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France public debt will explode all records at end of 2014

I will tell you something.
Romania,Czech Republic,Slovakia and Poland was under Russian boots,and they never get any good from it.
And i fully understand their anti russian segment like we have anti american.

Do not get any good? Hmm ... A liberation from Nazi, who considered this nations as cattle - not good? All These Limitrophes seet on at Russian neck, if they had problems - they were solved at the expense of Russian people, and not vice versa. We drove them into space, we placed an orders on their plants, even the military. But I like the German approach - the Germans turned them into slaves. Millions of Romanians, Poles, and others are working on the most menial jobs in Europe, competing for space with negrs and Arabs. Do you think the Soviet Union did so? Drove millions of Poles and Romanians to work in Russia, destroying manufacturing in their home? No.But we probably would to. Given that these "allies" have begun to talk about Russia as soon as they found a new master. But new master do not drive you on his neck, does not he? See you as cattle and semi-literate objects to satisfy the sexual needs. He will not hug you, not kiss and do not pour vodka. The only chance for you to get into the home of a new master - to be his servant.
Oh, you will understand the difference between comrade Ivan, who called you brothers and Mister Fritz, who calls you biomass or subhuman.
Do not get any good? Hmm ... A liberation from Nazi, who considered this nations as cattle - not good? All These Limitrophes seet on at Russian neck, if they had problems - they were solved at the expense of Russian people, and not vice versa. We drove them into space, we placed an orders on their plants, even the military. But I like the German approach - the Germans turned them into slaves. Millions of Romanians, Poles, and others are working on the most menial jobs in Europe, competing for space with negrs and Arabs. Do you think the Soviet Union did so? Drove millions of Poles and Romanians to work in Russia, destroying manufacturing in their home? No.But we probably would to. Given that these "allies" have begun to talk about Russia as soon as they found a new master. But new master do not drive you on his neck, does not he? See you as cattle and semi-literate objects to satisfy the sexual needs. He will not hug you, not kiss and do not pour vodka. The only chance for you to get into the home of a new master - to be his servant.
Oh, you will understand the difference between comrade Ivan, who called you brothers and Mister Fritz, who calls you biomass or subhuman.

All hail the retard !

Czechs have 18.500 $ per capita,slovaks 16.800,polish around 13.000$ ,yep those are the living standards of slaves,lol.:omghaha:

Romanians were german allies in WW2 and the country that send the most troops on the eastern front after Germany,subhumans in the eye of the germans? We party with them throughout Russia :smokin::devil:

Should i even talk about all those billions of euros,free from the EU that are injected every year in our economy and infrastracture?
All hail the retard !

Czechs have 18.500 $ per capita,slovaks 16.800,polish around 13.000$ ,yep those are the living standards of slaves,lol.:omghaha:

Romanians were german allies in WW2 and the country that send the most troops on the eastern front after Germany,subhumans in the eye of the germans? We party with them throughout Russia :smokin::devil:

Should i even talk about all those billions of euros,free from the EU that are injected every year in our economy and infrastracture?

They are like the South Korea in Europe, being puppet and cannon fodder for life, while can never enjoy being politically independent. :coffee:
I think they will unite with France to rule over the West Europe together.

Western Europe will become irrelevent part of world economy,military and political affairs compare to South Asia,East Asia and Eurasia.
The only way to save EU is connection to Eastern European countries (Serbia,Montenegro,Macedonia,Moldava,Romania,Bulgaria....)
Western Europe will become irrelevent part of world economy,military and political affairs compare to South Asia,East Asia and Eurasia.
The only way to save EU is connection to Eastern European countries (Serbia,Montenegro,Macedonia,Moldava,Romania,Bulgaria....)
The EU has the largest economy in the world. Even if it declines it will hardly be irrelevant.
Western Europe will become irrelevent part of world economy,military and political affairs compare to South Asia,East Asia and Eurasia.
The only way to save EU is connection to Eastern European countries (Serbia,Montenegro,Macedonia,Moldava,Romania,Bulgaria....)

They have received from Eastern Europe all wanted - markets for goods and loans and a source of cheap labor. Perhaps in the future will create an expeditionary force, the Poles and Romanians will dying for the interests of the masters in Africa and Asia. What did you expect? Friendship of Peoples and overall happiness - we abandoned this ourselves. Now the main thing - the profit and morality in capitalism is so slippery and many-sided, that it generally can be ignored.
Western Europe will become irrelevent part of world economy,military and political affairs compare to South Asia,East Asia and Eurasia.
The only way to save EU is connection to Eastern European countries (Serbia,Montenegro,Macedonia,Moldava,Romania,Bulgaria....)

You're an insult to your avatar.
The EU has the largest economy in the world. Even if it declines it will hardly be irrelevant.

But what is the economy backed up with?

The US has companies like Google, Microsoft, Intel and Apple that have no competitors. It also has the world's most awesome military machine and huge natural resources.

In contrast the EU has little natural resources and the only real edge that it has is aerospace in Airbus. Who knows how long that will last! China is making monumental efforts to build their own jet planes and it will not be easy to dismiss their goal to match US/EU by 2030.

Even successful EU companies like Volkswagen are only thriving with 25% of their revenues coming from China. This could rise to one-third in ten years time and then Germany will become more and more reliant on China for their economic well-being.

It seems plausible that certain EU countries like Germany could easily ditch the idea of "EU Unity" and make alliances/understandings with Russia/China in order to preserve their own prosperity and let other EU countries go down the toilet.
But what is the economy backed up with?

You might want to look up names like Glencore, Vitol, Trafigura for a start....hopefully you'll be able to see what kind of cards are those.

He is just telling it as it is.

EU won't become 3rd world but it will become an irrelevance 15-20 years from now.

Bangladesh will sink in 50. :eek:
You might want to look up names like Glencore, Vitol, Trafigura for a start....hopefully you'll be able to see what kind of cards are those.

Bangladesh will sink in 50. :eek:

They are all traders on natural resources of others. You need a massive military machine to "protect" these interests in the future, which the EU does not have and is unlikely to be able to build in the future as it has no money. As Asia becomes more and more powerful, and the EU becomes less and less, these assets can be taken back at any time:lol:

Actually BD is doing just fine. There is such a thing as building sea defences. Thank you for your concern:lol:
They are all traders on natural resources of others. You need a massive military machine to "protect" these interests in the future, which the EU does not have and is unlikely to be able to build in the future as it has no money. As Asia becomes more and more powerful, and the EU becomes less and less, these assets can be taken back at any time:lol:

Actually BD is doing just fine. There is such as thing as building sea defences. Thank you for your concern:lol:

By what stretch of imagination you came by the notion that EU doesn't have a massive military machine? Not like US, but if you go and count what could be called upon the word massive would fit.
You don't understand the power commodity traders wield from the background. :disagree: This is not a provider of your phone.

In 15-20 years China will be in a similar age wise position as western countries are now, while probably not having more then 20.000$ per head.
India will be struggling to employ the ever increasing numbers of youth, just like today.
Food will be more expensive.
In 15-20 years China will be in a similar age wise position as western countries are now, while probably not having more then 20.000$ per head.
India will be struggling to employ the ever increasing numbers of youth, just like today.
Food will be more expensive.

I agree with India. Unfortunately it seems to be failing at industrialisation. Such a shame as they seemed to have promise over the last decade.

Do not agree with China. The society is very adaptable as it is run by the CCP. It will not have the massive social security liabilities as EU countries and could well become as powerful as the US. This will allow it to trade with many countries to it's advantage - something that the fragmented, economically and not very militarily capable EU is not able to do if it still exists at all still.

By what stretch of imagination you came by the notion that EU doesn't have a massive military machine?

Can the EU credibly threaten to invade a country like say Thailand? If it is no, then my assertion stands.
Do not agree with China. The society is very adaptable as it is run by the CCP. It will not have the massive social security liabilities as EU countries and could well become as powerful as the US. This will allow it to trade with many countries to it's advantage - something that the fragmented, economically and not very militarily capable EU is not able to do if it still exists at all still.

It will have a fast growing old population. Would you not call this a massive social security liability? The rest is just immigrant garbage.

Can the EU credibly threaten to invade a country like say Thailand? If it is no, then my assertion stands.

If the political will is no problem, then yes.
It will have a fast growing old population. Would you not call this a massive social security liability.

Not really. It will spend less to look after them. China will not develop a social security system like the EU to hold them back.

Anyway, China's GDP/capita(PPP) is currently at over 10,000 US dollars and is forecast to near 20,000 by 2020 so the country could easily reach 30K in 15-20 years time. Remember China still has 1-2 decades of "catch-up" growth left in it.
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