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Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

LMAO another Israeli chest thumping, this means Iran can relax for the next 12 weeks

i am glad Iranians (at least on this forum) are taking thing so lightly . going by past history of Isreal , i would not be so confident.
Men in the Iranian army do not fear death, they welcome it for the sake of their nation.. Their resistance is legitimate because they are on the defence protecting their motherland. However if we are attacked we will set all US and Israeli interests on fire, in the region or beyond
Iran has put Israel in a lose-lose position. They will lose if they attack Iran since it is very unlikely that they'll be able to thwart the Iranian nuclear program. And as a result of their attack Iran will have justified cause to leave the NPT and pursue its nuclear deterrent and will have the backing of the world public opinion, not to mention open support from many major states.

On the other hand, if Israel doesn't attack, Iran will simply run the clock on the game and strengthen its nuclear infrastructure and expertise and build reactors and enrich to higher levels to the point where it becomes a de facto nuclear state.

In either case, the balance of power will be reset to the detriment of Israel...
Former Mossad chief's statement comes as Netanyahu warns time for diplomacy running out amid speculation an attack may take place before US elections.


Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy added to speculation of an impending Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear program in a statement published by The New York Times Wednesday.

"If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks," Halevy said.

Speculation in the media and in political circles about the timing of a potential attack on Iran has focused in recent weeks on whether it needs to happen over the summer, before the US elections, or if it can wait until afterward, maybe as far away as next spring.

Earlier in the week, both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that time was running out for sanctions and diplomacy to have an effect on Iran's nuclear ambitions. Both men made the statements during a visit to Israel by US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

“We clearly have something to lose by this stretched time [during] which sanctions and diplomacy takes place, because the Iranians are moving forward, not just in enrichment,” Barak said.

Speaking before meeting Panetta in his office, Netanyahu said the constant rhetoric about all options being on the table regarding Iran has not moved the ayatollahs.

Although acknowledging that sanctions have had an affect, and predicting the recent sanctions US President Barack Obama and Congress have advanced will have an even greater impact, Netanyahu said neither the sanctions nor the diplomacy have had any influence on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear weapons program.

Noting that Panetta said recently that if all else fails America would act, the prime minister said that “however forceful our statements, they have not convinced Iran that we are serious about stopping them. Right now the Iranian regime believes that the international community does not have the will to stop its nuclear program. This must change and it must change quickly, because time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out.”

In an interview on Channel 2 on Tuesday evening, Netanyahu – when asked whether he believes the US when its leaders say unequivocally that they won’t allow Iran to gain nuclear weapons – replied that the “source and foundation of the State of Israel is that we will not leave in the hands of others, not even our best friends, matters concerning our fate.”

Former Mossad head: Iran should ... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

This is a Disinformation/Misinformation campaign designed to exhaust the iranians.

First of all, no attack will take place before US elections because Israel does not want to attack Iran. Israel wants the US to attack Israel and the US will attack Iran after US elections.

More than likely the attack will come around Dec. 21st 2012 and then all hell will break loose resulting in possibly a III World War.
Don't you think you've put an extra W? xD

It depends on how the attack is carried out.

I doubt it. Both Germany and Japan were on par with the dominant powers of their time, they matched their industrial base as well. An Attack on Iran would be like an attack on Iraq or Serbia.

Anyway this Iranian comedian expersses my sentiments perfectly about the current regime's tactfulnes:

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I saw the movie Munich, it was very good.

Anyway, when such organizations like Mossad make a lot of noise, they are not likely to do anything.

It is when they are "quiet" that something is actually going to happen. This applies to everyone of course, not just Mossad.
Mossad will never telegraph their moves.

If they are saying that Iran should fear the next 12 weeks, that means there is no attack coming within the next 12 weeks.

I saw the movie Munich, it was very good.

Anyway, when such organizations like Mossad make a lot of noise, they are not likely to do anything.

It is when they are "quiet" that something is actually going to happen. This applies to everyone of course, not just Mossad.

Good movie.

Btw, did you know during the 1970's both Israel and China had an intelligence war in Africa in which Mossad kidnapped and killed Chinese intelligence agents and vice versa.

That was due to China taking over the role of spreading communism in Africa and most of those African countries being hostile to Israel.

Its in this book, Gideon's Spies

Gideons Spies: Amazon.ca: Books
Well they have about 120 000 (Jewish) Iranians in Israel, he was probably warning them for the next 12 weeks not to help any other Jew set himself on fire. So what the big fuss is about.
waiting for 12 weeks to finish

i have already finished years counting as Israel kept on saying they will attack Iran

12 weeks more to go :) at last
What kind a of nonsense article is this.

Please post something more sensible next time.

well good for reading if you want read to kids not to be taken seriously

the article has no logic it is like a story book
I doubt it. Both Germany and Japan were on par with the dominant powers of their time, they matched their industrial base as well. An Attack on Iran would be like an attack on Iraq or Serbia.

Japans wasn't on par but Germany was way superior to the dominant powers of their time as a military complex. But I don't get the point, the WWII didn't start by attacking Japan or Germany, but it started when Germany attacked Poland. So you should rather talk about Poland and compare the situation of Poland invasion with the invasion of Iran than Germany and Japan. You'd better compare China and Russia with Germany and Japan during the WWII.

Iran's situation is pretty much different. Comparing the case of Serbia is out of question, and bringing that up shows that you need to think deeper than this and engage more critical thinking skills to get the real BIG game that is played now. Iraq is a much better comparison, but there are still HUGE differences.

First of all, Iran is Russia's coastal neighbor through the Caspian sea, that makes the security of Iran linked to security of Russia. if Iran falls to the hands of the Westerners, Russia will lose much, the least important one is that it'll get severely threaten by the NATO because at the moment the NATO directly threatens the western parts of Russia, but if Iran becomes a NATO member which is very likely if Iran joins the western bloc, Russia will face a security threat from the South as well. The next threat for Russia is her interests in energy markets in Europe. Russia as the holder of one-third of the world's natural gas reserves has a complete dominance over Northern, Eastern and Central European energy markets. It's Russia that decides whether the people of these countries go to warm beds at winters or not. Iran, as the holder of close to 18% of world's natural gas reserves could completely ruin Russia's dominance over energy markets in a large part of Europe. As soon as Iran becomes invaded, the westerners will open world markets to Iran to justify their invasion in the eyes of Iranians and to give legitimation to the new puppet regime and also to steal Iran's energy resources. That greatly endangers Russia's economic interest. On the other hand, an Iran backed by the west could challenge Russia's interest in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russia doesn't want another Shah in its neighborhood, you could be sure about that.

China is a newly-industrialized country that is energy thirsty. China enjoys an advantage of cheap labor force but lacks energy sources to run the state independently. As a reason, China should eye other countries to meet her demands. Iran and China are separated by Afghanistan, as Afghanistan has a small border with China that could link Iran's enormous energy resources to China's energy thirsty industries. The security of Afghanistan is important for China, because first of all, insecurity in Afghanistan could cause insecurity in China, a country that has been kept quite in a police state manner, secondly, China needs Afghanistan to shorten the path for energy pipelines from Iran, thirdly, If Iran joins the western bloc, it'll naturally distance itself from China and Pakistan and that will give India the upper hand in Afghanistan. Then Pakistan, a country that has become dear to China recently, will be engulfed by countries hostile to China and friendly toward the west which would force Pakistan to either get closer to the west and leave China or face threats from her rival India.

Iran owns the world's 3rd largest oil reserves and the world's second largest oil reserves, its uranium reserves are estimated to be the world's 10th largest and its coil reserves are also considerable. It enjoys a vast number of mineral ores and mines and has control over one of the world's most important waterways of the world, the strait of Hormuz which is vital for the passing of crude oil coming from the Persian Gulf area. Iran has access to free waters though the sea of Oman and the Indian ocean and could be the most economically-beneficial path for land-locked Caucasian and Central Asian countries to get connected to free waters.
Do you think China and Russia, as military powers that are on par with the west, would let Iran to fall in the hands of their enemies that easily? Especially when they are paying such a heavy price to keep Syria safe from intervention now.

Also, don't forget that Iran is the only country that is openly standing against the western so-called imperialism and is the only shi3a country out there. That makes Iran special with supporters that see Iran as their only true friend. For many anti-Americans and anti-Imperialists, Iran is the only hope, and for the suppressed shi3a people around the world, Iran is the only savior. You should take this fact into consideration as well that Iran is a 'special' state for so many reasons like that.

The world has turned into a big silo filled with explosives, and the nuclear deterrence has already lost its value as many countries are now having nuclear programs. The chances of a world war III aren't that low as you think, especially because new powers are rising that played no role in WWII and as a result they don't agree with the current system that is ruling over the world.
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