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France offers India a huge package of 36 more Rafales, 6 A330 MRTT & 100 Panthers

I suppose its for India to decide, but I hope they ll come up with a long term strategic plan.
At this rate india would go bankrupt for sure. Keep it coming,

Only for December 2020 India's GST Collection is of 1.15 Lakh Crore (2.53 Lakh Crore in Pakistani Rupees) so stop thinking about us. First try to repay to Saudies
broke poor indians claiming they have money and are rich. Sit down.

your countries gdp is contracting more than 20%.Half your population cannot find grass to eat even. You have farmers seiging your capital. Your nation is the biggest aid receiver and beggar even today.

you cannot compare poor in Pakistan vs poor in India. No one in Pakistan is dying of hunger. Whereas ive seen Indians eat shit with my own eyes on work trips.

the little $$$ your rich have or your state owned banks have are all unpayable debt. There is no demand, no job crYour house of cards is collapsing before the world eyes :D
Seems Indian cricket vs Pakistan cricket kind of dynamic is emerging. India is pushing ahead and Pakistanis burning.
Agreed that you Indians have same complexion as the chocolate but don't end up swallowing yourself.
India already operates the much more modern Mirage-2000 while Pakistan flies over 50 year old Mirage-5s.
But when the test came, no guessing who pushed ahead and who ran with their tail between legs.
Only for December 2020 India's GST Collection is of 1.15 Lakh Crore (2.53 Lakh Crore in Pakistani Rupees) so stop thinking about us. First try to repay to Saudies

We already have and are continuing to pay back the Najdis. Their actions revealed their true nature. As for your "GST Collection," you can hang it up on a wall-mounted plaque, it still wouldn't hide the fact that india's economy is in tatters and is on sustained downward spiral. No amount of Western help can cure the disease that infests india.
We already have and are continuing to pay back the Najdis. Their actions revealed their true nature. As for your "GST Collection," you can hang it up on a wall-mounted plaque, it still wouldn't hide the fact that india's economy is in tatters and is on sustained downward spiral. No amount of Western help can cure the disease that infests india.

even before the pandemic bhangees economy was on a downward spiral with fudged numbers that most economist were unable to comprehend. The highest unemployment in history, high non performing debt, most beggars per km in the world, and the biggest aid receiver in the world. All great accomplishments before the pandemic.

it appears in gangedash the barometer for economic growth is the amount of spices consumed, and the brain farts outputed for every goswani show.
Only for December 2020 India's GST Collection is of 1.15 Lakh Crore (2.53 Lakh Crore in Pakistani Rupees) so stop thinking about us. First try to repay to Saudies
Indian economy is so bad that pakistan has a higher per capita gdp than india
Indian economy is so bad that pakistan has a higher per capita gdp than india

These bhanagees live in a bubble far away from reality. The average middle class in Pakistan are well off with multiple properties,1 car minimum, 1 motorbike minimum and more than likely living in a decent community away from slums.

Even the poor in Pakistan would not be considered Poor by Indias standard. The poor in India literally eat shit due to the generosity of their billionaires :D
These bhanagees live in a bubble far away from reality. The average middle class in Pakistan are well off with multiple properties,1 car minimum, 1 motorbike minimum and more than likely living in a decent community away from slums.

Even the poor in Pakistan would not be considered Poor by Indias standard. The poor in India literally eat shit due to the generosity of their billionaires :D
Agreed. Indians are very poor. Thats why they have lower HDI compared to pakistan.
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