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Featured Former Diplomat’s Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad

if you love someone why would you kill her if she doesn't want you.

there is a sickness in people. Not only does he kill her but then beheads her.
Beheading for such a small thing only an animal can do, or the guy was a mental retard?
Breaking someone's heart and trust, betrayal and fraud is something really small for you! Then I hope may your family members and beloved ones do the same "such a small thing" with you too
You can take it either way now - Top down or Bottom up.
The real trickle down effect has infiltrated & taken control.

Which evil is worse? The inherent moral and financial corruption that comes from the society that frankly the baby boomers and Gen X of Pakistan let florish?
Or the utter loss of family values that has resulted in an almost exponential fashion a generation of badtameez, badtehzeeb and behuda types from all echelons?

I disagree that it is an elite problem only(although they still profit from the rot the most) and that when you have actual Ramadan timing “fahash” mehfils promoted within the poorest areas of rural Pakistan then the society is essentially lost.
It would have been saved if she wasn't having a haram relationship with that man. Why are we ignoring that?

Anyway this is all BS, a young woman was brutally murdered and we are all sitting in judgement projecting our values on her.

May Allah swt have mercy on her and grant her a place in Jannah. May Allah swt give her family sabr. We can't begin to imagine thier suffering.
What would have been saved?
the haram or halal relationship isn’t what caused her death. A violent man ignored by his parents as someone else’s problem to coddle him did. Her parents letting her continue with the violent man and not try to get involved and help did. And finally, her own bad judgement got her killed. Recently a female khandani purdah dar namazi widow employee of the atim bum idara in Pakistan married an American national with the most ridiculous story. Everyone in her family did their best to convince her otherwise and suggest that things did not add up especially because of her position but she refused to listen. Now if it turns out that the marriage did have an ulterior motive that may involve espionage from the American groom - whose judgement will it be and where is Islam involved in saving her?

Yes - we are no one to judge this woman but these ridiculous statements of “Islam would save her” are self delusional at best and charlatan at worst trying to disguise their own guilt on some religious matter. All of the requirements, the hudood and the outward appearances become irrelevant when there is moral and social rot in society. Unfortunately, Pakistanis in general consider and use Islam as an outward covering rather than an internal light. I’d rather take the honest clean shaven muslim who only comes to the mosque for Friday prayers but parks his car so no one else is inconvenienced compared to a white bearded policeman who wants you to put the bribe in his pocket because he cannot touch it in wudu.
I can understand why you are so defensive - molvis (of all sects/schools and their corrupted versions) have driven a lot of people away from Islam that is in Quran and Hadith ONLY! As for libturds, we had one on twitter asking not to sacrifice animals on Eid .. so the libturd version is on the rise. Same coin, different sides actually. Libturds are a reaction but same nonetheless.

And what do you expect to come out from these sects/schools?? Praying 5 times and reciting Quran daily just IS NOT ISLAM! Heck, Qadyanis do that but would you say they are following Islam? These schools do not teach the meanings of Ayah - 99.9% of hufaz have no understanding of the Quran. They teach their firqay books that take part Ayah and part Hadith to fit their narrative. This is why they are all screwed up and engaging in such despicable and haram acts!

There is no facade of holiness here. I don't follow any groups or sects - in fact Allah warns and prohibits us, in Quran, to divide in groups on matters of Deen. Guidance is straight and made easy.

Problem with a lot in Pakistan, maybe including you too, is that these lot are so angered and frustrated by the actions of these self proclaimed 'thekedars of Islam' that they get totally put off by Islam and seek or devise a 'liberal' version that fits their chosen lifestyles without even attempting to self study and understanding Quran and Sunnah. Know too many such types and was one for a while too until I opened Quran and started reading translations.

I never said anyone's life would be saved by an app. That's an utterly misplaced assumption. The murderer was screwed up in the head clearly and victim unfortunately wasn't wise enough to understand the fatal risk she had gotten herself in. As for the families, had they some wisdom things may not have turned out they way they have.

Social system is flawed indeed - with warped man made mazhabs abound and frustrated liberals - all cursing and damaging each other and everyone else in the process. And implementation of law is in the hands of these lot to top it all - nothing good will come out of it all until there is a major bloodbath that is coming in the form of the final war. That should clean up a big chunk of this molvi/firqay/mazhabs and liberal rots in the society! I am always surprised as to why Allah has saved us from a humiliating destruction - there must be a purpose but surely this current rotten society can't be fulfilling that purpose.
I am not the one who brought up liberals or extremists - the only one defensive was you looking for some external influence or fringe group to blame rather than understanding that the majority is rotten.

What you have put down isn’t wrong, but the fact that you started with these assumptions is wrong in itself. Yes, there are people who will have their peg and then show up to pray and there are people who will pray and then be found taking bribes and wearing a white turban. But it is the general malaise in society that breeds this - and the absolute lack of understanding of Islam along with accusing everyone else of being liberals or mullah’s or some other terms or lost cause.

I will stand by my assertion - Islam would NEVER have saved this girl(Lest we forget to delineate between Allah and Islam), at least not in the ways being prescribed as some government or overbearing authority action.

Her own actions and the behavior of the society led to this - just as it would have even in the days of say the Abbasid Caliphate. However, what would have saved her would be if her parents had espoused good values and the parents of the man had done the same. But as has been pointed out it has already gotten to a point where it is irrelevant. Finally, Hazrat Khidr killed that child for a reason and Allah decreed it so. In this case he did not and it also has some reason unknown(or understood by few) to all.
Getting paid less is no way excuse to molest kids in house of God, beside why don't other qualified Muftis speak against their colleagues. Famous religious speakers like Tariq Jameel spend hours talking about bits and bytes of hoor yet I never saw him condemning our talking about rapes in mosques. Something makes me feel they all are complicit in this. After mufti Aziz got exposed his colleagues even did a blasphemy against sahaba to defend him, one even argued that gay sex with his student was consensual. So argument that imply rapes are happening because people have abandoned Islam have no leg to stand on.
What Islam or any other religion has to do with social evils except condemning them? Your whole rhetoric is circling around the clueless hatred towards Islam.

The aforementioned incident took place between kids from 2 liberal elite westernized families of Islamabad and here too you are trying to drag in the Islam and so called mullahs! Islam never propagated any form of evil and Islam stepped one step forward and said "don't even go near to the adultery".
When Christian fathers, bishop, pops and Hindu pandits are caught red handed deep down the darkest hole of evil, no one blames their religion for that! Why always blame Islam for all the misdeeds of the world.
In Islam the penalty for illegal sexual relation is getting stoned to death, whether consensual or non consensual it doesn't matter.

In fact other religions somehow promote sexual evils by dancing, praying in mixed gatherings while intoxicating themselves, and depriving priests from the basic right and need of every human being ie getting legally married and having a legal companion in life and kids of their own. But we never blamed other religions for their misconduct towards humanity and we never will.

Go wash your mouth and open your eyes and then come back to blame Islam.
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Allah SWT give sabr e jameel to the parents and all those close to the victim (Ameen)

If you love someone (I mean real ishq) then even if you are not able to marry that person or found any short comings in that person you will keep her/him in your heart with upmost respect and love … Sacha ishq sabr sikhata hey, contrary to this heinous crime I have seen people changed to become more humble and become better human being even thought they did not get their love…Walaho aalam, dilon ka hal sirf Allah SWT hantey hein...

The increase in violence in society is due to so many factors…and IMHO the number 1 reason is adal o insaaf ke nizaam ka corrupt hona, when the powerful but corrupt of any society buy justice and ONLY weak get punished then crimes ought to increase.

Also pinning a criminal actions to be influenced by his/her religion is preposterous ,,, as mentioned above.

The bottom line is until nizaam e adal is fixed we will continue to witness increase in crimes in our society...
What would have been saved?
the haram or halal relationship isn’t what caused her death. A violent man ignored by his parents as someone else’s problem to coddle him did. Her parents letting her continue with the violent man and not try to get involved and help did. And finally, her own bad judgement got her killed. Recently a female khandani purdah dar namazi widow employee of the atim bum idara in Pakistan married an American national with the most ridiculous story. Everyone in her family did their best to convince her otherwise and suggest that things did not add up especially because of her position but she refused to listen. Now if it turns out that the marriage did have an ulterior motive that may involve espionage from the American groom - whose judgement will it be and where is Islam involved in saving her?

Yes - we are no one to judge this woman but these ridiculous statements of “Islam would save her” are self delusional at best and charlatan at worst trying to disguise their own guilt on some religious matter. All of the requirements, the hudood and the outward appearances become irrelevant when there is moral and social rot in society. Unfortunately, Pakistanis in general consider and use Islam as an outward covering rather than an internal light. I’d rather take the honest clean shaven muslim who only comes to the mosque for Friday prayers but parks his car so no one else is inconvenienced compared to a white bearded policeman who wants you to put the bribe in his pocket because he cannot touch it in wudu.

I am not the one who brought up liberals or extremists - the only one defensive was you looking for some external influence or fringe group to blame rather than understanding that the majority is rotten.

What you have put down isn’t wrong, but the fact that you started with these assumptions is wrong in itself. Yes, there are people who will have their peg and then show up to pray and there are people who will pray and then be found taking bribes and wearing a white turban. But it is the general malaise in society that breeds this - and the absolute lack of understanding of Islam along with accusing everyone else of being liberals or mullah’s or some other terms or lost cause.

I will stand by my assertion - Islam would NEVER have saved this girl(Lest we forget to delineate between Allah and Islam), at least not in the ways being prescribed as some government or overbearing authority action.

Her own actions and the behavior of the society led to this - just as it would have even in the days of say the Abbasid Caliphate. However, what would have saved her would be if her parents had espoused good values and the parents of the man had done the same. But as has been pointed out it has already gotten to a point where it is irrelevant. Finally, Hazrat Khidr killed that child for a reason and Allah decreed it so. In this case he did not and it also has some reason unknown(or understood by few) to all.
I think this is best comment so far...
Rituals of Islam is for Allah only and not for show. What really matters is our public dealing with our fellow human beings/animals/environment.
But unfortunately haqooq ul ibad is not taught and is not considered important in our nations schools and madrassa. It's all about rituals and fiqh infighting
Rituals of Islam is for Allah only and not for show. What really matters is our public dealing with our fellow human beings/animals/environment.
I concur, Huqooq ul Allah give parsai but the nearness (qurb) to Allah is via Huqooq ul Ibaad.
I can share first hand that the guy's family has offered the girl's family 15 Crore Rupees to start the negotiation. I really pray to Allah SWT this animal faces justice, death sentence and nothing else because if he is given life in prison, he will be quietly set free because of his father's immense wealth.

I was in a yoga retreat a few years ago and this guy was also part of that retreat. When the instructor asked everyone how everyone relaxes, this guy said 'Red Wine' and i could tell he was high. He seemed very normal, but then again its these normal types that are psycho. Waste of human flesh.
I can share first hand that the guy's family has offered the girl's family 15 Crore Rupees to start the negotiation. I really pray to Allah SWT this animal faces justice, death sentence and nothing else because if he is given life in prison, he will be quietly set free because of his father's immense wealth.

Pray the same for the victims of Model Town Lahore incident and many more ...
it was more of a family BF /GF fued than some murder conspiracy

shouldnt be given such hype.

You are right but the influential person must be brought to justice. So far, track record of our courts is dismal.

Also, this aurat march/ women's rights crowd should be kept away from this. The girl was mature enough to understand the animal she was dating. She was going to see him at his house. She was staying with him. If she did not know him by being so close, she cant escape blame, no matter how unfortunate or cruel it sounds.
I can share first hand that the guy's family has offered the girl's family 15 Crore Rupees to start the negotiation. I really pray to Allah SWT this animal faces justice, death sentence and nothing else because if he is given life in prison, he will be quietly set free because of his father's immense wealth.

I was in a yoga retreat a few years ago and this guy was also part of that retreat. When the instructor asked everyone how everyone relaxes, this guy said 'Red Wine' and i could tell he was high. He seemed very normal, but then again its these normal types that are psycho. Waste of human flesh.
That 15 crore also includes extreme coercion by the persons link within LE and other institutions.
That 15 crore also includes extreme coercion by the persons link within LE and other institutions.

Could be i haven't heard of any coercion because this would be the worst time to coerce the victims family since they have a huge loud speaker, but i know that the dad Zakir Jaffer and his wife are literally on their knees willing to do anything for forgiveness from the victims family. The main patron of the family Abdul Kader Jaffer has given a blank cheque to all the commission khor power brokers in Islamabad to find a settlement, these pimp brokers could be the ones engaging in coercion. This family's modus operandi usually is to throw money to solve their problems.
Could be i haven't heard of any coercion because this would be the worst time to coerce the victims family since they have a huge loud speaker, but i know that the dad Zakir Jaffer and his wife are literally on their knees willing to do anything for forgiveness from the victims family. The main patron of the family Abdul Kader Jaffer has given a blank cheque to all the commission khor power brokers in Islamabad to find a settlement, these pimp brokers could be the ones engaging in coercion. This family's modus operandi usually is to throw money to solve their problems.

Very unfortunate but this country itself has set a precedence long time back. The poor and down rotten wouldn't blink an eye and accept these funds if not they'll disappear and family threatened.
What would have been saved?
the haram or halal relationship isn’t what caused her death. A violent man ignored by his parents as someone else’s problem to coddle him did. Her parents letting her continue with the violent man and not try to get involved and help did. And finally, her own bad judgement got her killed. Recently a female khandani purdah dar namazi widow employee of the atim bum idara in Pakistan married an American national with the most ridiculous story. Everyone in her family did their best to convince her otherwise and suggest that things did not add up especially because of her position but she refused to listen. Now if it turns out that the marriage did have an ulterior motive that may involve espionage from the American groom - whose judgement will it be and where is Islam involved in saving her?

Yes - we are no one to judge this woman but these ridiculous statements of “Islam would save her” are self delusional at best and charlatan at worst trying to disguise their own guilt on some religious matter. All of the requirements, the hudood and the outward appearances become irrelevant when there is moral and social rot in society. Unfortunately, Pakistanis in general consider and use Islam as an outward covering rather than an internal light. I’d rather take the honest clean shaven muslim who only comes to the mosque for Friday prayers but parks his car so no one else is inconvenienced compared to a white bearded policeman who wants you to put the bribe in his pocket because he cannot touch it in wudu.

I am not the one who brought up liberals or extremists - the only one defensive was you looking for some external influence or fringe group to blame rather than understanding that the majority is rotten.

What you have put down isn’t wrong, but the fact that you started with these assumptions is wrong in itself. Yes, there are people who will have their peg and then show up to pray and there are people who will pray and then be found taking bribes and wearing a white turban. But it is the general malaise in society that breeds this - and the absolute lack of understanding of Islam along with accusing everyone else of being liberals or mullah’s or some other terms or lost cause.

I will stand by my assertion - Islam would NEVER have saved this girl(Lest we forget to delineate between Allah and Islam), at least not in the ways being prescribed as some government or overbearing authority action.

Her own actions and the behavior of the society led to this - just as it would have even in the days of say the Abbasid Caliphate. However, what would have saved her would be if her parents had espoused good values and the parents of the man had done the same. But as has been pointed out it has already gotten to a point where it is irrelevant. Finally, Hazrat Khidr killed that child for a reason and Allah decreed it so. In this case, he did not and it also has some reason unknown(or understood by few) to all.
I think folks also forget (or don't know) that there's a rawness to human interactions, especially between men and women, that isn't easily put on paper or within the neat confines of Islamic rulings.

There's no clear-cut Islamic ruling on 'chemistry' or 'sparks' for example, but these (along with compatible values) are key to binding strong relationships (marriage or otherwise). Otherwise, it'd be extremely easy for people to pair up, but in reality, that's not the case, except for those arranged marriages that pair a UK-bred guy/gal with a village guy/gal without both sides' consent -- and we know how a lot of those pairings go.

IMHO something between these two people went way, way off base and led to the current situation.

Sure, if we lived in an Islamically strong society the two may have been married, but the trigger points that led to this guy murdering her may have still happened. The only practical form of protection was for some family or friend to spot these problems and prevent this relationship from happening, but if both sides are head-over-heels for each other, what can you do?

The real issue is that our society is so detached from understanding human emotions or interactions that they can't read the mood or the room. So if a girl says 'Salam' the guy thinks she's interested, or if a guy is holding the door for a woman with a baby at a clinic society thinks there's some 'chakkar' in play. Islam or not, we have no clue about how to talk about intimacy, love, relationships, etc, and how to advise (at a raw level) people on these matters.

It's all mechanical with us, and as a result, we have no idea how to mitigate issues like this before they escalate. I'm sure there's a long chain of events (on several mobiles or WhatsApp accounts) explaining what happened up to the point of the murder.
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