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Former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi dies 'in court' – state TV

Precedent does not constitute proof.

I say that those making the claims, should produce the proofs.
This is all according to the principle of innocense until proven guilty.

The fact that relations with Egypt is souring is an indication that this was not planned with the West.
That Erdogan arrested hundreds of thousands in the direct aftermath is an indication that the coup was made as a hurried reaction to finding out about the impending purge.
Neither are an indication of any Western involvement.

Yes the same principles the US is applying with Iran with each new accusation.

Your “evidence” that you presented is NOT proof that the West isn’t involved.

Ultimately time will tell.

As it did with the 1953 coup.

60 years later.
Sweeping statement. Plz Give example of Muslim countries except Saudis and Iranians who try to be more holier then each other. i can tell about Pakistan, we dont force Islamic laws on Christians etc.
....but Christians get killed alot more in Pakistan than in Iran for eg..
....but Christians get killed alot more in Pakistan than in Iran for eg..

We lost 40000 people in terrorism of every caste and Creed and situation have improve alot And Christian maybe the least effected party. What's your point?

Minus this decade of WoT and Iran's violent years before or after revolution and then compare..
We lost 40000 people in terrorism of every caste and Creed and situation have improve alot And Christian maybe the least effected party. What's your point?

Minus this decade of WoT and Iran's violent years before or after revolution and then compare..
Whats my point? Pakitan has a more negative reputation worldwide when it comes to treating religious minorities than Iran or even Saudi.
Whats my point? Pakitan has a more negative reputation worldwide when it comes to treating religious minorities than Iran or even Saudi.

I agree western propaganda waste more money and resources to malign Pakistan.
Yes the same principles the US is applying with Iran with each new accusation.

Your “evidence” that you presented is NOT proof that the West isn’t involved.

Ultimately time will tell.

As it did with the 1953 coup.

60 years later.
I did not claim it was proof, did I?
Neither did I claim, they did not do it.
Others did claim they did it, without any proof whatsoever.
I'm just going to leave this here:


If you know what this is, you know what happened.
... can you see how silly your answer is?
I mean... Even in Europe we are forced to ''Believe'' in X or Y belief that we don't wish to follow.... Is that bad? or is it only when it's Islam that ppl like you get triggered?
I will not even go into India's own ''Restriction'' and all the Cows thing... imposed on non-believers or even Hindus who don't follow their own religion...

As for your answer... At the exception of few countries who may impose Religious '' codes''... the other don't care... even some of them are more liberals that some Liberal Western countries...

But if you ''POV'' is targeting PEOPLE behavior toward others... then it's even more silly...
In Europe, you aren't prevented from following your faith, unless you force or coerce it on others(including your family). An exception would be violent behaviour.

Most Conservative countries don't allow this level of freedom to their own citizens.
I realize there are some exceptions in the Islamic world like Lebanon, Turkey, Oman Dubai, etc.

I also agree the India has a few backward laws like the beef ban in a lot of states. I don't support that.
In Europe, you aren't prevented from following your faith, unless you force or coerce it on others(including your family). An exception would be violent behaviour.

Most Conservative countries don't allow this level of freedom to their own citizens.
I realize there are some exceptions in the Islamic world like Lebanon, Turkey, Oman Dubai, etc.

I also agree the India has a few backward laws like the beef ban in a lot of states. I don't support that.

When was the last time you came in Europe?
The Western Freedom is a myth... As long as the minority belief is hidden they will shut up... the moment that same minority climb up the social ladder and their "Belief/culture" shows up... they will be the first to call to limit freedom...

Here one exemple among thousands... In France... A Muslim woman who don't wear a bikini at the beach is asked to leave... Every year it's the same... Many Beaches will block the access to muslim woman who wear Some Modest swimming Clothes...
Here another one for you... They are trying to pass a law that will stop Muslims moms with a headscarf to take part in Extra-scholar trips... even though most of the time... they are the only mom who are available for that...
Want another one? Few years ago, they wanted to pass a law to block ADULT STUDENTS with a headscarf to enter Universities...
Another One? You can't work with an Headscarf in public sector...
Another One?

That is only in France... In Italy... Islam is not even recognized as a Religion...
When was the last time you came in Europe?
The Western Freedom is a myth... As long as the minority belief is hidden they will shut up... the moment that same minority climb up the social ladder and their "Belief/culture" shows up... they will be the first to call to limit freedom...

Here one exemple among thousands... In France... A Muslim woman who don't wear a bikini at the beach is asked to leave... Every year it's the same... Many Beaches will block the access to muslim woman who wear Some Modest swimming Clothes...
Here another one for you... They are trying to pass a law that will stop Muslims moms with a headscarf to take part in Extra-scholar trips... even though most of the time... they are the only mom who are available for that...
Want another one? Few years ago, they wanted to pass a law to block ADULT STUDENTS with a headscarf to enter Universities...
Another One? You can't work with an Headscarf in public sector...
Another One?

That is only in France... In Italy... Islam is not even recognized as a Religion...
Italy is a Conservative Christian country.
France is an anti-religion(in public) country. Laicite, they call it.

My personal view on hijab is that it is generally forced/coerced by the men on the women, with some exceptions. Luckily this tradition is rapidly dying in my country. Though you won't be persecuted for it.
Italy is a Conservative Christian country.
France is an anti-religion(in public) country. Laicite, they call it.

My personal view on hijab is that it is generally forced/coerced by the men on the women, with some exceptions. Luckily this tradition is rapidly dying in my country. Though you won't be persecuted for it.
Italy recognize every other religion... except Islam... and no they aren't conservative... and I know what i'm talking about.. .let's say... family related...
France stance evolve to the point of twisting their own ''Laicite'' belief... As '' Religion NOT with in the State structure'' To ''Religion NOT in the country''
But Islam is still the only targeted religion...

As for your Hijab stance... go say that to my Female Family members... who half of them got a Phd... or any other Woman with Hijab... where most of them... if we are to be honest... got their ''men'' under leash... and most of them started to wear it at Uni... Before any Husband around...

Don't compare you simple/narrow view to the World reality...
Our Woman are far from being ''Forced'' quite the opposite tbh...
I personally came across husbands asking their own wife to take it off... But ALL of them refused...

That Western/biased view or Those outside of Islam is nothing more than pure nonsense... when it comes speaking about ''THE Majority of Muslims across the world''

But does that mean no woman is forced to wear it? No... many are... But it's not the majority
When was the last time you came in Europe?
The Western Freedom is a myth... As long as the minority belief is hidden they will shut up... the moment that same minority climb up the social ladder and their "Belief/culture" shows up... they will be the first to call to limit freedom...

Here one exemple among thousands... In France... A Muslim woman who don't wear a bikini at the beach is asked to leave... Every year it's the same... Many Beaches will block the access to muslim woman who wear Some Modest swimming Clothes...
Here another one for you... They are trying to pass a law that will stop Muslims moms with a headscarf to take part in Extra-scholar trips... even though most of the time... they are the only mom who are available for that...
Want another one? Few years ago, they wanted to pass a law to block ADULT STUDENTS with a headscarf to enter Universities...
Another One? You can't work with an Headscarf in public sector...
Another One?

That is only in France... In Italy... Islam is not even recognized as a Religion...
That is correct - for burial there is not a cemetery to bury either in.

please let us get back to topic. it is going all over the place.

Morsi was best thing to happen to Egyptian.. but Egyptian are so dum to take advantage of the man.. he was first elected president of country..
they are double dum... first they rise up to take on Mubarak; then the intelligencia sets up Morsi to fail and then rallies the dumbos to get him down so that they can take over. I had predicted that this would be short lived.
Regretfully Egyptians can only understand the power of a stick not democracy. Sad but true.
Mubarak had 1st class hotel treatment while this man rotted with terrible conditions and during the period only saw his family a few times.

Hippocrates population was enduring Mubarak’s torture rule for decades in its length. A Democratic government under Morsi lasted just months. Idiotic nation if there ever was.
they are and they will always be. From the times of pharoahs, nassar, sadat, mubarak, sisi - all corrupt.
Mursi did not rule long enough to determine whether good or "so bad" specially after decades of dictatorship. Even if he was bad, the democracy Egyptians protested for should dictate who would rule after him through the ballot, not by taking power through force by a sleaze general.

Glorifying Mursi won't win points in Egypt you say? Well that's why they are donkeys, they don't deserve a democracy. They are fond of being under the boots of dictators and so they will.

Ofcourse westerners have an interest in sustaining dictatorships in Muslim countries specially a crucial country like Egypt. Your and your ilks' defense of Sissi is seen in that light.
Sisi was elected..he did not take power by force.. there were millions of Egyptians protesting against Morsi..just one year of testing him.. this says it all.. I guess you are not familiar with Egyptian politics and you want to hold beliefs that contradict facts..
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