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Featured Former Diplomat’s Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad

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When a society abandons Islam, it produces sick individuals such as this despicable imbecile.
Unfortunately, even religious people kill but for different reasons.
TTP and its allies as well as ISIS
We are a numb ummah.
Most probably this person was born as a sociopath/psychopath, or die to some unavoidable circumstances developed these tendencies and hence he ended doing this.
His parents had all the finances and help to correct his dangerous tendencies, but their unflinching unrestricted love couldn't stop the inevitable.
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three perspectives,

- one is how morally, socially corrupt the culture has become & what kind of androids are being trolled out from a corrupt social and moral order. Sign of a sinking order.

- two is the disappearence of family values, respect for parents and elders, intermarriages between families, disappearnce of large and healthy families - instead taken over by the decayed and putrefield modern, western uncontrolled feminism and liberty.

- third is the chinese proverb - fish rots from the head. One was the sibling of an ambassador from our 'foreignservice babus' and other is a sibling of a CEO of a leading constuction company. This is the sorry and pathetic state of this rotten head.

Good exposure of the stinking and failing state of our society and culture exsistent within top echolons of 'central superior services ' which are neither central, nor superior and not even worthy of being called a service. R I P if you can find any.

Former Diplomat’s Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad
Former Diplomat's Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad's Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad

Former Pakistani diplomat’s daughter was killed in Islamabad.
According to the report, the police said that the murder took place in a house in Sector F-Seven / Four.

The victim was identified as 27 years old Noor Muqakam, daughter of Shaukat Muqakam.
Police said the girl was also stabbed and beheaded with a sharp instrument after firing, while another person was injured in the incident.

A friend of the girl has been arrested for her alleged involvement in the incident, they said.
The Police said the alleged killer was the son of the CEO of a leading construction company in Islamabad.
According to the sources, former Pakistani diplomat’s daughter Noor was killed over a break with the accused. The accused could not handle the refusal and killed the girl.

Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri has paid condolences to the sad demise and wrote on Twitter, “Deeply saddened by the murder of the daughter of a senior colleague and former Ambassador of Pakistan. Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family, and I hope the perpetrator of this heinous crime will be brought to justice.”

#JusticeforNoor also trending on Pakistan’s Twitter.


you need a mufti and a qaari to teach your kids about Islam and Qur'an

Mufti of which sect? Brelvis, Deobandis and Ahle-Hadith (sunni groups in Pakistan) all call each other kafir ... you are recommending a mufti from one of these groups to teach kids Islam! Did you not know that there 4 schools had 4 massalahs in The Holy Mosque = 4 groups praying separately 5 times a day!? This is Islam to these lot. And the irony is that they called it ijema!

Parents should step away from all sects, and learn Islam directly from Quran first and foremost - read multiple translations (IslamOne app contains every translation under every Aya). Then study Sahih Hadith (in same app). Not hard at all. And then start teaching their own kids! Parents fob off the learning of Quranic arabic to a qaari and think they have fulfilled their duties - something all such parents will have to answer for on judgement day.

Absolutely Not to your statement above.
I agree with both of you.

The trickle down effect was trickiling of moral deptitude and corrupt practices which parasitized the Islo elite life style & liberalism and modern feminist uncontrollable movement which initially hit the karachites and Islo high flying female gatherings and later on it spread like black fungus everywhere.

the consequences were always on the wall. Just a matter of time......as they say.

Yup, the innocent, honest, and selfless regular Pakistanis have nothing to do with it.
Well its easy to blame the people and it maybe correct upto some extent but common people have a limit. Maybe vote for the new guy, turns out the new guy is even worst. The establishment have encouraged corruption and neptism as well, the conduct of every institute shows that if u have money and links, u can get away with anything. The establishment have brought this trend of buying and selling of politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, judges, mullahs, mafias. Name the politician that have damaged Pakistan the most, go back and ull find he was brought in by establishment.

It is easy to blame the other.

Every single thing that you have stated, literally, happens in every single country, with every single "establishment", in all the corners of the world. Power corrupts and it corrupts everywhere. The difference between Pakistan and, say, the insignificant, hedonistic, kafir island of Iceland is that the common people there have grown a sense of shame, a zameer (which every Pakistani believes sprouts in you magically only after performing namaz and growing a beard). This has in turn built a national character averse and resistant to corruption in the society. This collective national character then not only regulates the individual, it also holds accountable those with more power through the common man.

Pakistanis, otoh, are one of the most inexplicably, moronically, and shamelessly corrupt and selfish nations on the planet, despite our self-romanticized claims. The leaders in the West did not descend from the heavens.
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Oh yes - the society with Islam had the religious teacher who sexually abused a young kid. Beautiful expression of a society that is full of Islam.

Pakistan is full of men-made mazhabs that have some parts of Islam only. Now Libturds are coming up with their own mazhab these days.

There is very little Islam in our society. 'Full of Islam' is a foolish level of overstatement.
It is easy to blame the other, takes character to look at one's own self.

Every single thing that you have stated, literally, happens in every single country, with every single "establishment", in all the corners of the world. Power corrupts and it corrupts everywhere. The difference between Pakistan and, say, the insignificant, hedonistic, kafir island of Iceland is that the common people there have grown a social conscious, a sense of responsibility, a sense of shame, a zameer (which every Pakistani believes sprouts in you magically after performing namaz and growing a beard). This has in turn built a national character averse and resistant to corruption in the society. This collective national character then not only regulates the individual, it also holds accountable those with more power.

Pakistanis, otoh, are one of the most inexplicably, moronically, and shamelessly corrupt and selfish nations on the planet, despite our self-romanticized claims. Have you not met us? The leaders in the West did not descend from the heavens.

The difference is that in other countries, the establishment promotes good leadership and good conduct while in Pakistan they are opposite. I met a tribal smuggler who told me a story of how ISI approached him, the rest i wont say here where indians are reading it. My point is its easy to blame the people, since ppl are corrupt, the leaders and whole system is corrupt, this maybe true upto some extent but not the whole picture. The establishment supposed to be the cream and the best of us and act on behalf of the state. If they support corrupt scum then they should not be holly cows and brought to justice. This cannot continue and it leads to anarchy and uprisings.
Pakistan is full of men-made mazhabs that have some parts of Islam only. Now Libturds are coming up with their own mazhab these days.

There is very little Islam in our society. 'Full of Islam' is a foolish level of overstatement.

i was waiting for the defensive reaction and blaming “libturds” or otherwise. One if the most respected seminaries in Peshawar is ripe with sodomy and abuse but the leadership was always consulted for fatwas. There was no “man made” mazhabs. They claimed to preach Islam, prayed 5+1 and recited Quran day in and day out. They also abused boys and watched pornography.

Islam also had a white bearded surgeon abandon his patient on the operating table so he could offer prayers leading to their death.
Islam also had a white bearded captain of a certain Airblue flight be incapable of good decisions and slamming into a Mountain due to his exhaustion from staying up all night praying.

So please, take this facade of holiness and keep it to yourself.

Islam isn’t the hankerchief Pakistanis use to wave happily as a banner and then use it to clean their noses when needed.

The amount of Islam the common Pakistani shouts around like yourself would make it seem every third person is a momin heading for Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Islam is reduced to rituals and banners and even this “purdah-dar” girl was running around living here and there.

So clearly “Full of Islam” doesn’t help.
you are correct that the Qaris and teachers is part of the loss of teaching of Islam and relegating the teaching of Islam to the ignorant. But that doesn’t mean that this woman’s life would be saved by Quran apps. She is a victim of a flawed social system with zero fear and accountability. The man’s parents aren’t the only one with blame but also her parents.

The prophet was Sadiq and ameen along with having an impeccable reputation towards his fellow humans long before he received a revelation. Perhaps muslims should take that as a hint.
three perspectives,

- one is how morally, socially corrupt the culture has become & what kind of androids are being trolled out from a corrupt social and moral order. Sign of a sinking order.

- two is the disappearence of family values, respect for parents and elders, intermarriages between families, disappearnce of large and healthy families - instead taken over by the decayed and putrefield modern, western uncontrolled feminism and liberty.

- third is the chinese proverb - fish rots from the head. One was the sibling of an ambassador from our 'foreignservice babus' and other is a sibling of a CEO of a leading constuction company. This is the sorry and pathetic state of this rotten head.

Good exposure of the stinking and failing state of our society and culture exsistent within top echolons of 'central superior services ' which are neither central, nor superior and not even worthy of being called a service. R I P if you can find any.
Which evil is worse? The inherent moral and financial corruption that comes from the society that frankly the baby boomers and Gen X of Pakistan let florish?
Or the utter loss of family values that has resulted in an almost exponential fashion a generation of badtameez, badtehzeeb and behuda types from all echelons?

I disagree that it is an elite problem only(although they still profit from the rot the most) and that when you have actual Ramadan timing “fahash” mehfils promoted within the poorest areas of rural Pakistan then the society is essentially lost.
i was waiting for the defensive reaction and blaming “libturds” or otherwise. One if the most respected seminaries in Peshawar is ripe with sodomy and abuse but the leadership was always consulted for fatwas. There was no “man made” mazhabs. They claimed to preach Islam, prayed 5+1 and recited Quran day in and day out. They also abused boys and watched pornography.

Islam also had a white bearded surgeon abandon his patient on the operating table so he could offer prayers leading to their death.
Islam also had a white bearded captain of a certain Airblue flight be incapable of good decisions and slamming into a Mountain due to his exhaustion from staying up all night praying.

So please, take this facade of holiness and keep it to yourself.

Islam isn’t the hankerchief Pakistanis use to wave happily as a banner and then use it to clean their noses when needed.

The amount of Islam the common Pakistani shouts around like yourself would make it seem every third person is a momin heading for Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Islam is reduced to rituals and banners and even this “purdah-dar” girl was running around living here and there.

So clearly “Full of Islam” doesn’t help.
you are correct that the Qaris and teachers is part of the loss of teaching of Islam and relegating the teaching of Islam to the ignorant. But that doesn’t mean that this woman’s life would be saved by Quran apps. She is a victim of a flawed social system with zero fear and accountability. The man’s parents aren’t the only one with blame but also her parents.

The prophet was Sadiq and ameen along with having an impeccable reputation towards his fellow humans long before he received a revelation. Perhaps muslims should take that as a hint.

It would have been saved if she wasn't having a haram relationship with that man. Why are we ignoring that?

Anyway this is all BS, a young woman was brutally murdered and we are all sitting in judgement projecting our values on her.

May Allah swt have mercy on her and grant her a place in Jannah. May Allah swt give her family sabr. We can't begin to imagine thier suffering.
i was waiting for the defensive reaction and blaming “libturds” or otherwise. One if the most respected seminaries in Peshawar is ripe with sodomy and abuse but the leadership was always consulted for fatwas. There was no “man made” mazhabs. They claimed to preach Islam, prayed 5+1 and recited Quran day in and day out. They also abused boys and watched pornography.

Islam also had a white bearded surgeon abandon his patient on the operating table so he could offer prayers leading to their death.
Islam also had a white bearded captain of a certain Airblue flight be incapable of good decisions and slamming into a Mountain due to his exhaustion from staying up all night praying.

So please, take this facade of holiness and keep it to yourself.

Islam isn’t the hankerchief Pakistanis use to wave happily as a banner and then use it to clean their noses when needed.

The amount of Islam the common Pakistani shouts around like yourself would make it seem every third person is a momin heading for Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Islam is reduced to rituals and banners and even this “purdah-dar” girl was running around living here and there.

So clearly “Full of Islam” doesn’t help.
you are correct that the Qaris and teachers is part of the loss of teaching of Islam and relegating the teaching of Islam to the ignorant. But that doesn’t mean that this woman’s life would be saved by Quran apps. She is a victim of a flawed social system with zero fear and accountability. The man’s parents aren’t the only one with blame but also her parents.

The prophet was Sadiq and ameen along with having an impeccable reputation towards his fellow humans long before he received a revelation. Perhaps muslims should take that as a hint.

I can understand why you are so defensive - molvis (of all sects/schools and their corrupted versions) have driven a lot of people away from Islam that is in Quran and Hadith ONLY! As for libturds, we had one on twitter asking not to sacrifice animals on Eid .. so the libturd version is on the rise. Same coin, different sides actually. Libturds are a reaction but same nonetheless.

And what do you expect to come out from these sects/schools?? Praying 5 times and reciting Quran daily just IS NOT ISLAM! Heck, Qadyanis do that but would you say they are following Islam? These schools do not teach the meanings of Ayah - 99.9% of hufaz have no understanding of the Quran. They teach their firqay books that take part Ayah and part Hadith to fit their narrative. This is why they are all screwed up and engaging in such despicable and haram acts!

There is no facade of holiness here. I don't follow any groups or sects - in fact Allah warns and prohibits us, in Quran, to divide in groups on matters of Deen. Guidance is straight and made easy.

Problem with a lot in Pakistan, maybe including you too, is that these lot are so angered and frustrated by the actions of these self proclaimed 'thekedars of Islam' that they get totally put off by Islam and seek or devise a 'liberal' version that fits their chosen lifestyles without even attempting to self study and understanding Quran and Sunnah. Know too many such types and was one for a while too until I opened Quran and started reading translations.

I never said anyone's life would be saved by an app. That's an utterly misplaced assumption. The murderer was screwed up in the head clearly and victim unfortunately wasn't wise enough to understand the fatal risk she had gotten herself in. As for the families, had they some wisdom things may not have turned out they way they have.

Social system is flawed indeed - with warped man made mazhabs abound and frustrated liberals - all cursing and damaging each other and everyone else in the process. And implementation of law is in the hands of these lot to top it all - nothing good will come out of it all until there is a major bloodbath that is coming in the form of the final war. That should clean up a big chunk of this molvi/firqay/mazhabs and liberal rots in the society! I am always surprised as to why Allah has saved us from a humiliating destruction - there must be a purpose but surely this current rotten society can't be fulfilling that purpose.
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i wish
If he is proven sane and guilty, Must be beheaded in public

if he is proven mentally sick and guilty, I want to Donate a Well in outskirts where He is thrown to be rotten and kept alive to suffer the darkness and sound of no life for eternity

Although i suspect He may not survive for long without those crystals or myth in custody
I can only say one thing -- this animal needs to be put down for good.
My only contention would be if they try to play the blood money game or hide behind mental health excuse to slip their son away, he was well aware of everything if he had the mental capacity to book tickets to flee.
Best to let him out unmolested. So he is stopped at a traffic light where he meets his maker with inbounds coming from three directions.
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