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Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi

All I can say is "my friend wait and watch".

I am not saying establishment is not in control of the things, in some places they may not have control.

The plan is to simmer Pakistan with conflicts and invite China to the Trap.

On one side China cannot risk its friend Pakistan going into chaos there by denying Chinese strategic edge.

On the other hand it cannot take on NATO in Pakistan who have mastered the art of war and covert war.

China decided to step in which means it is ready for the covert war.

This post sums up the delusion that has now risen to national level in India. Thanks for presenting it here.

Its not him only. Indians in general are under such delusions. Have read such type of cr@p on internet. Sometimes they are annoying. Sometimes they are hilarious.

i think so to. pakistan right from its inception has relied on others for their lievelihoods and do not mind sacrificing their honor and people for this.
Great story...!


It is not him only. A lot of Indians are like him. Go search on Indian forums. They just cook up any story where India would emerge victorious in front of Pakistan and China.

Won't mention the name but a senior Indian member of this forum was discussing on an Indian defense forum how India can take back at least masherbrum valley, shigar valley and gojal valley back from Pakistan and according to him it was all too easy. And no where they discussed resistance from Pakistan as Pakistan would just sit comfortably watching India occupying its land.

So it is a national issue now in India. Can't invade Pakistan or China. Cook up a story in your mind where India is victorious to sooth yourself.
nothing to worry about in case of any threat our navy is sufficient enough to meet the requirement in the ior and the navy is growing fast.besides i dont think there will be any conflict between china and india in the near future..also we have chahbahar port not far from gwadar and listening stations in oman..not to mention our posts in malacca straits which lets us know of every chinese ship or sub that pass through malacca..so as i said ..nothing to worry
i think so to. pakistan right from its inception has relied on others for their lievelihoods and do not mind sacrificing their honor and people for this.

China is our friend and is just helping us in some mega projects. You guys can't do anything about it so you come with stupid stories like this guy has come up with. True story.
... listening stations in oman..

It's a listening station...not a ballistic missile station!!!

Some of the theories on this thread are really amazing!!

Keep it up guys, somebody may pick you for being a premier analyst!
China is our friend and is just helping us in some mega projects. You guys can't do anything about it so you come with stupid stories like this guy has come up with. True story.

Yes you also gave your Drone bases and also fought USA's war since USA is a friend and aid giver :cheers:

Who knows the same thing may happen again.
This is a good news for India :tup:

Welcome China to Pakistan :cheers:

Before writing an imaginary story about so many movements in my country , want to know how many secessionist are movements in your country , kiddo ? :D They say " the people living in glass houses , shouldn't throw stones " ...

Indeed , welcome ... If it is their first time :lol:
China is our friend and is just helping us in some mega projects. You guys can't do anything about it so you come with stupid stories like this guy has come up with. True story.

hmm.. soon to protect its interests china will start imposing on pakistan to keep pakistani citizens in check... will happen. and china will become america 2.0 only more cruel.
Yes you also gave your Drone bases and also fought USA's war since USA is a friend and aid giver :cheers:

Who knows the same thing may happen again.

Who knows India might be occupied by Britain again. It has happened before. Who knows. :D
listening stations in oman..

Unless of course you can bend the laws of physics , you cant listen on to communications in Gwadar or Chahbahar with a few towers in Oman , ever looked at the map or understand how SIGINT works ? :azn: Know how big are those facilities ?
It's a listening station...not a ballistic missile station!!!

Some of the theories on this thread are really amazing!!

Keep it up guys, somebody may pick you for being a premier analyst!

ofcourse we dont need any ballastic missle station abroad to hit pakistan do we??its not just listening station.they play an important role in collecting information..with that post we can get the vital info regarding the events taking place in the ports or the ships or subs harbored in the port..so which part of my post did u find to be unreal ??
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