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Former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi dies 'in court' – state TV

He ruled long enough to piss off a large majority of Egyptians.
Look no further than to the U.K., where the Prime Minister resigned when it was apparent that there was no confidence. When Morsi found out about lack of support, he should have called for a vote of confidence, and resigned if he failed, or implemented his policies if he succeeeded.

Al Sisi called for new elections after Morsi was ousted and won.
Whether those elections were free and fair, I cannot tell.

An no, the West does not defend Al Sisi. He got a lot of criticism and relations between Egypt and the West soured as a result.
Your racist remarks have no foundation in reality.

There is no racist remark in my post, don't make false accusations.

Mursi was ousted by a military coup, the protests were also organized by the Egyptian militqry establishment that actually controlled the country, it was funded and orchestrated by the Saudis and Emiratis, may even be the Israelis and had tacit support of the US. Mursi took over a country royally screwed up by the dictator for decades. A democratic election is held so a party/leader can show his performance throughout hi tenure and based on that re-elected or removed. Anybody who says Mursi had 'problems' so removing his within a year by a coup obviously has vested interest.

The west did lip service criticism, we know that. They even conspired to remove Erdogan, let alone Mursi.
There is no racist remark in my post, don't make false accusations.

Mursi was ousted by a military coup, the protests were also organized by the Egyptian militqry establishment that actually controlled the country, it was funded and orchestrated by the Saudis and Emiratis, may even be the Israelis and had tacit support of the US. Mursi took over a country royally screwed up by the dictator for decades. A democratic election is held so a party/leader can show his performance throughout hi tenure and based on that re-elected or removed. Anybody who says Mursi had 'problems' so removing his within a year by a coup obviously has vested interest.

The west did lip service criticism, we know that. They even conspired to remove Erdogan, let alone Mursi.

Blaming the west for the actions of the locals is racist.

Show any proof that the Egyptian coup and Turkish coup attempt was anything but homegrown in the area.

A democracy assumes that the elected leader run a policy which is consistent with what they announced before the election. If they deviate, they break a contract with the voters.
They should seek a mandate in a new election, not act as an elected dictator.

As for Turkey, the most reasonable explanation was that Erdogan was planning a purge, and the coup was a reaction, when the intended victims found out. The lists were prepared in advance of the coup.
Blaming the west for the actions of the locals is racist.

Show any proof that the Egyptian coup and Turkish coup attempt was anything but homegrown in the area.

A democracy assumes that the elected leader run a policy which is consistent with what they announced before the election. If they deviate, they break a contract with the voters.
They should seek a mandate in a new election, not act as an elected dictator.

As for Turkey, the most reasonable explanation was that Erdogan was planning a purge, and the coup was a reaction, when the intended victims found out. The lists were prepared in advance of the coup.

Oh sure sure, west is so innocent they don't support coups in other countries.

A democratic leader can only be removed by the vote not by a military coup. But ofcourse you will continue to talks shit because it serves your hypocrisy.
Oh sure sure, west is so innocent they don't support coups in other countries.

A democratic leader can only be removed by the vote not by a military coup. But ofcourse you will continue to talks shit because it serves your hypocrisy.

A democratic leader will ensure that there is a mandate,
and will seek to confirm that mandate through elections.

As expected, you had no proof and started to produce hot air.
A democratic leader will ensure that there is a mandate,
and will seek to confirm that mandate through elections.

As expected, you had no proof and started to produce hot air.

The US must have left all the proofs about all the coups they sponsored. Go away, you are not getting a chance to peddle your lies.
The US must have left all the proofs about all the coups they sponsored. Go away, you are not getting a chance to peddle your lies.

Hot Air, Hot Air, HOT AIR!
Either You show proof, or you are branded a charlatan.
We are discussing the recent coups in Egypt and Turkey.
Not the theft by Mossadeq.

You are the one making claims.
You are the one making racist remarks.


Either you’re a fool or intellectually dishonest to say this doesn’t happen now.

The true extent of US involvement in this was only confirmed 60 years later in 2013.
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More blabbering. i never denied literacy have its role, but you have no counter for the corrupt secularists not being able to reach at grassroot while MB is oldest political force in Arab world, I know its pains Kuffar like you when Muslims try to apply Islam on themselves but its problem for you not for the Egyptians or Muslims who knowingly elected an Islamic govt/Leader.

all the military junta have to do is to wait for end of his term, no Govt serve on its promises in one year and if they deviate from their promises its right of people to deicide in free and fair elections whether their decisions were right or wrong..

Rest keep your theories to yourself. More power to Islamist Leaders, i dont agree with them on many of things but atleast they are loyal to their people compared to Western puppets. .

Extremist Muslims like the Muslim brotherhood don't just apply Islam to themselves. They also apply Islam to the people in their country who don't really want religious laws.
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Muslims don't just apply Islam to themselves. They also apply Islam to the people in their country who don't really want religious laws.

Sweeping statement. Plz Give example of Muslim countries except Saudis and Iranians who try to be more holier then each other. i can tell about Pakistan, we dont force Islamic laws on Christians etc.
Sweeping statement. Plz Give example of Muslim countries except Saudis and Iranians who try to be more holier then each other. i can tell about Pakistan, we dont force Islamic laws on Christians etc.
I was not talking about Christians. I was talking about the non - practicing or semi-practicing or 'cultural muslims'.
People who celebrate Eid and dress conservative, but don't pray. Or people who believe in your God, but still drink/take interest/dance/listen to music. People who dress liberally and have liberal opinions, while having a Muslim name.
I was not talking about Christians. I was talking about the non - practicing or semi-practicing or 'cultural muslims'.
People who celebrate Eid and dress conservative, but don't pray. Or people who believe in your God, but still drink/take interest/dance/listen to music. People who dress liberally and have liberal opinions, while having a Muslim name.

... can you see how silly your answer is?
I mean... Even in Europe we are forced to ''Believe'' in X or Y belief that we don't wish to follow.... Is that bad? or is it only when it's Islam that ppl like you get triggered?
I will not even go into India's own ''Restriction'' and all the Cows thing... imposed on non-believers or even Hindus who don't follow their own religion...

As for your answer... At the exception of few countries who may impose Religious '' codes''... the other don't care... even some of them are more liberals that some Liberal Western countries...

But if you ''POV'' is targeting PEOPLE behavior toward others... then it's even more silly...
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Either you’re a fool or intellectually dishonest to say this doesn’t happen now.

The true extent of US involvement in this was only confirmed 60 years later in 2013.

Precedent does not constitute proof.

I say that those making the claims, should produce the proofs.
This is all according to the principle of innocense until proven guilty.

The fact that relations with Egypt is souring is an indication that this was not planned with the West.
That Erdogan arrested hundreds of thousands in the direct aftermath is an indication that the coup was made as a hurried reaction to finding out about the impending purge.
Neither are an indication of any Western involvement.
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