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France public debt will explode all records at end of 2014

Actually I only projected 7-8% a year till 2020 which is the same as most major economic analysts. From 2020-2030 5% a year is quiet reasonable estimate so that takes them to 30K in both PPP and nominal by 2030- I do not expect the US currency to any longer be the sole world's reserve currency by then.

Chinese current growth is close to 6% and unless there is a sharp revival in your favorite bogeyman, West; it is bound to remain at that level.

And i have stated earlier, PPP converges with Real GDP values as one's economy grows.By the time china reaches the level of $20,000 GDP/capita, the difference between PPP and real values would be reduced to nil.

PPP as a concept is useless for comparing countries.

"And a large UK carrier is near completion as well" - Current estimate of the IOC of the UK carrier is 2020 so that is miles in the future. Thailand will be scared of Italy and Spain?:laugh:

Anyway the UK is thinking of leaving the EU and does not give jack about EU. The governing coalition have even talked about holding a referendum on leaving the EU.

"You know nothing":lol:

Please keep the lines coming. It is so entertaining.

Doesn't matter if it's 2020, the current force is sufficient. UK's partnership status is also irelevant, only one ship of the above was from the UK.
And in the "political will" precondition it meant UK also. they are in the EU now, no need to talk about future potential exits. And since they are often amongst chief warmongers......their participation in this adventure would probably be guaranteed.
You're stupid, that's the problem, and the lack of coherent arguments and refusal to acknowledge facts all together hidden behind a transparent veil of "comical acting" just proves it.

Thailand would cry, just like you are crying.
Chinese current growth is close to 6% and unless there is a sharp revival in your favorite bogeyman, West; it is bound to remain at that level.

And i have stated earlier, PPP converges with Real GDP values as one's economy grows.By the time china reaches the level of $20,000 GDP/capita, the difference between PPP and real values would be reduced to nil.

PPP as a concept is useless for comparing countries.


You're the third forum member making this statment.

İ wonder if the self-proclaimed "mastermind economist" @UKBengali will still remain ignorant and keep spewing out jibberish from his mouth.

Ooh thank you, :)
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Chinese current growth is close to 6% and unless there is a sharp revival in your favorite bogeyman, West; it is bound to remain at that level.

And i have stated earlier, PPP converges with Real GDP values as one's economy grows.By the time china reaches the level of $20,000 GDP/capita, the difference between PPP and real values would be reduced to nil.

BBC News - China's economic growth at 7.5% in April to June period

"China's economic growth at 7.5% in April to June period"

Please get your facts straight and then speak.

"PPP as a concept is useless for comparing countries."

I am talking in about 15-20 years time when China's population gets old like the EU. Anyway like I have explained before, PPP is relevant when you are talking about using local currency to look after
your old population. China will be spending Yuan and not dollars to look after it's old.

If you do not show a little more understanding of economics, then there is no point in debating with you further

You're stupid, that's the problem, and the lack of coherent arguments and refusal to acknowledge facts all together hidden behind a transparent veil of "comical acting" just proves it.

You have gotten wound up and are resorting to personal insults.

It is fun debating with someone like you who suffers from a massive complex.

Life did not treat you fairly then?
You have gotten wound up and are resorting to personal insults.

It is fun debating with someone like you who suffers from a massive complex.

Life did not treat you fairly then?

Not really, i like to say it like it is. You are stupid. No complexes, no bitterness, just truth.
But i must admit it is slightly amusing calling trash for what it is and drop all the political correctness. So, we can say i'm having fun too.
You shut up ,retarded liar.Go read your own quran and see how much calls for stealing the possessions and killing of kafirs. A lot more people have been killed by muslims and islamic imperialism ,rather than by USSR .

Its totally justified because Russia crushed the genocidal imperialist islam... And I thank Russia for that.And funny thing ,the central asians wanted to be part of so called 'imperialist' USSR as proven by 1991 referendum,not of some islamic caliphate or else.

Different time period then, its been over 20 years now, go and check Central asia most have turned backed to Islam more devoutly save perhaps the Kazakhs but even they are proud Muslims although they are not as observant.
Not really, i like to say it like it is. You are stupid. No complexes, no bitterness, just truth.

OK. Now I know that I have wound you up.

Feel sorry to have been born you. Hope the future makes
you a little happier than the past/current.

Note that i do not feel no need to insult you as I honestly feel
sorry for you.
OK. Now I know that I have wound you up.

Feel sorry to have been born you. Hope the future makes
you a little happier than the past/current.

lol, such a weakling! :lol:
Come on man, where's your Royal Thai Army battle plan?
Like I say I do not suffer from any complex so why would I feel the need to insult a random guy on Internet?

lol, you suffer from a complex called Arselickus in latin. Symptoms include but are not limited to having brown smelly excrements around your mouth.

You also suffer from stupidity, a devious and backstabbing disease that makes you think you are really smart but in fact you're as dumb as a door bell. :lol:

And you're urge to not insult a random guy over the internet is just you being a weakling.
You can also present your Royal thai Army battle plan so i rip it to shreds and make your original point invalid.
haven't muslims been making outright insults to hindus here? If we continue like this there will never be peace. Already,the sentiment in the West is becoming anti-muslim strongly due to the antics of the mullahs like Anjem Choudhary who demand sharia law zones . I think we have to make peace somewhere ,or one of the days will come that there will be no one to stand by us.

Who is this us?
lol, you suffer from a complex called Arselickus in latin. Symptoms include but are not limited to having brown smelly excrements around your mouth.

You also suffer from stupidity, a devious and backstabbing disease that makes you think you are really smart but in fact you're as dumb as a door bell. :lol:

"you suffer from a complex called Arselickus in latin. Symptoms include but are not limited to having brown smelly excrements around your mouth" - you have shown yourself to be really silly here.

You get wound up very easily. I recommend you seek help but of course you do not think you have a problem in the first plave.

Btw- you fall within the "average" intelligence category and your complex comes from the fact that you were not born "smart" - accept that and you will be a happier person.
"you suffer from a complex called Arselickus in latin. Symptoms include but are not limited to having brown smelly excrements around your mouth" - you have shown yourself to be really silly here.

You get wound up very easily. I recommend you seek help but of course you do not think you have a problem in the first plave.

Btw- you fall within the "average" intelligence category and your complex comes from the fact that you were not born "smart" - accept that and you will be a happier person.

lol, ok smartie pants, still waiting on you to explain to the dumb guy how Thailand can't be invaded. Or maybe you bit off too much then you can chew with your statements?
Surely a sign of your superior intellect if there ever was any. :lol:

btw, i like this high road you're taking, there's just one problem, you're too stupid to pull it off. I make you look like a dumbass , just like above.
kid, Roman catholicism happened, and with it power hungry clergy that literally burned all the knowledge that was accumulated from the Greek times onward.
In this heap of knowledge were ofcourse included earlier discoveries from the civilizations in the fertile crescent (Eufrates and Tigris river), but Greeks and later after them Romans contributed to this heap as well.

Standing army concept was done by Romans, they had a standing army of proffesionals on 20-30 year contracts.

First contact with eastern civilizations didn't happen in the crusades but when Alexander conquered everything up to India. Roman's had colonies in the Middle East as well.

Peak of Greek engineering would probably be the Antykitera mechanism.

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cannon technology advanced so fast in the west the siege of Constantinople was done with cannons that were made by a Hungarian gunsmith.

While it is true many contributions you listed were created by easterners, none of them utilized them and improved them in such a way that fused everything together.
Example, compass, gunpowder and improvements in sail and shipbuilding technology resulted in ships that could travel reliably and predictably across vast distances, where every such attempt in the past was just a one off attempt that never lasted (Vikings in America, Zheng He to Africa)

Another good example would be the printing press, Guttenberg made his own contributions to existing knowledge which made possible printing in mass. So actually being usable rather then just a toy for rich people.

Thankfully, we have now all but fully abolished the plague that is called organized, politically active religion.

More humble post than other dumb Westerners here. So I commend you for that atleast...

Modern concept of standing armies was introduced to Europe by Ottoman Empire and not 'romen', afterall, it were Ottomans that crushed peasant European armies by using their standing armies...and hence Europe got this idea from Ottomans...Thats a known fact. Majority of historians agree with it.

Also, offcourse Europeans made improvements..I already stated that....

I was just replying to the point of some not-so-bright westerners who think 'West' was born superior and others just copy it :lol:

If anything, it was west which copied East and its ideas/inventions. Major foundations of West itself comes from Muslims and Chinese (even Greek foundations of W. Europe are a Muslim influence on West....so much for bragging LOL...And when I say 'Muslims', I mean in a geographic sense..not in religious one..or just call it "Middle-East" whatever)...

The fact remains that West gained superpower status only towards 18th century etc...that is merely 300 years...so I don't know why so much bragging?

Islamic World alone remained superpower for 1000+ years (7th to 18th century) with empires like Ummayads, Abbasids, Ottomans, Mughals, Timurids and countless others...and I haven't even mentioned great powers of far East, which too were ahead of Europe in this era (7th to 18th century)...

Europeans/Westerners are ahead for merely 300 years and they brag non-stop...How pathetic and useless one can be.
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