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Former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi dies 'in court' – state TV

Thank you for posting this clip. I think all those who commented here should see this , because they obviously have no idea what they are talking about.

And you know what is the sad part ?

More than 30% of the woman in Egypt cant read or write. Yet Morsi had them vote on the changing of the constitution without them even being able to read the intended changes , nor understand the full implications of what they are voting about.

They voted thus because the preachers in the mosques told them that this was what they should do and thought they voted for Islam. Little did they know that they where signing away their own freedom.

It is like making someone sign his own death warrant.

Shame on Morsi for deceiving them like that and shame on all of those here who failed to comment on that.

Is this is really the best you can wish for your brothers and sisters ?


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Thank you for posting this clip. I think all those who commented here should see this , because they obviously have no idea what they are talking about.

And you know what is the sad part ?

More than 30% of the woman in Egypt cant read or write. Yet Morsi had them vote on the changing the constitution without them being able to read the intended changes , nor understand the full implications of what they are voting about.

They voted thus because the preachers in the mosques told them that this was what they should do and thought they voted for Islam. Little did they know that they where signing away their own freedom.

It is like making someone sign his own death warrant.

Shame on Morsi for deceiving them like that and shame on all of those here who failed to comment on that.

Is this is really the best you can wish for your brothers and sisters ?



The speech show he did not deceived public, he was open about his approach, and now you are talking about illiteracy. its not the problem, The thing is MB is oldest political movement in arab world and have grassroot presence, they resisted dictators and many of them died, their leaders spent time in jail, people know them and their ideology. while these western backed crooks like Sisi, Hosni and other dictators have/had no base in public,no one knew them and heard about them until they come to power with blessing of US and zionists.
The speech show he did not deceived public, he was open about his approach, and now you are talking about illiteracy. its not the problem, The thing is MB is oldest political movement in arab world and have grassroot presence, they resisted dictators and many of them died, their leaders spent time in jail, people know them and their ideology. while these western backed crooks like Sisi, Hosni and other dictators have/had no base in public,no one knew them and heard about them until they come to power with blessing of US and zionists.

Literacy does have something to do with it. look even here on this forum the full implication of binding the constitution to sharia is beyond some understanding.

The simple fact is that you cant have freedom and democracy if you make sharia law supreme to state law. Simply does not work. You must have separation of state and religion to ensure freedom.

All Morsi had to do was to serve his people for his elected time and than make sure their are another fair election. That would have ensured Egypt is on the right trek for years to come.

But he could not stop himself and had to f*ck with the constitution , ruining the uprising for every one.

Look , i don't like dictators , but usually what they want is to keep themselves in power. Those religious type of dictators are even worse . Since beside wanting to keep themselves in power they also shove their noses into people private lives ...

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Literacy does have something to do with it. look even here on this forum the full implication of binding the constitution to sharia is beyond some understanding.

The simple fact is that you cant have freedom and democracy if you make sharia law supreme to state law. Simply does not work. You must have separation of state and religion to ensure freedom.

All Morsi had to do was to serve his people for his elected time and than make sure their are another fair election. That would have ensured Egypt is on the right trek.

But he could not stop himself and had to f*ck with the constitution , ruining the uprising for every one.

Look , i don't like dictators , but usually what they want is to keep themselves in power. Those religious type of dictators are even worse . Since beside wanting to keep themselves in power they also shove their noses into people private lives ...


More blabbering. i never denied literacy have its role, but you have no counter for the corrupt secularists not being able to reach at grassroot while MB is oldest political force in Arab world, I know its pains Kuffar like you when Muslims try to apply Islam on themselves but its problem for you not for the Egyptians or Muslims who knowingly elected an Islamic govt/Leader.

all the military junta have to do is to wait for end of his term, no Govt serve on its promises in one year and if they deviate from their promises its right of people to deicide in free and fair elections whether their decisions were right or wrong..

Rest keep your theories to yourself. More power to Islamist Leaders, i dont agree with them on many of things but atleast they are loyal to their people compared to Western puppets. .
More blabbering. I know its pains Kuffar like you when Muslims try to apply Islam on themselves .

I don't have a problem with people trying to maintain their own religion. I have a problem when they try to force it on others.

Does not matter if it is Christians , Jewish or Muslim ,it is the same principle.

Last time that Christians tried it they ended up with the Spanish inquisition . When Muslim tried it , they ended up with the mullah dictatorship or worse- with ISIS. In Israel too we have religious parties that try to force their way and have to be kept in bay.

No one stops you from practicing your faith. Just don't try to rape others to do the same.

Dont try to bend state law to sharia law unless you want a serious infringement of human rights and specially discrimination of woman rights.

As for calling me " Kuffar " - that is just bad manners. You know , from where I stand you are the one that is a " Kuffar " . It is all a matter of perspective. And from what i gather from your answer , you sure need to widen yours ...

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This no time to talk about how bad he was but people making a martyr out of him are ignorant of egyptian politics at best.
RIP morsi even after death being used.

Late President Morsi and his then Defense Minister Sisi now President.

Mursi was probably too much of a gentleman and did not take action against these people.

The first thing that should have happened was replacing the top military generals with MB aligned generals, the people in the Egyptian secret services with MB people, replacing the judiciary with MB aligned people, the police force and media houses should have been brought under control. The dogs of salafi Al-noor party should have been culled en masse right after the election. One needs to be ruthless to take down these dogs but Mursi was too nice a man, maybe even naive and inexperienced because MB never had any previous experience managing the government.
Agreed, they are dumb.

They protested to topple Mubarak and asked for democracy. When they got democracy and a good leader they protested again to depose him.

Finally they got Sissi who is at least as bad as Mubarak. Egyptians back to square one.

You are almost right. They got democracy and a leader so bad that they wanted to get rid of him.
That was why Sissi managed to oust him, and then win the next election.
The criticism from the West has caused the realignment of Egypt with Russia.

Glorifying Morsi is not going to win points in Egypt, that is for sure.
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You are almost right. They got democracy and a leader so bad that they wanted to get rid of him.
That was why Sissi managed to oust him, and then win the next election.
The crtiticism from the West has caused the realignment with Russia.

Glorifying Morsi is not going to win points in Egypt, that is for sure.

Mursi did not rule long enough to determine whether good or "so bad" specially after decades of dictatorship. Even if he was bad, the democracy Egyptians protested for should dictate who would rule after him through the ballot, not by taking power through force by a sleaze general.

Glorifying Mursi won't win points in Egypt you say? Well that's why they are donkeys, they don't deserve a democracy. They are fond of being under the boots of dictators and so they will.

Ofcourse westerners have an interest in sustaining dictatorships in Muslim countries specially a crucial country like Egypt. Your and your ilks' defense of Sissi is seen in that light.
Mursi did not rule long enough to determine whether good or "so bad" specially after decades of dictatorship. Even if he was bad, the democracy Egyptians protested for should dictate who would rule after him through the ballot, not by taking power through force by a sleaze general.

Glorifying Mursi won't win points in Egypt you say? Well that's why they are donkeys, they don't deserve a democracy. They are fond of being under the boots of dictators and so they will.

Ofcourse westerners have an interest in sustaining dictatorships in Muslim countries specially a crucial country like Egypt. Your and your ilks' defense of Sissi is seen in that light.

He ruled long enough to piss off a large majority of Egyptians.
Look no further than to the U.K., where the Prime Minister resigned when it was apparent that there was no confidence. When Morsi found out about lack of support, he should have called for a vote of confidence, and resigned if he failed, or implemented his policies if he succeeeded.

Al Sisi called for new elections after Morsi was ousted and won.
Whether those elections were free and fair, I cannot tell.

An no, the West does not defend Al Sisi. He got a lot of criticism and relations between Egypt and the West soured as a result.
Your racist remarks have no foundation in reality.
Thank you for posting this clip. I think all those who commented here should see this , because they obviously have no idea what they are talking about.

And you know what is the sad part ?

More than 30% of the woman in Egypt cant read or write. Yet Morsi had them vote on the changing of the constitution without them even being able to read the intended changes , nor understand the full implications of what they are voting about.

They voted thus because the preachers in the mosques told them that this was what they should do and thought they voted for Islam. Little did they know that they where signing away their own freedom.

It is like making someone sign his own death warrant.

Shame on Morsi for deceiving them like that and shame on all of those here who failed to comment on that.

Is this is really the best you can wish for your brothers and sisters ?


So creating Israel because of whims based on old religion.. Making it an obligation for radical evangelical scene basing all about your religion is all good but when it comes for Muslims you talk about death freedom and more thin air..

Specially the first part is the true spirit of a muslim denying this is ultimate loss and the ultimate destruction and unsuccessfulness.. It is to be a human and fulfilling the purpose of life.. A muslim is in self denial if he keeps his heart away from allah, kuran, the prophet, prayer, sharia, jihad

It's like being a **** star and thinking to be a holy man

Sissi burned ppl on the streets some where partly burned some compleate some you could recognize the face and some where just burned faces to the bones.. Youtube deleted this Videos I can't show them to you..

But still sissi prinzess occupies the heart by some ppl

I am now not gonna make dua against them sure I have wicked ideas but I keep it up for the almighty he is the most severe in punishment
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