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Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi

What will you say if Pakistan is loosing control to Taliban in Tribal areas ?

What can I say to the person who said that movements for provincial autonomy ( which in case you were living under rock for a long time , have already been granted ) somehow equal to a freedom movement from Pakistani rule ? :azn:

Nothing :D
Most of your supposed " facts " are indeed hilarious like Pakistan loosing lands ... :rofl:

US and China operate differently in case you aren't aware , not only that China has been involved in developing infrastructure in Pakistan + providing weapons and precious TOT with no strings attached since then ... So what has happened ? :azn:

China is merely managing the port and moving towards its plan of revival of silk route which will benefit a lot of countries ...

nothing comes for free. us also gave lots of aid and arms to pak in the 60s without strings..
tomorrow if ordinary paksitanis of any localuty feel squeezed by chinese and want the chinese to leave will govt of pak be able to say so? no, becuase the chinese will want to protect their interest and will care two bit for pak's feelings. exactly like the US.
For eg Pak allowed itslef to be used by US. finally see, US has taken liberty to bomb your soil and people by paynig some $$$.
in a few years you will be paid in YYY yuan. that sthe only difference.
chabahar is hardly 70 km from gwadar..does that range come under "local communications" to u??

Ok , lets recall again ...

Where were your listening towers again ? Oman , right ? Or you are back to making things up again? You really have some delusion that Tehran will work against Pakistan and allow you some espionage facilities in the port ? :D
nothing comes for free. us also gave lots of aid and arms to pak in the 60s without strings..
tomorrow if ordinary paksitanis of any localuty feel squeezed by chinese and want the chinese to leave will govt of pak be able to say so? no, becuase the chinese will want to protect their interest and will care two bit for pak's feelings. exactly like the US.
For eg Pak allowed itslef to be used by US. finally see, US has taken liberty to bomb your soil and people by paynig some $$$.
in a few years you will be paid in YYY yuan. that sthe only difference.

US is in this region to fight a war which happens to be to our next door......China is here for trade and economical development.
See the difference. !!
You don't need to tell me that because they were hammering pakistan on 900 honor killing last year whereas 10000 women are killed in india for honor every year.

You are only referring to the reported cases.

They don't mention the brutalities their police does in Tamil Nadu where they are colonizing the Shaivites by not allowing their local police. Here's a video that shows their septuagenarian leader, who needs a wheelchair for mobility, being arrested in the middle of the night by North Indian policemen. This man has been elected into power by the Tamilians, in the infallible democracy of India, five times.

Midnight Arrest of Kaliagnar -- Chennai -- 30.06.2001 - YouTube

Here they arrest another Shaivite Tamil leader, who is a sitting MLA (member of parliament of the state).

J.Anbazhagan M.L.A midnight arrest by TN Police in a brutality manner - YouTube

We can't even begin to discuss North East, Madhya Pradesh and Karnatka (Christian slaughter) and Kashmir.
nothing comes for free. us also gave lots of aid and arms to pak in the 60s without strings..
tomorrow if ordinary paksitanis of any localuty feel squeezed by chinese and want the chinese to leave will govt of pak be able to say so? no, becuase the chinese will want to protect their interest and will care two bit for pak's feelings. exactly like the US.
For eg Pak allowed itslef to be used by US. finally see, US has taken liberty to bomb your soil and people by paynig some $$$.
in a few years you will be paid in YYY yuan. that sthe only difference.

I know it doesn't , we only co-operate with China and vice versa because our interests converge not because of any other reason , actually that is how every single friendship in International arena works ...

What delusions do you have in mind ? :D Why would any Pakistanis of any " localuty " would feel uncomfortable with Chinese managing the port and building infrastructure in their country and thus paving way for economic progression ? :azn: ...

China doesn't give AID , fortunately ... Beijing isn't the world police nor plans to be , as you think it to be ...
US is in this region to fight a war which happens to be to our next door......China is here for trade and economical development.
See the difference. !!

you think so? then why the need for chinese navy ships . all the installations are dual use. american setup millitary bases.. china is in the process of but not overtly liek americans.
yes pakistan lies in a strategic area which is useful to both americans and the chinese. both US and chini want a govt in pak that will obey them. initially it will start as friendship but eventually deteriorate when something harmful would need to be done to your own country.
by your own logic , america was your best freind in 60s and 70s. but why are you considering them as enemies. the guys living in 60s never anticipated this. and you guys are not anticipating what will happen in 30-40 years time.
nothing to worry about in case of any threat our navy is sufficient enough to meet the requirement in the ior and the navy is growing fast.besides i dont think there will be any conflict between china and india in the near future..also we have chahbahar port not far from gwadar and listening stations in oman..not to mention our posts in malacca straits which lets us
know of every chinese ship or sub that
pass through malacca..so as i said ..nothing to worry

Lol @ listening stationsssssss.

When it comes to ME Pakistan is your daddy, remember Pasha, there is more covert which u cant even dream of.
I know it doesn't , we only co-operate with China and vice versa because our interests converge not because of any other reason , actually that is how every single friendship in International arena works ...

What delusions do you have in mind ? :D Why would any Pakistanis of any " localuty " would feel uncomfortable with Chinese managing the port and building infrastructure in their country and thus paving way for economic progression ? :azn: ...

China doesn't give AID , fortunately ... Beijing isn't the world place nor plans to be , as you think it to be ...

my question is US and pak were great friends, what happened.
baluchis are already feeling resentment of slow chinese invasion in their area.
beijing doesnt want to control pak now.. but they will eventually when their investments become 'too big to fail'
you think so? then why the need for chinese navy ships . all the installations are dual use. american setup millitary bases.. china is in the process of but not overtly liek americans.

by your own logic , america was your best freind in 60s and 70s. but why are you considering them as enemies. the guys living in 60s never anticipated this. and you guys are not anticipating what will happen in 30-40 years time.

Where are those Chinese navy ships you are talking about ? Not all installations are dual use as you suppose them to be ..

By your own logic , no one can predict the future , so should we stop doing anything since it has the possibility have harmful effects in 3 decades or a millennium ?

What absurd logic was that ?
my question is US and pak were great friends, what happened.
baluchis are already feeling resentment of slow chinese invasion in their area.
beijing doesnt want to control pak now.. but they will eventually when their investments become 'too big to fail'

Our interests do not converge any longer , so ? US and Pakistan were never friends , not after the first sanctions they imposed on us , has Beijing ever done the same or even close ? :no:

Yes , in Times of India :D ... You talk as if PLA is invited to manage the port , not a company :rofl:

Well it never has so it will never , past behavior is strong indicator of the future ... " Too big to fail " can only mean that China will have to help Pakistan always to not let its investments fail , the term is usually used for big corporations , not sovereign states , this isn't the first time when two countries are collaborating for economic prosperity ...
These kids must have a look at RAF Menwith station to get an idea of what those sort of SIGINT usually are and their facilities ... A few listening towers with the size I have seen in pictures can only do local communications , not target Gwadar some 400 km if not more away ...


yes i saw it..it says menwith is the largest intercepting organization in the world with a collaboration of u.s and u.k which is also used for misslie defence so ur comparing it with a listening post??
RAF - RAF Menwith Hill
Menwith Hill eavesdropping base undergoes massive expansion | World news | The Guardian
if u look carefully u'll find dishes too other than towers
u can see israeli and dutch listening stations here
Signals intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where are those Chinese navy ships you are talking about ? Not all installations are dual use as you suppose them to be ..

By your own logic , no one can predict the future , so should we stop doing anything since it has the possibility have harmful effects in 3 decades or a millennium ?

What absurd logic was that ?

nope, if you cant predict the future then why do you have any nuclear weapons or army. But you can calulate your moves for the future.
all i can say is that if you let yourself be used and your land become too important for a greater power then you are in danger.
one cannot predict the future but one can make an attempt at visualising it. now from this point there can be many futures , but by taking a certain set of actions what is the likely outcome, you have to decide.
if you go to an exam without studying, i can predict tht you will fail. well , i may be proved wrong but the probablity of failing is higher.
if you let another country use your soil for thier military purposes, then as time goes by they will find it too tempting not to let it go.
thats how the british came to rule our lands.
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