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Court orders Bahrain to pay damages to Iran for 'political expropriation'

You are taking a civil war as in conventional war.. You lost wars to Sadam Hussien who has like 5 times less population and including to non-state actors in Syria..

Logistically I swear to god Peninsula shield could complete a military invasion on IRan successfully
Same Iraq that lost to Iran with full financial, political and military backing of Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan and other Arab states? How incompetent you must be to have so much full support and not even conquer 1 inch of land at the end. Embarrassing.

Shia Iran and Assad are controlling the majority of the territory in Syria. IRGC is literally patrolling the Syrian Arab streets. Useless Arab coalition is nowhere to be seen.

Again, first win the Houthis in Yemen then bark.
GCC needs to invest in more BMD and anti UAV/cruise missile strikes in order to survive Iranian missile M1 spam.

Skyknight should be good enough for surviving a moderate attack from CM/UAVs if the radar sensors are good. 80 missiles in air simultaneously with 240 missiles in the container.

UAE has the money to invest in a BMD using South African engineers in the next 5 years.
IMO all these Persian gulf states should morph into Saudi Arabia or make one big Arab nation. Arab world is kinda paralyzed now like this.
Through Leva fatimyun or Zainabiyun...?
Create a local Hezbollah and take over Houthi style or like Lebanon.

Unfortunately, Iranian leadership is being very tolerant of the Persian gulf states. Bahrain's zionist puppet regime should have been razed to the ground a long time ago. Same goes to the glass houses in Dubai.
Same Iraq that lost to Iran with full financial, political and military backing of Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan and other Arab states? How incompetent you must be to have so much full support and not even conquer 1 inch of land at the end. Embarrassing.

Shia Iran and Assad are controlling the majority of the territory in Syria. IRGC is literally patrolling the Syrian Arab streets. Useless Arab coalition is nowhere to be seen.

Again, first win the Houthis in Yemen then bark.

IMO all these Persian gulf states should morph into Saudi Arabia or make one big Arab nation. Arab world is kinda paralyzed now like this.

They could be gassed in a day and ended you are talking about a insurgency civil war as signficiant..There is no reason commiting further genocide on them than they are already claiming has been commited. You lost to a Sadam who had 5 times less population..

Just one Country in the Persian gulf can logistically fuk up all of Irans infras in the country like Qatar it has the logistical means to do that. Forget about adding everyone else on top..

Algeria itself in 1v1 could fuk Iran totally. Forget about adding 1m Peninsula shield forces including Egypt, Jordan, Sudan etc etc..

They could invade Iran at will whenever they feel like it is time to go...

Iran is a paper tiger and always has been historically we know that inside and outside.. The same Arabs came out of the desert and took over all of Iran and they could do it again without breaking a sweat and it would be much easier this time than it was last time
The Houthis could be gassed in a day and ended you are talking about a insurgency civil war as signficiant. You lost to a Sadam who had 5 times less population..

Just one Country in the Persian gulf can logistically fuk up all of Irans infras in the country like Qatar it has the logistical means to do that. Forget about adding everyone else on top..

Algeria itself in 1v1 could fuk Iran totally. Forget about adding 1m Peninsula shield forces including Egypt, Jordan, Sudan etc etc..

They could invade Iran at will whenever they feel like it is time to go
Only thing getting fked are Arabs by Iranian IRGC members in 5 Arab countries.

Iran fcked Saudi Arabia in 2019 by launching drone and cruise missile strikes on their national oil facilities. It was an open declaration of war by Iran. Coward Saudi or useless Arab coalition was nowhere to be seen as usual.



Like i said, Arab coalition and fantasy strength is only good for bed stories by the fat sheikh. Stick to importing slavic prostitutes.
Only thing getting fked are Arabs by Iranian IRGC members in 5 Arab countries.

Iran fcked Saudi Arabia in 2019 by launching drone and cruise missile strikes on their national oil facilities. It was an open declaration of war by Iran. Coward Saudi or useless Arab coalition was nowhere to be seen as usual.

Like i said, Arab coalition and fantasy strength is only good for bed stories by the fat sheikh. Stick to importing slavic prostitutes.

You denied to claim it tho none state actors claimed instead you coward away perhaps but all I am saying is they can take you rather easily logistically and conventionally..

1. ougunned
2. better economy
3. huge coalitions
4.Historically they know what it feels like to take Iran (real not a hard task)
5. manpower outnumbered atleast 30 to 1

A very Weak Sadam bested you and in the larger scale of things your easy work
You denied to claim it tho none state actors claimed but all I am saying is they can take rather easily logistically and conventionally..

1. ougunned
2. better economy
3. huge coalitions
4.Historically knows what it feels like to take Iran
5. manpower outnumbered atleast 30 to 1
Bla bla.... useless Arab coalition did nothing when Iran cruise missiled Saudi Arabia in 2019 openly declaring war. Arab coalition nowhere to be seen in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon or in Iraq or other Arab countries.

Like i said, Arab countries are good for hiring Anglosaxons to keep their economy running or importing poor Slavic prostitutes.

Or abusing poor Pakistani or Indian laborers. That is what Arab coalition is good at. Now go write your fantasy on some big fat Sheikh belly.
Create a local Hezbollah and take over Houthi style or like Lebanon.

Unfortunately, Iranian leadership is being very tolerant of the Persian gulf states. Bahrain's zionist puppet regime should have been razed to the ground a long time ago. Same goes to the glass houses in Dubai.
What if Dubai or Bahrain tried to do the same to Iran ...? Will you guys shout like, 'marg bar amrica' ?
What if Dubai or Bahrain tried to do the same to Iran ...? Will you guys shout like, 'marg bar amrica' ?
Dubai, Bahrain? Not even their grandaddy the Saudi dared to do anything to when Iran struck them with drones and cruise missiles in 2019. Come again.
Bla bla.... useless Arab coalition did nothing when Iran cruise missiled Saudi Arabia in 2019 openly declaring war. Arab coalition nowhere to be seen in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon or in Iraq or other Arab countries.

Like i said, Arab countries are good for hiring Anglosaxons to keep their economy running or importing poor Slavic prostitutes.

Or abusing poor Pakistani or Indian laborers. That is what Arab coalition is good at. Now go write your fantasy on some big fat Sheikh belly.

You coward away to even claim that instead none state actors did you see you coward away simple as that..

You were defeated by a very very weak Sadam.. Historically it is in line with your out put... If Arabia was to decide you fall at will...

Irans secret is that it is easily takeable if they ride on you again the answer is 100%
You coward away to even claim that instead none state actors you see you coward away simple as that..

You were defeated by a very very Sadam or Syrian rebels.. Historically it is in line with your put... We Arabia was to decide you fall at will
Iraq got defeated by Iran despite having full backing of useless Arab coalition. Coward Iraq then didnt want to repay billions it borrowed and invaded Kuwait and some parts of Saudi Arabia.
Syrian rebels despite having full useless Arab coalition backing were held back by poorly trained Shia armed groups.

Arab coalition is an illusion. It is only good for bedtime stories.
Iraq got defeated by Iran despite having full backing of useless Arab coalition. Coward Iraq then didnt want to repay billions it borrowed and invaded Kuwait and some parts of Saudi Arabia.
Syrian rebels despite having full useless Arab coalition backing were held back by poorly trained Shia armed groups.

Arab coalition is an illusion. It is only good for bedtime stories.

You didn't defeat him he battered you that just goes to show your technically weak... Nobody came to help him it was fair fight Sadam vs Iran.. Iran is all about twitter talk nowadays ain't about life
You didn't defeat him he battered you that just goes to show your technically weak... Nobody came to help him it was fair fight Sadam vs Iran.. Iran is all about twitter talk nowadays ain't about life
Learn some history kid and don't spam this forum with Arab coalition fantasy. It exists only on Arab defence forums by Arab teenagers. Iraq was supported by almost all nations and was not under a strict weapons embargo like Iran. Same useless Arab coalition you brag about supported him but also got bitten like a rabid dog at the end.. i.e. Kuwait gave Iraq billions to buy weaponry to fight Iran. Same thing was done by almost all other Arab nations. Just do a simple search ffs, i am not here to teach you history.

Arab coalition is some twitter fantasy spread by losers. Let your Arab coalition free Iraq or Lebanon. Cowards.
Learn some history kid and don't spam this forum with Arab coalition fantasy. It exists only on Arab defence forums by Arab teenagers. Iraq was supported by almost all nations and was not under a strict weapons embargo like Iran. Same useless Arab coalition you brag about supported him but also got bitten like a rabid dog at the end.. i.e. Kuwait gave Iraq billions to buy weaponry to fight Iran. Same thing was done by almost all other Arab nations.

Arab coalition is some twitter fantasy spread by losers. Let your Arab coalition free Iraq or Lebanon. Cowards.

From whom is there to free from Iraq and Lebanon you come off confused or punch-drunk.. You want them to expel the locals and when did they become invaders in there own lands
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