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France offers India a huge package of 36 more Rafales, 6 A330 MRTT & 100 Panthers

Da s Saul t offering the best of what they have. We need money. Guess Saul isn't king.
India should immediately say yes. The money they save in procuring these fighters can be reinvested in tejas space age unmanned fighter! This space age fighter will have the greatest capability due to the lack of the IAF pilot. These planes would off course be manned by Pakistani ground pilots as by then Whatever remains as India will be owned by the great Muslim Pakistani rule providing true happiness to the ex Indians, inshallah


Lack of pilot as Pakistan pilots are great ? Ohh please... I don't want to troll so request you please don't troll.

Subsequent Rafale orders are just a matter of time.
We will have atleast 4 squadrons of Rafales.


36 more Rafale is coming.

Tejas Mk1a, mk2 and Rafale is coming in the future and later, AMCA or any other 5th generation fighter.
Lack of pilot as Pakistan pilots are great ? Ohh please... I don't want to troll so request you please don't troll.


36 more Rafale is coming.

Tejas Mk1a, mk2 and Rafale is coming in the future and later, AMCA or any other 5th generation fighter.

troll what troll, Indian pilots are very very bad why else would so many mig-21s crash? Why Jaguars crash and finally why were they shot down in higher number in every war including kargil and feb 27

the biggest problem with the IAF is incompetence.
troll what troll, Indian pilots are very very bad why else would so many mig-21s crash? Why Jaguars crash and finally why were they shot down in higher number in every war including kargil and feb 27

the biggest problem with the IAF is incompetence.

Anything left or you have talk BS and troll enough?

Because people want to see quality posts not quantity with trolls.
Yes quality posts.......how do you know what people want.... are you looking into your manic 8 ball again or is it you are smoking some good old afghani Afeem


Here is a quick update from bahrat rakshah

16 Jaguars
12 mirage 2000
100 s of mig-21s
12 su-30 mki
1 apache crashed but recovered
Too many mig-27s
Some kiran’s

this is just the last 10 years. If this is not incompetence what is ?
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