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Let's assume that the KLA started all this, that they were the ones that started the massacres of Serbs, that they were the first one to commit crimes.Then only one question remains from me to you.

Should a state act against a terrorist group or act like that terrorist group ?

The free state giving away after massacres should not be unfamilliar to us. İ vaguely remember something similar happened after world war 2 . :)

UN verdict :

BBC News | EUROPE | Kosovo assault 'was not genocide'

@Audio-i think you're a little blinded on account of the bad blood you have with the serbs...what is this ?

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@Audio-i think you're a little blinded on account of the bad blood you have with the serbs...what is this ?

No, no, i'm not blinded, nor do i have bad blood. fact is, Serbs singlehandedly started a war in now 3 independent countries and 1 wannabe country.

As for the article, good for them, although an exact translation of a section would say what they are creating would be a pale copy of Yugoslavia as compared to the old one with not such a closely knit community.

djeluje malo kao blijeda kopija one Jugoslavije uz ocjenu da se naravno neće raditi o tako čvrstoj zajednici

My, very cynical comment would be, the leaches all banded up together.
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At the expense of Eastern Europe, I would not be so categorical. As soon as the United States will fall - half of Europe will beg on their knees into the Eurasian Union, and the other half will be the colonial appendages Germany.

Agree, Germany will rule the West Europe, while the East Europe will join the Eurasian bloc.
UN verdict :

BBC News | EUROPE | Kosovo assault 'was not genocide'

@Audio-i think you're a little blinded on account of the bad blood you have with the serbs...what is this ?


Did I stated anywhere that there was a genocide in Kosova?
I purposely only used the term massacre and not genocide.

All though I still got no answer for my single question.

Should a state act like a terrorist group or act against a terrorist organization ?

Because this is what Serbia did. They did not fight the terrorists , but they rather fought the ethnicity of that terrorist group.
Which is not acceptable. You can't butcher all Irish and Bask, because they had terrorist groups representing them.

By the way. I hold no grudge against Serbian , apart from their duck head police officers and custom workers.
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Did I stated anywhere that there was a genocide in Kosova?
I purposely only used the term massacre and not genocide.

All though I still got no answer for my single question.

Should a state act like a terrorist group or act against a terrorist organization ?

Because this is what Serbia did. They did not fight the terrorists , but they rather fought the ethnicity of that terrorist group.
Which is not acceptable. You can't butcher all Irish and Bask, because they had terrorist groups representing them.

By the way. I hold no grudge against Serbian , apart from their duck head police officers and custom workers.

Yes,you're right ,they went at it the wrong way,Milosevic got a trial for this but you must not dismember a whole country for this to create an artifial entity.

Correct,their custom workers are appaling,they seem more corrupt than ours or the bulgarians.:))

Most likely Japan gonna soon be extinguished by the nuclear radiation before their thousand years of wet dream can be fulfilled.

I was joking dude just as you have no ideea about E. Europe and us joining that eurasian crap.Relax.

Most likely Japan gonna soon be extinguished by the nuclear radiation before their thousand years of wet dream can be fulfilled.

I was joking dude just as you have no ideea about E. Europe and us joining that eurasian crap.Relax.
Well, Russia was/is/will always be your big brother, no need to feel rejectful towards them.

Why should Eastern European recognize Russia as big brother when they have an option of EU.

You should come out of your CCP enforced obedience , comrade. Everyone, and that include countries also are free to choose their friend and allies.
Well, Russia was/is/will always be your big brother, no need to feel rejectful towards them.

How dumb are you,really?
What big brother,for Romania Russia came in the picture some 300 years ago,until then we had no relations with them,we don't have same slav background,no common language,they're as aliens to us as the chinese.
If you have no clue about the situation on the ground shut the frack up clown.
It was a logical conclusion of events that were happening for a decade. In this decade, the former "brotherly" republics grew wary of each other after the glue (Tito) that held it all together died and grew tired of the bloodsucking apparatus in Belgrade.
Serbs got what they deserved, for ruining a country through hegemonic aspirations and not letting it go when it was already clear things cannot go forward in their present form at the cost of thousands dead and countless attrocities.

I do not hold any grudge against any Serb nor Serbia, but that was some sweet karma that happened to them.

Wooow.Karma you say?Karma?

Where is Karma for bloody West Europeans for killing muslims in Iraq,Afghan,Lybia?
Fu*king double standards of West European parasites.
Go wash your hands from Afghan/Serbian/Iraq blood, and continue to serve you lords.

We Serbs dont fight a war anymore,we more less stabilize our country,but we will watch how Western Europe gets their karma.We will enjoy like you enjoy our troubles.

Well, Russia was/is/will always be your big brother, no need to feel rejectful towards them.

I will tell you something.
Romania,Czech Republic,Slovakia and Poland was under Russian boots,and they never get any good from it.
And i fully understand their anti russian segment like we have anti american.
Germany was left to Russian sphere of influence,they dont have enough political power to make a counter balance against them.I think that USA will rule leftovers of Western Europe.
How dumb are you,really?
What big brother,for Romania Russia came in the picture some 300 years ago,until then we had no relations with them,we don't have same slav background,no common language,they're as aliens to us as the chinese.
If you have no clue about the situation on the ground shut the frack up clown.

Romania is a Latin/Slavic mixed nation, your religion and culture is Orthodox Christian, of course you got blood and cultural tie with them.

So you would rather trust an Anglo-Saxon protestant rather than your Russian Orthodox brother?

Germany was left to Russian sphere of influence,they dont have enough political power to make a counter balance against them.I think that USA will rule leftovers of Western Europe.

I think they will unite with France to rule over the West Europe together.
Wooow.Karma you say?Karma?

Where is Karma for bloody West Europeans for killing muslims in Iraq,Afghan,Lybia?
Fu*king double standards of West European parasites.
Go wash your hands from Afghan/Serbian/Iraq blood, and continue to serve you lords.

We Serbs dont fight a war anymore,we more less stabilize our country,but we will watch how Western Europe gets their karma.We will enjoy like you enjoy our troubles.

I'm not enjoying anything, i merely stated that for all the troubles you've (Serbia with it's lapdog Montenegro) caused in the Balkans you got what was coming to you.
Quite less to be honest, JLA destroyed whole countries, various paramilitary organizations like Arkan's tigers caused genocide while NATO only destroyed bridges, comm. centers, weapons factories etc.....

Spare me the tears and feelings of injustice. You're probably too young or just another Serb that refuses to own up to the madness that was caused when Milosevic ruled.
Romania is a Latin/Slavic mixed nation, your religion and culture is Orthodox Christian, of course you got blood and cultural tie with them.

So you would rather trust an Anglo-Saxon protestant rather than your Russian Orthodox brother?

I think they will unite with France to rule over the West Europe together.

Romanians are mainly a mix between thracian tribes(dacians) and roman colonists while the slavic abstract is very small but natural due to migrations.Romanians were orthodox christians some 500 years before the russians.

So far no anglo-saxon protestant had send my grandfather to die in the gulag nor did it dislodged my grandmother from her ancestral home.

And now,let's have a laugh...how did the russians become christians:

{Upon the meeting with Muslim Bulgarians of the Volga, Vladimir found their religion unsuitable due to its requirement to circumcise and taboos against alcoholic beverages and pork; supposedly, Vladimir said on that occasion: "Drinking is the joy of the Rus', we can't go without it." }:omghaha:

And comrade @vostok is upset when we call them drunkards :))
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