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Featured Former Diplomat’s Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad

Yup dont live like westners, live like Pakistanies so a woman can easily get killed after giving birth to four children

Well i guess its better to die in a child birth than be brutally tortured and beheaded. Having said that, i agree there is evil and jahalat at every level of society. And at every level we are faraway from God.
Well i guess its better to die in a child birth than be brutally tortured and beheaded. Having said that, i agree there is evil and jahalat at every level of society. And at every level we are faraway from God.
Nope she didnt died in a child birth she died b3cause her muslim husband kicked and stabbed her several times in front of her 4 children in Islamic Republic of Pakistan
I think simple answere is they are attracted towards those men, and in the end sometimes they get the results of living with a psycho
I think money/power matter most. The gf/bf thinks he or she may become sensible with time, let's take a risk, bcz he/she is rich and eligible for marriage/social status.

And your point is also true that in a conformist/patriarchy society, everyone wants to be friend of the power (bad boy). That power can be a police/politician/loafer/goon etc
Noor Muqadam’s Murder, The full story (So far)

Long read. Please do not read under any circumstances if you are sensitive. This is a brutal story and one that will upset anyone who reads it. I am writing this for the sake of posterity, because this murder hit too close to home. The victim and the murderer both share the same area and social circle of Islamabad as me and have left my family members and friends in a state of trauma. I will not disclose my information sources, so please don’t ask. I have, however, cross verified these facts from multiple places and have viewed some damning evidence myself. Yet, my information may suffer from cognitive and personal biases and therefore should be viewed as such. All prayers for the soul of the departed and may the murderer rot in hell. Image below is right after he was taken down.

Zahir Jaffer (the murderer) is the son of a Karachi based tycoon known for many construction projects, military procurements and close ties to the establishment. His company AJCL is well known not only for its massive projects but also the extravagant dinners it threw. Zahir had access to some of the best education and facilities that money could afford. However, he started exhibiting violent tendencies at a young age. Several years ago, he was put in a psychiatric ward to control his behavior and he started undergoing therapy at therapy works (a mental therapy clinic in Islamabad). Apart from mental problems he also had a serious drug abuse problem and was addicted to meth. Whilst undergoing therapy he opted to start a mental health certification course, which he successfully completed in 2015 and thereafter started counselling people on mental health. Apart from giving therapy to people privately, he also championed mental health by conducting mental health awareness sessions in famous schools like beaconhouse. He was asked to discontinue working at therapyworks by the clinic after his continued breakdowns due to drug abuse. However, he remained in touch with the senior members there and so did his parents to keep a check on his mental health.

Zahir started dating Noor around 2-3 years ago, who was also a beautiful, smart and educated girl. Some years ago she was burka wearing girl and removed it after Zahir’s insistence. Their parents knew each other and were aware that they were in a relationship. People who knew the couple say that they had chemistry but he was generally abusive and sometimes violent with her. Noor had the keys to Zahir’s house and visited him regularly, sometimes to stay over. During the last few months Noor had become increasingly uncomfortable with Zahir, either due to his abuse or because she was becoming increasingly religious and their lifestyles did not match. She told her parents a few days ago that she was going to Lahore to attend a religious mass (Ijtama) but instead went over to stay with Zahir. When her parents could not get in touch with her for a whole day, they started panicking and tried locating her. During this time they were informed that she was staying with Zahir, but they refused to believe it. On Tuesday the 20th, Zahir became extremely violent with Noor who was staying with him in his house in F-7/4 for the last few days. She tried to run away by attempting to jump off the first floor terrace whilst screaming, but Zahir pulled her back by her hair and dragged her back in. The guards of his house saw this incident and instead of calling the police called Zahir’s parents. The parents too instead of calling the police, called Therapyworks and told them that it was their responsibility to handle this situation since Zahir was their patient. Therapyworks sent a van with five people to his house to address the issue. Those five people called on Zahir, who appeared on the terrace to talk. They made up fanciful stories to try to get him to come out. Outside the house were also five of Zahirs and Noors mutual friends who had been trying to talk to Zahir but he wasn’t listening to them.
By now, Zahir who figured out what was happening and asked them all to give him one hour to meet them and explain himself. During that time he shot and killed Noor and beheaded her with a knife. The five Therapyworks staff members in the meantime barged into the house and snuck up the stairs. They saw Zahir covered in blood kicking around Noors head on a bloody floor. Her naked brutally beaten body was on one side of the room. When Zahir spotted them spying on him, he tried shooting them but in a rush put in the bullets from the wrong side. One of the therapyworks employees saw the opportunity and attacked Zahir to try to take him down, but Zahir was wearing knuckle dusters and proceeded to beat up that employee with the intent to kill him. The employee suffered damage to several internal organs and he is currently in the PIMS hospital undergoing critical care and has had to undergo an open abdomen surgery. The other two called the police and then proceeded to save their friend by attacking Zahir and beating him down. They then tied him up with clothes they had found in the room. The police eventually arrived, saw the whole crime scene and apprehended the tied up criminal. It is said that during that time Zahir was fully aware of his actions and said that he did what he did because Noor deserved it and he claimed that she was cheating on him. He also admitted that Noor had come only for one day but he had held her hostage and had made her call her parents on gunpoint and made her tell them that she is in Lahore for an ijtama. He also threatened the police, the therapyworks employees and spoke about his connections with high ups. However, when he was taken to the police station Zahir started babbling in gibberish so as to suggest that he is too mentally impaired to even talk normally. Witnesses believe he started babbling and behaving like being mentally impaired on purpose. It was also discovered that he had already brought tickets to fly to the USA later.

So far Zahir is in police custody and the courts have allowed for further investigation. I would want nothing more than the law to take its full force against such a person whose actions cannot be attributed to mental health, misogyny or even drugs. It appears that he was fully aware of his actions and made every attempt to cover up his crime. Furthermore criminal action should be taken against the idiotic guards and Zahirs parents. It would also be pertinent to state that this criminal would never had been caught if the therapyworks employees did not behave bravely and risked their lives to bring him to justice so kudos to them. Noor (which means light) leaving, has darkened our world and I can only pray that her soul is granted peace in the hereafter after the terrible experience her life gave her.

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I remember this guy he once came to BeaconHouse for a counselling session God knows what advice he might have given to the teenagers there.
I think money/power matter most. The gf/bf thinks he r she may become sensible, let's take a risk, bcz he is rich (eligible) for marriage.

And your point is also true that in a conformist/patriarchy society, everyone wants to be friend of the power (bad boy). That power can be a police/politician/loafer/goon etc
I agree being rich is also an a plus point for attractivness
The point is if you are raised as a muslim, then growing up you want to live like a westerner, such as drugs, alcohol, adultery, etc then you have a conflicting nature.

You want to follow desires but the islamic consciousness wants you to stay away from the vices. The solution is to be agnostic/atheist, revert or become depressed/mentally ill/moody/frustrated etc.

I dont agree with this. I doubt any of the elites are raised as good muslims. If anyone is raised as a good muslim and then turns to western lifestyle, they eventually become unstable but can also become good muslims again.
I will give my own example, i was raised in a middle class family as a practicing muslim and since childhood i had the emotional connection with Islam. Then i went abroad for higher studies, dived into their society, infact became like them. Being fair skinned n blonde hair, highly educated and good language skills, i was accepted in every white society. I became like them and had every single thing a guy can imagine and yet i had this itch and kind of hole in my heart. No amount of white girls or alcohol or drugs or money could fill it. I became unstable and depressed, to the point of extreme. Long story short, my inner self was calling me back. And one day i just woke up and did astghafar and asked for forgiveness from Allah. I started praying regularly and started to study Quran. Soon i felt like i have woken up, i have no depression, no anger, no hollow feelings anymore. Infact i felt light and happy and content. All the western society and its stuff doeant impress me, infact it scares me. I am happy and thankful that my parents put that love of Islam in my heart and even after going so far away, it pulled me back. I have nwver been so clear and so content. I am lucky that i was pulled back from the edge and i thank Allah for it.
My point is that the solution only lies in accepting the true path. It elevates u to a level above all these worldly things and removes all the fears n diseases and distress. I hope Allah saves everyone.
All of society has its psychopaths, super rich to very poor, very atheist to very pious.

In India capital punishment is reserved for the rarest of rare cases, this would surely qualify.

Hope all the money and local laws don't get in the way of justice. He must be put down.

What a depressing story. 😣
I've always asked this question to many girls I know who are dating such type of men --
Never got a straight answer, I've come to the conclusion they themselves are messed up in the head also.

It's a psychological thing. Some girls like dominating guys, some girls like those guys who control them. They think it's romantic and shows the guy's love and affecting for them. But we all know that's not the case. Another perspective to this could be money and expectations of bright future. Such weirdos are mostly bigri olaady of wealthy businessmen who get the ego and attitude thanks to their fathers wealth. "Some" girls may seek a bright future or temporary monetary benefits from these guys like shashkay kharchy etc.

I repeatedly used the word "some" and "may". It's an opinion, not a fact.
Sad to hear a life has been lost in this story. I hope her friends and family have sabar.

I in no way aim to take anything away from this abhorrent crime. But do you not think the parents of the each of these parties need to give their head a wobble. Since when has it been ok to allow children to stay with one another etc.
Why are parents turning a blind eye to all this beghairati

sad to say this but there are going to be more cases like this in the future as liberalism in our societies increase.

our moral compass pops out at such sad events but where is it when we know people are doing wrong. If his mental issues were known in the circles they mingle in I’m sure her parents would have known of all the murderers issues and there why didn’t they try to keep their child away from him?

my family has had feuds that lasted decades to maintain our honour. If we are aware of any such illicit relations we aim to marry the parties, if they don’t seperate, if it continues then you know what happens war and feuds. The establishment and elites have no honour when they allow such activities.

there’s lunatics in all societies, hang him asap and set an example. Also hang all the elites carrying out corruption be it financial or moral and watch our nation thrive
And then her children can get raped by mullah inside the mosque

Stop sending your kids to madrasa because they may get raped by mulla.

Stop sending your kids to school either because the principal or teachers may rape them (case of hayatabad Peshawar) etc.

Stop keeping your kids in house because their maamo or uncle will rape them (society is full with such cases).

Stop allowing them on streets because they may get kidnapped, raped and killed (qasoor cases).

Stop making money because it will spoil your kid and your kids will end up killing someone..

Molvi ko tanqeeq krna asaan Hy. Aayena dekna mushkil. Haramio ki society molvi b harami paida krti Hy or teachers b, uncles b or maamo b....
Since sheeda tuli has become interior minister, crimes in Islamabad have sky rocketed. A few weeks ago there was an armed robbery at my friend's house in Islamabad and till now police have done nothing, infact he suspects the police are involved. Sheeda tuli first destroyed railway now Islamabad.
This is what i hate imran khan for, he is a total idiot and a U turn master. He brought in all the same crap that used to be in PMLN PPP and musharaf govt and have not punished a single corrupt yet in 3 years.
This is direct responsibility of your local administration
Noor Muqadam’s Murder, The full story (So far)

Long read. Please do not read under any circumstances if you are sensitive. This is a brutal story and one that will upset anyone who reads it. I am writing this for the sake of posterity, because this murder hit too close to home. The victim and the murderer both share the same area and social circle of Islamabad as me and have left my family members and friends in a state of trauma. I will not disclose my information sources, so please don’t ask. I have, however, cross verified these facts from multiple places and have viewed some damning evidence myself. Yet, my information may suffer from cognitive and personal biases and therefore should be viewed as such. All prayers for the soul of the departed and may the murderer rot in hell. Image below is right after he was taken down.

Zahir Jaffer (the murderer) is the son of a Karachi based tycoon known for many construction projects, military procurements and close ties to the establishment. His company AJCL is well known not only for its massive projects but also the extravagant dinners it threw. Zahir had access to some of the best education and facilities that money could afford. However, he started exhibiting violent tendencies at a young age. Several years ago, he was put in a psychiatric ward to control his behavior and he started undergoing therapy at therapy works (a mental therapy clinic in Islamabad). Apart from mental problems he also had a serious drug abuse problem and was addicted to meth. Whilst undergoing therapy he opted to start a mental health certification course, which he successfully completed in 2015 and thereafter started counselling people on mental health. Apart from giving therapy to people privately, he also championed mental health by conducting mental health awareness sessions in famous schools like beaconhouse. He was asked to discontinue working at therapyworks by the clinic after his continued breakdowns due to drug abuse. However, he remained in touch with the senior members there and so did his parents to keep a check on his mental health.

Zahir started dating Noor around 2-3 years ago, who was also a beautiful, smart and educated girl. Some years ago she was burka wearing girl and removed it after Zahir’s insistence. Their parents knew each other and were aware that they were in a relationship. People who knew the couple say that they had chemistry but he was generally abusive and sometimes violent with her. Noor had the keys to Zahir’s house and visited him regularly, sometimes to stay over. During the last few months Noor had become increasingly uncomfortable with Zahir, either due to his abuse or because she was becoming increasingly religious and their lifestyles did not match. She told her parents a few days ago that she was going to Lahore to attend a religious mass (Ijtama) but instead went over to stay with Zahir. When her parents could not get in touch with her for a whole day, they started panicking and tried locating her. During this time they were informed that she was staying with Zahir, but they refused to believe it. On Tuesday the 20th, Zahir became extremely violent with Noor who was staying with him in his house in F-7/4 for the last few days. She tried to run away by attempting to jump off the first floor terrace whilst screaming, but Zahir pulled her back by her hair and dragged her back in. The guards of his house saw this incident and instead of calling the police called Zahir’s parents. The parents too instead of calling the police, called Therapyworks and told them that it was their responsibility to handle this situation since Zahir was their patient. Therapyworks sent a van with five people to his house to address the issue. Those five people called on Zahir, who appeared on the terrace to talk. They made up fanciful stories to try to get him to come out. Outside the house were also five of Zahirs and Noors mutual friends who had been trying to talk to Zahir but he wasn’t listening to them.
By now, Zahir who figured out what was happening and asked them all to give him one hour to meet them and explain himself. During that time he shot and killed Noor and beheaded her with a knife. The five Therapyworks staff members in the meantime barged into the house and snuck up the stairs. They saw Zahir covered in blood kicking around Noors head on a bloody floor. Her naked brutally beaten body was on one side of the room. When Zahir spotted them spying on him, he tried shooting them but in a rush put in the bullets from the wrong side. One of the therapyworks employees saw the opportunity and attacked Zahir to try to take him down, but Zahir was wearing knuckle dusters and proceeded to beat up that employee with the intent to kill him. The employee suffered damage to several internal organs and he is currently in the PIMS hospital undergoing critical care and has had to undergo an open abdomen surgery. The other two called the police and then proceeded to save their friend by attacking Zahir and beating him down. They then tied him up with clothes they had found in the room. The police eventually arrived, saw the whole crime scene and apprehended the tied up criminal. It is said that during that time Zahir was fully aware of his actions and said that he did what he did because Noor deserved it and he claimed that she was cheating on him. He also admitted that Noor had come only for one day but he had held her hostage and had made her call her parents on gunpoint and made her tell them that she is in Lahore for an ijtama. He also threatened the police, the therapyworks employees and spoke about his connections with high ups. However, when he was taken to the police station Zahir started babbling in gibberish so as to suggest that he is too mentally impaired to even talk normally. Witnesses believe he started babbling and behaving like being mentally impaired on purpose. It was also discovered that he had already brought tickets to fly to the USA later.

So far Zahir is in police custody and the courts have allowed for further investigation. I would want nothing more than the law to take its full force against such a person whose actions cannot be attributed to mental health, misogyny or even drugs. It appears that he was fully aware of his actions and made every attempt to cover up his crime. Furthermore criminal action should be taken against the idiotic guards and Zahirs parents. It would also be pertinent to state that this criminal would never had been caught if the therapyworks employees did not behave bravely and risked their lives to bring him to justice so kudos to them. Noor (which means light) leaving, has darkened our world and I can only pray that her soul is granted peace in the hereafter after the terrible experience her life gave her.

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The lady should have stayed away from onset. How could she not see those red flags- mental history and drugs addiction?
Same is to be said about her parents. How could they let their daughter live in an abusive relationship?
So much so, they even allowed her to change her lifestyle for this criminal?

As for the punishment is concerned, society demands his painful execution.
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i Mean, Mega LoL

Here's some education for you kid.
3 out of the 4 Caliphs were Murdered.
One of them was besieged , murdered and left to rot before finally burial.

Put that in perspective.

We are doomed from the beginning to put it in better perspective.
Kids go to madrassah for learning Islam and Quran

Wrong!! Children are sent Madarassas to learn how to read the Noble Qur'an. They are taught nothing about how to study the Noble Qur'an.

why are they raped by mullahs who are very knowledgeable in Islam and follow it to letters?

Wrong again!!! Because if you think those men who are teaching the children how to read the Noble Qur'an have any knowledge about the Noble Qur'an, then my friend you're mistaken.

If these so-called Mullahs followed Islam to the letter, as you say, then they would not be conducting themselves in such a sinful manner.

The Noble Qur'an wasn't sent down to Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam to be read like some ordinary book. As a Muslim, it is incumbent upon us to study the Noble Qur'an and to critically THINK about the message of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

Naive are those who assume that one who is teaching how to recite the Noble Qur'an, have any knowledge. Assumptions are the first sign of devoid of critical thinking.

As Muslims, we owe it to ourselves, to establish checks & balances, in the society we live in. Otherwise there isn't much difference between us and animals.
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