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Court orders Bahrain to pay damages to Iran for 'political expropriation'

Guys....if Bahrain is so weak that requires blah blah coalition to defend her then they should pay back Iran's money and go back enjoying themselves...children should not play with lions tail...

In any case Bahrain population ( not the ruling British appointed king) is majority shia and most Baharainis have iranian origins..they will be very open to be part of Iran or be protected by Iran rather than being dictated by wahhabi overlords or the British overlords...

Just pay the money you took and go back sending astroide landers to the hevens...who cares..
Guys....if Bahrain is so weak that requires blah blah coalition to defend her then they should pay back Iran's money and go back enjoying themselves...children should not play with lions tail...

In any case Bahrain population ( not the ruling kbritish appointed king) is majority shia and most Baharainis have iranian origins..they will be very open to be part of Iran or be protected by Iran rather than being dictated by wahhabi overlords or the British overlords...

Just pay the money you took and go back sending astride landers to the hevens...who cares..
Bahrain issue is a tragedy caused by the incompetent Shah regime. We should have never let them become independent. Supporters of the puppet Shah claim that we got the 3 islands in return. Bad decision.
Bahrain issue is a tragedy caused by the incompetent Shah regime. We should have never let them become independent. Supporters of the puppet Shah claim that we got the 3 islands in return. Bad decision.
Has nothing to do with previous king. Qajars lost it shah managed to take back the 3 island but could not take Bahrain back. Incidentally Islamic republic also could not take back bahrain
Has nothing to do with previous king. Qajars lost it shah managed to take back the 3 island but could not take Bahrain back. Incidentally Islamic republic also could not take back bahrain
Never too late...Bahrain people will be open to such a reunion...
Has nothing to do with previous king. Qajars lost it shah managed to take back the 3 island but could not take Bahrain back. Incidentally Islamic republic also could not take back bahrain
Pahlavi could have easily taken them back. 50's or 60's were very different times.
Never too late...Bahrain people will be open to such a reunion...
Too late, population is too Arabized now. Nothing to do with Persians that much anymore.
It technically would but it is not needed at this point in time as Peninsula shield is strong and Bahrain has a stronger alliance than Iran anyway which is why Iran doesn't pose a threat..

Peninsula shield + 5 could invade Iran tomorrow if they wanted it..

Peninsual SHEILD (Has alone 1mio active armed forces + 1m another reserve) If you add Egypt, Jordan, Sudan we could reach around 4mio active without accouting the reservers plus on top of that fighter jets they could field 3000 fighter jets not even the Americans have that many and everything is high quality. they have manpower approx 300-400m they could fight a long drawn out war if it even was necessary
They could be gassed in a day and ended you are talking about a insurgency civil war as signficiant..There is no reason commiting further genocide on them than they are already claiming has been commited. You lost to a Sadam who had 5 times less population..

Just one Country in the Persian gulf can logistically fuk up all of Irans infras in the country like Qatar it has the logistical means to do that. Forget about adding everyone else on top..

Algeria itself in 1v1 could fuk Iran totally. Forget about adding 1m Peninsula shield forces including Egypt, Jordan, Sudan etc etc..

They could invade Iran at will whenever they feel like it is time to go...

Iran is a paper tiger and always has been historically we know that inside and outside.. The same Arabs came out of the desert and took over all of Iran and they could do it again without breaking a sweat and it would be much easier this time than it was last time

Iran is technically non-chellenge for them in all seriousness without being bias. If you look at them logistically with 3000+ fighter jets, plus the quality they have and numbers on top of that in the peninsula shield + 3 which is in the interior of Arabia they have enough logistical might and forces to hold off a major NATO advance or China-Russa combined from a conventional point of view..

Which makes Iran technically an afterthought. The Ibrahamic tribes have once invaded Iran and technically speaking Iran is not the hardest place to invade as you said previously. Iran would only be a desert for them not even the regular meal.

These Ibrahamic tribes are more warlike than Iran including. They have better technology and just better everything and in every arena sort of to speak of. Hence they never technically view them as threat or anything like that. The only existential threat for them is a NATO charge or another coalition at that size
Pahlavi could have easily taken them back. 50's or 60's were very different times.

Too late, population is too Arabized now. Nothing to do with Persians that much anymore.
I was actually thinking with US finally leaving the region these tinny leftover places need to orbit bigger and independent powers..Iran should offer some type of Union with Bahrain, yemen and Baku..all shia, most ex- Iran territory and all in need of protection.
I was actually thinking with US finally leaving the region these tinny leftover places need to orbit bigger and independent powers..iran should offer some type of Union with Bahrain, yemen and Baku..all shia, most ex- iran territory and all in need of protection.
It depends how the other Arab states behave. For example, today the UAE hosted Iran's deputy FM and talked about good relations etc. If this trend continues we can all have a peaceful coexistence together and have meaningful trade. I support rapprochement with the Arab world though, especially the Saudis. But they need to get their head out of American *** ASAP.
GCC needs to invest in more BMD and anti UAV/cruise missile strikes in order to survive Iranian missile M1 spam.

Skyknight should be good enough for surviving a moderate attack from CM/UAVs if the radar sensors are good. 80 missiles in air simultaneously with 240 missiles in the container.

UAE has the money to invest in a BMD using South African engineers in the next 5 years.

Arabs are currently hiding inside backside of Israelis.

Most of these retarded tribal monarchs were empowered/chosen and created by colonial powers e. g. Brits. They don't represent people of their country but a minority of myrmidons.
Iran should take back the entire Bahrain..it belonged to Iran any way.
When in the recent history has Iran ever gained territory? It's been a one way street ever since a letter written from Hejaz got torn apart from Persian King.
Aren't you ashamed man? Some white people from other side of the world defending you?

Hague is defending Iran. I am sure there aren't any white in Hague.
America will fiercely defend Bahrain because of its strategic value as a port for the 5th fleet.

Go ahead 🙂
Although it is theoretically possible that the US would enter a war to defend Bahrain, it is extremely unlikely to happen.

However, any aggression against a sovereign nation can result in the UNSC intervening directly. So, if Iran ever makes such a move, it must've first convinced China or Russia to veto any possible resolution against Iran in the UNSC, which is also unlikely to happen for Iran.

But the US alone, I don't think so.
I mean the 1990 US could do that. Things have changed greatly for the US since then.
And today's Iran is more powerful than 1990s Iraq right after a bloody 8 year war.
When in the recent history has Iran ever gained territory? It's been a one way street ever since a letter written from Hejaz got torn apart from Persian King.
When Nadir Shah launched a campaign towards India and massacred hundreds of thousands of your fellow South Asians on the way.
Iran is technically non-chellenge for them in all seriousness without being bias. If you look at them logistically with 3000+ fighter jets, plus the quality they have and numbers on top of that in the peninsula shield + 3 which is in the interior of Arabia they have enough logistical might and forces to hold off a major NATO advance or China-Russa combined from a conventional point of view..

Which makes Iran technically an afterthought. The Ibrahamic tribes have once invaded Iran and technically speaking Iran is not the hardest place to invade as you said previously. Iran would only be a desert for them not even the regular meal.

These Ibrahamic tribes are more warlike than Iran including. They have better technology and just better everything and in every arena sort of to speak of. Hence they never technically view them as threat or anything like that. The only existential threat for them is a NATO charge or another coalition at that size

Exactly bro.. Finally someone who knows what his talking about.. Certainities are Certainities
Exactly bro.. Finally someone who knows what his talking about.. Certainities are Certainities

Iran couldn't go to war with Azerbaijan the same reason they couldn't with bahrain when they cracked down on their supporters hard nor could it with anyone in the gulf it puts them into a massive miscalculation that could potentially spell their end it is not worth taking the risk.

Iran has not reached the treeshold of threat yet and far from it. It could only reach that if it grows significiantly in the future somehow magicially reach 300m population wise and evolve tech wise while everyone else regresses and that could take what like another century but nobody is regressing everyone is evolving which is unlikely we will see a regress happening across the abroad
Umh flame war!
giphy (4).gif

I was actually thinking with US finally leaving the region these tinny leftover places need to orbit bigger and independent powers..Iran should offer some type of Union with Bahrain, yemen and Baku..all shia, most ex- Iran territory and all in need of protection.
Well are you shiah based nation or "Iran"?
Guys....if Bahrain is so weak that requires blah blah coalition to defend her then they should pay back Iran's money and go back enjoying themselves...children should not play with lions tail...

In any case Bahrain population ( not the ruling British appointed king) is majority shia and most Baharainis have iranian origins..they will be very open to be part of Iran or be protected by Iran rather than being dictated by wahhabi overlords or the British overlords...

Just pay the money you took and go back sending astroide landers to the hevens...who cares..
It certainly feels like a mini Iran in Persian gulf
That's why during Arab spring the moncarcy was so scared
They're on shaky grounds - but if money keeps flowing they're good
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