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Former deputy mayor of Tehran being tried for billion dollar corruption

I am kind of troubled by the unpredictable rules of your capitalization style. You capitalized the UK, the US, Lebanon and Israel but didn't capitalize Iran anywhere in your comment. That's kind of offensive. I know you didn't mean ill, but still.
I never really meant to offend anyone, sorry if you got offended. It's just that I type fast and miss some details sometimes and that my autocorrect changes some of the letters to capital letter. I will make sure to capitalize it properly next time.
I never really meant to offend anyone, sorry if you got offended. It's just that I type fast and miss some details sometimes and that my autocorrect changes some of the letters to capital letter. I will make sure to capitalize it properly next time.
It's totally fine. No offense taken. I am well aware of the fact that your intention is good and I know that you're pro-Iran in fact. I just wanted to say that it could be kind of misinterpreted by others in a kind of insulting way.

Thank you.
He is a hired troll. Look at his posts then go watch BBC. Same non-sense are being repeated in this guy's posts everyday. They exaggerate problems in Iran, minimizing and underestimating problems in western world, while making a angle of them.

A system that corrects itself is to be trusted.
I found u different from past my friend. u did not label people in past this much easily. Speaking about IRI corruption do not make us troll or Zionist or hired western spy.
Second this is not system wisdom to correct itself. This is show to answer people pressures. if our molla is Imam Ali we should not whitewash face of those we know are corrupt, actually our Imam teaching us revolting against injustice.
And finally shame on us that Zionist thugs are better than us in fight against corruption.

I found u different from past my friend. u did not label people in past this much easily. Speaking about IRI corruption do not make us troll or Zionist or hired western spy.
Second this is not system wisdom to correct itself. This is show to answer people pressures. if our molla is Imam Ali we should not whitewash face of those we know are corrupt, actually our Imam teaching us revolting against injustice.
And finally shame on us that Zionist thugs are better than us in fight against corruption.
I never called you my dear brother a Zionist. I apologize if i wasn't clear in my statement. I was merely trying to tell you that the system is correcting itself, so give it some time. Iran has problems within, that i agree with you, you're right. But the same Imam taught us to be patient at the time of Fitna. This systematic corruption is being led from west, all of corrupt figures found western countries a safe heaven to seek asylum. Where is Khavari? In Canada? Where are MEK terrorists? In France and USA. WHere are corrupt remnants of Pahlavi dynasty? In western countries. Only your enemy offers asylum to criminals. They want us in trouble, they want us devided amongst ourself. So don't give them a chance to laugh at our weaknesses.
I never called you my dear brother a Zionist. I apologize if i wasn't clear in my statement. I was merely trying to tell you that the system is correcting itself, so give it some time. Iran has problems within, that i agree with you, you're right. But the same Imam taught us to be patient at the time of Fitna. This systematic corruption is being led from west, all of corrupt figures found western countries a safe heaven to seek asylum. Where is Khavari? In Canada? Where are MEK terrorists? In France and USA. WHere are corrupt remnants of Pahlavi dynasty? In western countries. Only your enemy offers asylum to criminals. They want us in trouble, they want us devided amongst ourself. So don't give them a chance to laugh at our weaknesses.
let me to not be agree with you my dear brother. I know you love Iran as I do and most of the Iranian members here. @Kastor did not say something bad to be offend with him. @zartosht did not answer kastor well and even I think he insult him.

Blaming west for corruption in Iran is not behavior of Muslim. West is corrupt, OK, so that justify corruption and injustice in IRI ?????

You said system is correcting itself, that is not true, The system only answering people anger and protests against injustice in IRI with organizing theater of fighting with corruption. If they are real they must go after all corrupt men in top IRI hierarchy not just few chosen ones.

You also speak about Fitna, We are under fitna propaganda machine like BBC imposed by west for 40 yrs and probably will remain under west propaganda machine for next yrs too. That is not good reason to not fight with corruption actually fighting with injustice and corruption will destroy west fitna.

You are speaking about western hands in IRI corruption w/o understanding Judiciary System is under supreme leader control and nobody can blame people for their wrong chose in election.

At end I should say I am not anti IRI but I could not close my eyes on the corruption in my country.
If we want to situation become better for our next generation we must speak and fight with corruption instead covering Sludge because we afraid our enemies use them to pressure us.

Isn't better we become pure by fighting against corruption instead not speaking about our realities in fear of giving reason to west.

And finally in IRI we have enough educated, qualified men and women to reinstall instead of corrupt guys, and corruption is not belong to only one political party, Corruption exits in almost all parties.
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let me to not be agree with you my dear brother. I know you love Iran as I do and most of the Iranian members here. @Kastor did not say something bad to be offend with him. @zartosht did not answer kastor well and even I think he insult him.

Blaming west for corruption in Iran is not behavior of Muslim. West is corrupt, OK, so that justify corruption and injustice in IRI ?????

You said system is correcting itself, that is not true, The system only answering people anger and protests against injustice in IRI with organizing theater of fighting with corruption. If they are real they must go after all corrupt men in top IRI hierarchy not just few chosen ones.

You also speak about Fitna, We are under fitna propaganda machine like BBC imposed by west for 40 yrs and probably will remain under west propaganda machine for next yrs too. That is not good reason to not fight with corruption actually fighting with injustice and corruption will destroy west fitna.

You are speaking about western hands in IRI corruption w/o understanding Judiciary System is under supreme leader control and nobody can blame people for their wrong chose in election.

At end I should say I am not anti IRI but I could not close my eyes on the corruption in my country.
If we want to situation become better for our next generation we must speak and fight with corruption instead covering Sludge because we afraid our enemies use them to pressure us.

Isn't better we become pure by fighting against corruption instead not speaking about our realities in fear of giving reason to west.

And finally in IRI we have enough educated, qualified men and women to reinstall instead of corrupt guys, and corruption is not belong to only one political party, Corruption exits in almost all parties.
Thank you Subwater, I'm an Iranian, I care about Iran. By living in west should not impact that. We need to strive for a better system and by having a discussion about issues is the first step. Any time there is criticism of the Islamic Republic people tend to bring up the old tropes.
By the way thanks for the value added post...unlike some immature members :)
Thank you Subwater, I'm an Iranian, I care about Iran. By living in west should not impact that. We need to strive for a better system and by having a discussion about issues is the first step. Any time there is criticism of the Islamic Republic people tend to bring up the old tropes.
By the way thanks for the value added post...unlike some immature members :)
doesnt matter if yu are iranian arab indian european or martian whats important is you contribute and you do that by exposing weakness and issues to fix.
Learn Persian first.
Your whole contribution to the forum is worthless to be honest. I have never seen you post anything of military or political value on this forum. You don't even know what Iran produces and what Iran doesn't produce. All of your posts are "khale zanaki" like a loser guy. lol
I think the members here know who and what you are....and I think you're fixated on me. Well, you should be..you can learn a lot if you stay quiet and read more instead of cluttering our discussions with non-sense.
I think the members here know who and what you are....and I think you're fixated on me. Well, you should be..you can learn a lot if you stay quiet and read more instead of cluttering our discussions with non-sense.
Right. People here have not forgotten how you lost your temper over a very polite response and started name calling and insulting because you have a low tolerance for criticism of your baseless ideas.
I don't think there is anything that I could learn from a person like you. But if you stay quiet, you can learn a lot about the reality in Iran from me.
Ok congrats you did it again, you derailed another thread...good job kid. You might as well be getting paid by Netanyahu.
Ok congrats you did it again, you derailed another thread...good job kid. You might as well be getting paid by Netanyahu.
You are the one who can't speak Persian properly even though you claim you are from Iran. It's more likely that you are on a CIA/Mossad payroll and you are here to learn more about Iran and Iranians.
Otherwise I can't see why you should use famous Persian sayings incorrectly.
let me to not be agree with you my dear brother. I know you love Iran as I do and most of the Iranian members here. @Kastor did not say something bad to be offend with him. @zartosht did not answer kastor well and even I think he insult him.

Blaming west for corruption in Iran is not behavior of Muslim. West is corrupt, OK, so that justify corruption and injustice in IRI ?????

You said system is correcting itself, that is not true, The system only answering people anger and protests against injustice in IRI with organizing theater of fighting with corruption. If they are real they must go after all corrupt men in top IRI hierarchy not just few chosen ones.

You also speak about Fitna, We are under fitna propaganda machine like BBC imposed by west for 40 yrs and probably will remain under west propaganda machine for next yrs too. That is not good reason to not fight with corruption actually fighting with injustice and corruption will destroy west fitna.

You are speaking about western hands in IRI corruption w/o understanding Judiciary System is under supreme leader control and nobody can blame people for their wrong chose in election.

At end I should say I am not anti IRI but I could not close my eyes on the corruption in my country.
If we want to situation become better for our next generation we must speak and fight with corruption instead covering Sludge because we afraid our enemies use them to pressure us.

Isn't better we become pure by fighting against corruption instead not speaking about our realities in fear of giving reason to west.

And finally in IRI we have enough educated, qualified men and women to reinstall instead of corrupt guys, and corruption is not belong to only one political party, Corruption exits in almost all parties.

I never said that because there is corruption in the west, its ok for Iran to be corrupt.

I Just said that when your own house is on fire (the US where kastor lives) its ridiculous to be posting a radiofarda (US government funded propaganda channel) article about some Iranian corrupt official being on trial.

in terms of corruption in Iran. I fully acknowledge the thieves that are around. and I fully agree that anyone involved in major corruption should get the death penalty and have every single toman of his money/ and every inch of his land should be confiscated.

his children and family should not be able to profit off that.

in reality though, and unfortunately how the world works. people in position of power ALWAYS enrich themselves. very very few politicans join for altruistic reasons of serving their country.

politics is extremely dirty. the best you can do is minimize corruption to manageable western levels.

I personally though think corruption is a little overblown in Iran as a result of non-stop enemy propaganda. people in Iran who scream corruption only compare Iran to western states. If you compare Iran to eastern states I would say there Is actually less..

virtually any country that's in Irans general region has far more, or same levels of corruption. there countries where 90% of police activity is harrasing citizins for bribes.. there are countries where the custom officials will literally hold you luggage hostage and demand a payment for its release.

corruption in Iran needs fixing. Constantly showing hypocritical enemy propaganda whos sole purpose is to turn the Iranian people against their government and each other is not a solution. it only adds to the problem,
@Kastor @QWECXZ

Guys...the last thing we need is Iranians throwing petty insults at other Iranians for no good reason.

Now more than ever we have to recognize how important unity is amongst our people, especially when our enemies quite literally seek to see us destroy each other without them even having to expend one single bullet.

Whatever disagreements we might have over X,Y and Z doesn't matter in the long-run. We must keep a clear mind, in doing so we will improve ourselves and, in turn, one another.
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Well bro, you get no argument from me BlueinGreen, I want to stay on topic as much as possible....I'll say it one more time for effect STAY ON TOPIC.
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