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France offers India a huge package of 36 more Rafales, 6 A330 MRTT & 100 Panthers

The rafale orders for 36 more was a open secret .............. Its just timing

As for rafale taking a decade to arrive .......... our neigbours still swear by 50 year old mirages and 20 years old agosta subs

So pretty good reputation


76 Rafale
123 Tejas mark1a

all aesa equipped stand off weapons by 2028


I still think the 2028 mark is very optimistic and 2030 or even post is far more realistic in this threat assessment. Dont forget the bhangee air force took 15+ years to come up with 4 Rafales.

Also realistically speaking by then the PAF will have 175 Jf17 block 3/4, 125 Jf-17 MLU, 60 J-10C/D, and 60 J-31/AZM all equiped with aesa as well at a minimum. Not even taking into account the likelyhood that 80 F-16s will also eventually have to be upgraded. There is a reason why the pakistani military is very quickly rising in the top 10 of the worlds best.
I still think the 2028 mark is very optimistic and 2030 or even post is far more realistic in this threat assessment. Dont forget the bhangee air force took 15+ years to come up with 4 Rafales.

Also realistically speaking by then the PAF will have 175 Jf17 block 3/4, 125 Jf-17 MLU, 60 J-10C/D, and 60 J-31/AZM all equiped with aesa as well at a minimum. Not even taking into account the likelyhood that 80 F-16s will also eventually have to be upgraded. There is a reason why the pakistani military is very quickly rising in the top 10 of the worlds best.

so let me get this right PAF are inducting another
175 block 3 & 4 Thunders
60 J10C /D which does not even exist yet
60 AZM fifth gen fighters ( does not exist yet)


AND upgrading 80 F16

No country in the world can induct 300 new fighters in a decade outside of USA or China

" Do you actually understand the financial limitations of pakistan "
And God willing it will also have a huge price tag.

Abondance de biens ne nuit pas. Vive la France!

Therefore, who has a big cash can afford it.
I still think the 2028 mark is very optimistic and 2030 or even post is far more realistic in this threat assessment. Dont forget the bhangee air force took 15+ years to come up with 4 Rafales.

Also realistically speaking by then the PAF will have 175 Jf17 block 3/4, 125 Jf-17 MLU, 60 J-10C/D, and 60 J-31/AZM all equiped with aesa as well at a minimum. Not even taking into account the likelyhood that 80 F-16s will also eventually have to be upgraded. There is a reason why the pakistani military is very quickly rising in the top 10 of the worlds best.
so let me get this right PAF are inducting another
175 block 3 & 4 Thunders
60 J10C /D which does not even exist yet
60 AZM fifth gen fighters ( does not exist yet)


AND upgrading 80 F16

No country in the world can induct 300 new fighters in a decade outside of USA or China

" Do you actually understand the financial limitations of pakistan "
I see your confusion Mav. You are confusing Incompetent Air Force also called the Indian air force or IAF with Pakistan Air Force

isn’t PAF the same Air Force that is flying Rose Iii mirages upgraded in 2-3 years

inducted and Deployed brand new if-17 150+ in 10 years

inducted and is using upgraded of various f-16s in less than 5 years

inducted the f-7 mig 21 in less than 5 years and did upgrades to engines and more

We will inshallah add all these in less than 8 years
I see your confusion Mav. You are confusing Incompetent Air Force also called the Indian air force or IAF with Pakistan Air Force

isn’t PAF the same Air Force that is flying Rose Iii mirages upgraded in 2-3 years

inducted and Deployed brand new if-17 150+ in 10 years

inducted and is using upgraded of various f-16s in less than 5 years

inducted the f-7 mig 21 in less than 5 years and did upgrades to engines and more

We will inshallah add all these in less than 8 years

Jf 17 block 2, I don't count actually.. It is more or less like HAL Tejas mk1.

Jf 17 block 3 will come then even HAL Tejas Mk1a will come from 2024... Both will be more or less same.

Only Pakistan will have something with j10c (if purchase) and f16 block 52.

AZM - it would be j31 or downgrade version of j 20 but not before 2030.

IAF threat from PLAAF is more realistic and challenging compare to PAF in the future.
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Jf 17 block 2, I don't count actually.. It is more or less like HAL Tejas mk1.

Jf 17 block 3 will come then even HAL Tejas Mk1a will come from 2024... Both will be more or less same.

Only Pakistan will have something with j10c (if purchase) and f16 block 52.

AZM - it would be j31 or downgrade version of j 20 but not before 2030.

IAF threat is from PLAAF is more realistic and challenging compare to PAF in the future.
Awww are you trying to think again.... haven’t you had enough......

1)Jf-17 block 2 or as we call it in Pakistan after feb 27, ender of Indian military installations has been in service for over 5 years. Can aireal refuel. Has complete weapons integration. How can you compare it to a non existent aircraft lol

how many combat operations had the LCA tejas mk1 conducted ? Zero

2) block 3 will come by 2024. really you do know we make these in Pakistan right we would have 3 -4 squadrons by 2024.

lca mk1a needs to be built , tested and get IOC and Foc which took 20 years for LCA mk1. Israeli weapons have to be integrated and more. you believe this will be done in 18 months , you do know you are talking about the dRDO and HAL right ? loyal Pakistani institutions? Must be great afghani afeem you are smoking

3) Azm is a j-31 knock off. Did you come up with this all by yourself? Why do you even think this, what is your evidence for such thinking, just because India can not make military products, why do you think other countries are affected by the same afflictions? Please provide any evidence to the contrary. Why do you think Pakistan can not do this on its own ?

so let me get this right PAF are inducting another
175 block 3 & 4 Thunders
60 J10C /D which does not even exist yet
60 AZM fifth gen fighters ( does not exist yet)


AND upgrading 80 F16

No country in the world can induct 300 new fighters in a decade outside of USA or China

" Do you actually understand the financial limitations of pakistan "

You kidding me? Look at what we have done the last 10 years... at this rate we are producing minimum of 20 thunders per year. 175 thunders by 2030 is conservative. AZM is in full swing and J-10CE procurement in final stages. Id expect atleast 50 J-10s by 2023. By 2030 def J-31 in decent numbers.

Even Global Security which is a well known military analyst website created by military experts and intelligence experts expect PAF to have 36 J-10s and 36 J-31s by 2025 let alone by 2030 :D and they are very conservative esp when it comes to PAF.

Now you can continue to live in LALA land and deny the fact Pakistan produces JF-17 in decent numbers, or deny multiple media reports of J-10 procurement, and lastly deny that Project AZM has been in full swing since 2017 and the scientist/engineers/technologist have been sleeping since.

Even though who have been living in denial such as Global Security and now Global Firepower are realizing :) These people do this for a living and dont have the luxury of spending time on this forum.

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US offered f16, f15, f18
French offered rafale
Russian offered su35
Swedish offered gripen

No one is offering it for free. But want profit from the deals. They all want to get money out of it.

So...what is so surprising? it's obvious mate. Does China gives stuff to you for free?
They are pretty good
100+ mirage iii and five
3 agusta 90b
Hunter killer system for alkhalid from sagem

but these things are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

good tech in some areas but shita expensive. There is also the reliability issues

case and point the PAF operated mirages from the late 60s but when the Russians came via Afghanistan we were unable to shoot down mig s intruding in our territory with mirage, till the mighty f-16 came and we shot down 3 aircraft in a few months

same is true when we shot down Indian intruders with mig-19 or f-6 from China


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Pakistan uses their Mirages for close air support, not air combat.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Pakistan uses their Mirages for close air support, not air combat.

Mirage 3s are still used as interceptors, Mirage 5 ROSE are primarily for ground attack.

I expect over the next decade PAF will still keep 80 F-7pgs (1980s built) and 80 Mirage ROSE (Primary ground strike/anti shipping).

Workhorse will be JF-17s supported by F-16/J-10s and eventually J-31.
Pakistan is a redundant threat for India.
India is preparing for conflict with the quantum suar powah , china.
Its not the weaponry that is openly disclosed thats dangerous but the closed door deals that never come to the public's attention.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Pakistan uses their Mirages for close air support, not air combat.

now they are used as strike aircraft back in the 70’s and 80s these were Pakistan’s primary interceptors.

then came the f-16 and the rest is history
Pakistan is a redundant threat for India.
India is preparing for conflict with the quantum suar powah , china.
Its not the weaponry that is openly disclosed thats dangerous but the closed door deals that never come to the public's attention.
Really, it seems Indians are obsessed with Pakistan, Against china 🇨🇳 India has already surrendered

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