, paper, numbers, Algebra, Canon, modern concept of a Standing Army, Printing press, medicine, concept of "experimental" sciences instead of just theory...and heck! even the Greek works were given to Western Europe by Arabs!!..you fcuking name it!

All of these major foundations of Europe was imported/gotten from Eastern superpowers of the era 7th-18th century (Arabs, Persians, Ottomans, Chinese etc)....Without these, Europeans would have remained what they were-- before they came in contact to superior civilizations of East through crusades etc---bunch of uncivilized savages unable to have basic personal cleanliness for themselves (read Arab accounts of crusades and how smelly, unclean Europeans were...and how Arabs 'taught' them about personal cleanliness..All of this is recorded in medieval works)..

And now, a Westerner is talking about 'copying'? :omghaha:

Again, as I said, a "cute" American :D

Typical dumb American.

No idea of geography, history, social factors, social evolution, governance structures, internal tensions, historical perspective etc etc of these nations...just blabbering "why can't they just copy our success?" :D

*Yawn*, here we go again. Are you going to plaster the page with smileys and fake emoticon laughs to hide your anger and jealousy?

Seeing as how your surrounded by dumb Americans in our nation, why not hop on the next plane back to Pakistan? Seriously, do you even feel a tiny bit of shame as to your predicament? I would if I were you.

You're the one with clearly no knowledge of history. I'm sorry but the computer, internet, spacecraft, nuclear energy, airplane, chemotherapy, modern surgery, printing press, typewriter, steam engine, jet engine, and all of the modern conveniences we have today, were NOT copies from illiterate parts of the Middle East or half-colonized China, no, these were indigenous inventions from the West.

All of the most important technologies that have been invented came overwhelmingly from Western contributors. You seeking to deny this just makes my victory over your worthless, over-emotional, emoticon-filled disaster of a comment all the more sweeter.
Err... what? I just said that South Korea can't be any bigger. Their current population is around 50 million. How are they going to double that when they are already at the lowest fertility and birth rates in the world, and have the highest population density?

lol, I meant IF they had bigger area...

Which they don't and I know that...duhh.

British Empire, Spanish Empire, Portuguese Empire, French Empire, even the Dutch Empire. Japanese Empire? Chinese Empire? Jokes at best. The natural balance of power has been overwhelmingly in the hands of the West.

Exactly, dumb kid. For past 300 years, the 'natural' balance of world has been disturbed in favor of West....

Historically, that balance was always in East....

Ok look, I don't know why you are combing all of these people together as if they are one united people. You do know that they are already larger in most of the metrics you've assigned to them for the future, right? And what has that done?

The West has around 1 billion people, the nations you listed together over 3 billion, just as one example. Again, what has that done? Your example has already come to pass and it has not shown the end of the West in anything, just more misery for 3rd world populations and more begging for AID. Look at raw GDP. The nations you listed already have a combined GDP around half that of the West. Again, what has that done? Nothing. You know why? Because they are all as different from each other as they are from the West. What does China have to do with India? Or Indonesia with Iran? Absolutely nothing. Different countries have different interests.

Unless you've got one common people, a common culture, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or race that is about to supplant the West in the figures you posted, you should probably just run away with your tail between your legs.

Cupcake, no one said that East is 'one people' ..Duhh...

I talked about "over-all" spread of global power..

*Yawn*, here we go again. Are you going to plaster the page with smileys and fake emoticon laughs to hide your anger and jealousy?

Seeing as how your surrounded by dumb Americans in our nation, why not hop on the next plane back to Pakistan? Seriously, do you even feel a tiny bit of shame as to your predicament? I would if I were you.

You're the one with clearly no knowledge of history. I'm sorry but the computer, internet, spacecraft, nuclear energy, airplane, chemotherapy, modern surgery, printing press, typewriter, steam engine, jet engine, and all of the modern conveniences we have today, were NOT copies from illiterate parts of the Middle East or half-colonized China, no, these were indigenous inventions from the West.

All of the most important technologies that have been invented came overwhelmingly from Western contributors. You seeking to deny this just makes my victory over your worthless, over-emotional, emoticon-filled disaster of a comment all the more sweeter.


Dude, are you a kid or what?

Read my post again...

West's rise after 17th century is marked by copying East and its ideas in every atom of its existence (and offcourse, improving these ideas and incorporating them is what Europeans did)...You name it! Gun power, paper, numbers, Algebra, Canon, modern concept of a Standing Army, Printing press, medicine, concept of "experimental" sciences instead of just theory...and heck! even the Greek works were given to Western Europe by Arabs!!..you fcuking name it!

All of these major foundations of Europe was imported/gotten from Eastern superpowers of the era 7th-18th century (Arabs, Persians, Ottomans, Chinese etc)....Without these, Europeans would have remained what they were-- before they came in contact to superior civilizations of East through crusades etc---bunch of uncivilized savages unable to have basic personal cleanliness for themselves (read Arab accounts of crusades and how smelly, unclean Europeans were...and how Arabs 'taught' them about personal cleanliness..All of this is recorded in medieval works)

See I highlighted it for you......

You are talking about inventions like computer etc that west made in freaking 19th/20th century!!! No one is taking any credit away from you...I was merely replying to your point "Oh look, those Asians just copy us" blah blah..while in reality, it was backward, uncivilized west that copied East and its ideas and took off...

You have been ahead of East only for merely 300 years..and you are flying up and down LOL!!! While in history of say last 1500 years, East was ahead for freaking 1000+ years!!!!! while West only 300 years...and that too, it took off by copying East and its ideas...While superior Eastern civilizations were destroyed by barbaric Mongol invasions...Western Europe luckily escaped that....copied Eastern ideas...and took off.

Kinda like suppose there is a nuclear exchange b/w Europe and America...and China, adapting all good things of West, just takes off and after couple of centuries gallop far ahead of U.S/Europe..

Even by mid 17th century, Ottoman Empire was the strongest superpower of Europe with ruling over almost half of mainland Europe..not to mention the wealth, might, and power of other great powers of Islamic World and China..like Mughals of India, or Chinese dynasties..Read what French travelers have written by Mughal Empire of India and how France could not even think of matching the might, wealth, and power of Mughals! (At that time, France was the strongest western European power lol)..But again, you haven't studied history on academic level, have you? :D ..Europeans are only "ahead" for merely 300 years (post 18th century till now)...and you brag about it as if you are some historical superpower always ahead of us? :omghaha: The reality is only opposite.

But then again, you won't be able to comprehend my argument. You are too much of a cupcake to understand that...

Typical dumb American.

No idea of geography, history, social factors, social evolution, governance structures, internal tensions, historical perspective etc etc of these nations...just blabbering "why can't they just copy our success?" :D

And copying West? LMAO!!!

West's rise after 17th century is marked by copying East and its ideas in every atom of its existence (and offcourse, improving these ideas and incorporating them is what Europeans did)...You name it! Gun power, paper, numbers, Algebra, Canon, modern concept of a Standing Army, Printing press, medicine, concept of "experimental" sciences instead of just theory...and heck! even the Greek works were given to Western Europe by Arabs!!..you fcuking name it!

All of these major foundations of Europe was imported/gotten from Eastern superpowers of the era 7th-18th century (Arabs, Persians, Ottomans, Chinese etc)....Without these, Europeans would have remained what they were-- before they came in contact to superior civilizations of East through crusades etc---bunch of uncivilized savages unable to have basic personal cleanliness for themselves (read Arab accounts of crusades and how smelly, unclean Europeans were...and how Arabs 'taught' them about personal cleanliness..All of this is recorded in medieval works)..

And now, a Westerner is talking about 'copying'? :omghaha:

Again, as I said, a "cute" American :D

You conveniantly forgot that it was europeans who gave the arabs knowledge,the Roman Empire,Greek civilisation were european you know.Byzantium,the place were most of the knowledge spread into Europe was an european state.

Also,unlike easterners,those savage and primitive europeans managed not to get colonised and conquered even at their weakest point throwing the invaders out with a bang.Speaks volumes about mentality,Asia,the ME and in fact the rest of the world got grabbed by the europeans.This is why you hate Europe because it stopped Islam in its tracks unlike Iran,India,etc.

You can talk about Al Andaluz,the Ottoman Empire but it still remains that most of Europe ,even in its "primitive" state fought the attackers off with success and even the conquered parts were reclaimed even after hundreds of years of war.For the most part europeans abandoned their holdings throughout the world on their own free will or after they were weakened fighting other europeans(see the 2 WW) not because of the conquered natives.If Europe wouldn't have torned itself apart in 2 world wars most likely you wouldn't have a country right now and still live in a colony.Thank the germans and be done with this useless propaganda.
lol, I meant IF they had bigger area...

Which they don't and I know that...duhh.

Well then what's the point of saying that? If the USA had 1 trillion people with the same land area we might have the Star Wars universe. :)

Exactly, dumb kid. For past 300 years, the 'natural' balance of world has been disturbed in favor of West....

Historically, that balance was always in East....

Except of course that you are the dumb one. You just repeat the same statement over and over again. I refuted it with my own statement and all you can do is copy-paste the same sentence. The balance has never been in favor of the East. Having a large economy due to a larger population has done nothing for China, for example.

As far back as Ancient Greece it was Europeans who were dominating for a majority of the time.

Cupcake, no one said that East is 'one people' ..Duhh...

I talked about "over-all" spread of global power..

Western GDP is now less than half of the world, so 3rd worlders now have more Domestic Product than the evil Western imperialists!!

How does this newfound power feel? Any different from 20 years ago?
India is collapsing (even though it's already one of the poorest nations in the world), Russia has reached it's peak, and Pakistan is growing very solely and has not shown ambition. China has potential, but take a look at the embarrassing state of affairs in that country. Pollution may kill off their entire population, income inequality has surpassed the USA even though they are still a developing nation, their population density is REALLY high for a country with such little arable land, their per capita resources are around 1/5th of the USA, and they have not shown themselves as innovators or great thinkers like the Japanese and Koreans did at this stage of development (and even they have not been so innovative compared to the West!).

In reality, the rise of "Asia" or even "East Asia" is really just the rise of CHINA, and a China which has some of the most staggering pollution and copycat habits is not an impressive China. It remains to be seen whether they will jump these hurdles, but I guess we'll see. Rest assured though, no other country on this planet has the potential to challenge the West.

Absolutely,wrong.You deny things becouse you are to scared to accept them.I know that feeling I recommand you to take off rose glasses.
Russia reach its peak?I wouldnt say that,it will start to develop when Euroasian Union start to breath.
No one country has potential to challenge the West?Dont hide yourself behind "WEST",where is your "WEST" on Syria question?Where is your "West" in Snowden question?Where?
On the other hand.I believe China will fix pollution problem,but you will never fix your problems like obesity-33% Americans have obesity problems more than 50% will be in 2030-2040,your working class is smaller and smaller each year.
Deal with it.Russia start again to make a counter balance to your country it is matter of time when China do the same.Without Western Europe you are scared bald eagle who dont have enough power to fly.

Dude, are you a kid or what?

Read my post again...

West's rise after 17th century is marked by copying East and its ideas in every atom of its existence (and offcourse, improving these ideas and incorporating them is what Europeans did)...You name it! Gun power, paper, numbers, Algebra, Canon, modern concept of a Standing Army, Printing press, medicine, concept of "experimental" sciences instead of just theory...and heck! even the Greek works were given to Western Europe by Arabs!!..you fcuking name it!

All of these major foundations of Europe was imported/gotten from Eastern superpowers of the era 7th-18th century (Arabs, Persians, Ottomans, Chinese etc)....Without these, Europeans would have remained what they were-- before they came in contact to superior civilizations of East through crusades etc---bunch of uncivilized savages unable to have basic personal cleanliness for themselves (read Arab accounts of crusades and how smelly, unclean Europeans were...and how Arabs 'taught' them about personal cleanliness..All of this is recorded in medieval works)

See I highlighted it for you......

You are talking about inventions like computer etc that west made in freaking 19th/20th century!!! No one is taking any credit away from you...I was merely replying to your point "Oh look, those Asians just copy us" blah blah..while in reality, it was backward, uncivilized west that copied East and its ideas and took off...

But then again, you won't be able to comprehend my argument. You are too much of a cupcake to understand that...

Sometimes it's just impossible to get through to retards.

What was more important for the world? The airplane, or chess? Quantum mechanics, or the number system (which has been invented numerous times throughout history)? These "foundations" are just an excuse for you to assert your dominance in the field of innovation and prosperity, when you actually have little to none. It's just a veil covering the true living standards of the people you seek to defend as fellow 3rd worlders.

Look, the Arabs themselves copied knowledge off of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, who did not copy that knowledge off of anyone else. In reality, the Arabs at their height invented very little I can actually hold in my hand and say "wow amazing, thank god these people survived to the modern era", yet try and not say the same for Westerners. In the blink of an eye everything from the internet we are using to communicate, to the computer you are using to interface, to the software it is written in, to the router that directs the signal to the satellite which receives it, would all disappear without the existence of the West. And that's of course not to mention cellphones, life-saving drugs and surgical methods, skyscrapers, electricity!, and countless other things I could mention.

Your very weak and sad excuse for a comparison between the two civilizations should not even deserve a response, but I just had to.
And copying West? LMAO!!!

West's rise after 17th century is marked by copying East and its ideas in every atom of its existence (and offcourse, improving these ideas and incorporating them is what Europeans did)...You name it! Gun power, paper, numbers, Algebra, Canon, modern concept of a Standing Army, Printing press, medicine, concept of "experimental" sciences instead of just theory...and heck! even the Greek works were given to Western Europe by Arabs!!..you fcuking name it!

All of these major foundations of Europe was imported/gotten from Eastern superpowers of the era 7th-18th century (Arabs, Persians, Ottomans, Chinese etc)....Without these, Europeans would have remained what they were-- before they came in contact to superior civilizations of East through crusades etc---bunch of uncivilized savages unable to have basic personal cleanliness for themselves (read Arab accounts of crusades and how smelly, unclean Europeans were...and how Arabs 'taught' them about personal cleanliness..All of this is recorded in medieval works)..

kid, Roman catholicism happened, and with it power hungry clergy that literally burned all the knowledge that was accumulated from the Greek times onward.
In this heap of knowledge were ofcourse included earlier discoveries from the civilizations in the fertile crescent (Eufrates and Tigris river), but Greeks and later after them Romans contributed to this heap as well.

Standing army concept was done by Romans, they had a standing army of proffesionals on 20-30 year contracts.

First contact with eastern civilizations didn't happen in the crusades but when Alexander conquered everything up to India. Roman's had colonies in the Middle East as well.

Peak of Greek engineering would probably be the Antykitera mechanism.

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cannon technology advanced so fast in the west the siege of Constantinople was done with cannons that were made by a Hungarian gunsmith.

While it is true many contributions you listed were created by easterners, none of them utilized them and improved them in such a way that fused everything together.
Example, compass, gunpowder and improvements in sail and shipbuilding technology resulted in ships that could travel reliably and predictably across vast distances, where every such attempt in the past was just a one off attempt that never lasted (Vikings in America, Zheng He to Africa)

Another good example would be the printing press, Guttenberg made his own contributions to existing knowledge which made possible printing in mass. So actually being usable rather then just a toy for rich people.

Thankfully, we have now all but fully abolished the plague that is called organized, politically active religion.
Absolutely,wrong.You deny things becouse you are to scared to accept them.I know that feeling I recommand you to take off rose glasses.
Russia reach its peak?I wouldnt say that,it will start to develop when Euroasian Union start to breath.
No one country has potential to challenge the West?Dont hide yourself behind "WEST",where is your "WEST" on Syria question?Where is your "West" in Snowden question?Where?
On the other hand.I believe China will fix pollution problem,but you will never fix your problems like obesity-33% Americans have obesity problems more than 50% will be in 2030-2040,your working class is smaller and smaller each year.
Deal with it.Russia start again to make a counter balance to your country it is matter of time when China do the same.Without Western Europe you are scared bald eagle who dont have enough power to fly.

Eurasian Union? LMFAO.... Seriously, you think adding Kazakhstan and Belarus to Russia is going to do anything? Wishful thinking. Russian GDP is comparable to Italy, maybe one day it will be comparable to Germany.... And that's the extent of their power. To have anything higher their currency would have to appreciate 300% AGAINST the dollar. What an f'ing joke. Who thinks this is going to happen? GDP per capita is $10,000, so even at 300% increase they would be at $40,000, that is their potential. I don't see them surpassing countries like Germany or the UK in wealth, let alone the USA, so anything above $40k is wishful thinking; actually $40k itself is wishful thinking, I would say $25k is a good optimistic estimate, so basically a 100% increase against the dollar in the next few decades, or the equivalent of a $4 trillion economy (like I said, comparable to Germany).
Eurasian Union? LMFAO.... Seriously, you think adding Kazakhstan and Belarus to Russia is going to do anything? Wishful thinking. Russian GDP is comparable to Italy, maybe one day it will be comparable to Germany.... And that's the extent of their power. To have anything higher their currency would have to appreciate 300% AGAINST the dollar. What an f'ing joke. Who thinks this is going to happen? GDP per capita is $10,000, so even at 300% increase they would be at $40,000, that is their potential. I don't see them surpassing countries like Germany or the UK in wealth, let alone the USA, so anything above $40k is wishful thinking; actually $40k itself is wishful thinking, I would say $25k is a good optimistic estimate, so basically a 100% increase against the dollar in the next few decades, or the equivalent of a $4 trillion economy (like I said, comparable to Germany).

Go easy on him after all i can understand his anti american feelings,you've bombed his country to creeate a fake ,parasytic entity called Kosovo.Not the height of american strategy if you ask me.
Eurasian Union? LMFAO.... Seriously, you think adding Kazakhstan and Belarus to Russia is going to do anything? Wishful thinking. Russian GDP is comparable to Italy, maybe one day it will be comparable to Germany.... And that's the extent of their power. To have anything higher their currency would have to appreciate 300% AGAINST the dollar. What an f'ing joke. Who thinks this is going to happen? GDP per capita is $10,000, so even at 300% increase they would be at $40,000, that is their potential. I don't see them surpassing countries like Germany or the UK in wealth, let alone the USA, so anything above $40k is wishful thinking; actually $40k itself is wishful thinking, I would say $25k is a good optimistic estimate, so basically a 100% increase against the dollar in the next few decades, or the equivalent of a $4 trillion economy (like I said, comparable to Germany).

Luxemburg have the biggest GDP per capita,does that make them "The most powerful country in the world"?
You deny that Russia is energy superpower,you deny that Russia is nuclear superpower,that Russia is biggest country in the world and that Russia is probably 2nd most powerful military in the world,economy have a great role in county but it is not the only.
You deny China as most populous country in the world,biggest world exporter,probably the most stable economy in the world.

Go ahead....rose glasses dont make world better,they just destroy you perceptions skills.
Go easy on him after all i can understand his anti american feelings,you've bombed his country to creeate a fake ,parasytic entity called Kosovo.Not the height of american strategy if you ask me.

Well they probably should not have tried to commit genocide, and remember that it was the EU that was involved as well.
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