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Forced Conversions of Hindu Girls

Your coping

Hundreds of millions dumped Hinduism not because of coercion, but because Islam is a superior system

You can't enforce faith,, because the people won't pass the faith onto their children and children's children

It's impossible

What Hindu have is cope to explain why so many people dumped and turned away from Hinduism

Arabs are not brahmins that any Muslim would be concerned about what any random Arab thought🤣🤣
islam is inferior to free Indian thoughts. Indian lower caste muslims are still adhering to much of hindu traditions. its only the top 10% of upper caste muslims who are the rabid ones who were either from origins out of india or upper caste hindu converts that hug the Kaaba. they also use the pasmanda as cannon fodder.
Hindus primarily convert due to coercion or convenience. It is history that during the mughal rule rich hindus had punishments differed if they convert. Whole tribes, villages converted to get land. It has nothing to do with superiority of islam. Once you got the lands you guys became ossified into the system and forgot about your real self. That's why the Indian subcontinent muslims (including you guys) are not respected in the 3 power centers of Islam (Arab, Turk or Persian)
Indian lower caste muslims

The only problem with your statement is that Muslims have no caste hierarchies, heh!

It is history that during the mughal rule rich hindus had punishments differed if they convert. Whole tribes, villages converted to get land.

Ah, finally, you admit that Hindus weren't forced to convert during Mughal Rule!

islam is inferior to free Indian thoughts.

Sure, if you feel like worshipping a crow, spider, bug, or whatever.

Muslims can't do that, sadly!
The only problem with your statement is that Muslims have no caste hierarchies, heh!
indian ppl have caste hierarchies. Indian/Pakistani muslims and christians and Sikhs follow caste.
Ah, finally, you admit that Hindus weren't forced to convert during Mughal Rule!
Just stated one of the ways they were converted.
Sure, if you feel like worshipping a crow, spider, bug, or whatever.

Muslims can't do that, sadly!
muslims don't worship period. they think they worship but they only follow a thought cult.
islam is inferior to free Indian thoughts. Indian lower caste muslims are still adhering to much of hindu traditions. its only the top 10% of upper caste muslims who are the rabid ones who were either from origins out of india or upper caste hindu converts that hug the Kaaba. they also use the pasmanda as cannon fodder.
Hindus primarily convert due to coercion or convenience. It is history that during the mughal rule rich hindus had punishments differed if they convert. Whole tribes, villages converted to get land. It has nothing to do with superiority of islam. Once you got the lands you guys became ossified into the system and forgot about your real self. That's why the Indian subcontinent muslims (including you guys) are not respected in the 3 power centers of Islam (Arab, Turk or Persian)

🤣🤣🤣🤣. Once again you have this BRAHMIN thought process that Arabs, Turks or Iranians are BRAHMIN caste's🤣🤣🤣

Yaar a Muslim is a Muslim and is differentiated by character and strength of faith by God,, nothing else matters

This is just cope in your head

Islam is far far superior,, Hinduism was disgusting and worthless to us and millions of others
Full of jahilat, caste, superstitions

People didn't need a incentive to dump Hinduism, it was a natural process because Hinduism was beneath us

Your just coping as a Hindu and we don't care

As India turns into a hate filled communal shithole more divisions Inside India will occur
Still beats worshiping animals, as far as I'm concerned!
yes that's key.

🤣🤣🤣🤣. Once again you have this BRAHMIN thought process that Arabs, Turks or Iranians are BRAHMIN caste's🤣🤣🤣

Yaar a Muslim is a Muslim and is differentiated by character and strength of faith by God,, nothing else matters

This is just cope in your head

Islam is far far superior,, Hinduism was disgusting and worthless to us and millions of others
Full of jahilat, caste, superstitions

People didn't need a incentive to dump Hinduism, it was a natural process because Hinduism was beneath us

Your just coping as a Hindu and we don't care

As India turns into a hate filled communal shithole more divisions Inside India will occur
look threre are about 2 billion muslims and about 1 billion hindus. Muslims needed the force of sword and thuggery to build the cult. Hinduism is just the Indian civilisation. We don't care if you its of any use to you because we are not into proselytisation. get that in to your head. Like Hinduism is for you , Islam is equally disgusting for us. above or beneath is perspective.
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yes that's key.

look threre are about 2 billion muslims and about 1 billion hindus. Muslims needed the force of sword and thuggery to build the cult. Hinduism is just the Indian civilisation. We don't care if you its of any use to you because we are not into proselytisation. get that in to your head. Like Hinduism is for you , Islam is equally disgusting for us. above or beneath is perspective.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 No man

Islam is a 2 BILLION international faith for humanity,, crossing multiple borders, states and continents

Hinduism is just local idol worship which was very disparate until about 2 centuries ago when Hinduism was born,, pulling together multiple local paganism under one Hindu umbrella

We hate Hinduism,, the feeling of hatred is mutual that's why partition was so important

But we have a Incomplete partition with hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims stuck in a hindutva extremist communal shithole like India

We need a proper partition of India where the people are separated
Our nukes aren't just for show, hehe!

9/11 Truth Movement exists.

And we expect them to bomb buses full of our people.

What's the difference, Ramesh?!
If and when Israel sees you as threat, they would neutralize your nukes, long before you can use it on them. As they have done with Iraq, Iran, Syrian nuclear programmes.

Everyone knows the 9/11's truth. No amount of conspiracy theories will change that.

They don't hide behind facade of terrorism or non state actors(unlike you). They will come and bomb you at will,if and when they believe you harboring terrorists and there is nothing you can do about it.
How long is our society going to keep silent about this? Also very interested as to where the progressive PPP is.

Aurat March absent as usual too.

This is a national embarrassment.

No need for a safe house send her back to her folks, but then again these people may have henchmen. Disgusting and evil, Sind seems like a free for all currently.
what a shithole of a country

Lucky for the perpetrators there is no Islamic justice in Pakistan otherwise they would be hanged from the local square as an example for everyone to see .

But in Pakistan some uneducated self proclaimed molvi who doesn’t understand how to put on he’s shoes the correct way will decree its fine .

Hang all the bastards who are forcing all children regardless of religion

Let’s not forget the thousands of Muslim girls being forcefully married against there wishes also into a lifetime of servitude
Vast majority of muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are low caste dalit converts except the Pashtuns and Baloch obviously and they converted because of persecution and discrimination at the hands of upper caste hindus especially Brahmins who treated them badly, denied them equal rights like entry in temples, drawing water from wells or getting educated. Manusmriti gives a detailed account of how Brahmins and other upper castes are superior to shudras. When the islamic invaders and sufis arrived, the lower castes saw merit in converting to a religion that promised equality instead of staying in the dharmic fold as an inferior hindu. Many were converted forcibly and some converted of their own accord. Even though most were reluctant to convert, they chose life over being murderd by the islamic invaders. Once converted, they couldn't convert back to hinduism as it was not allowed at that time. Over time they embraced islam. For those who don't know, even gujjars and jats are considered shudra ( not dalits as they are outside the varna vyavastha). Most upper castes converted in the last 200- 250 years only. In some areas, conversions were peaceful but mostly they were forced. Some converted for better economic opportunities, or for avoiding paying jizya. But, all in all, had the upper castes treated all hindus equally, there wouldn't be so many muslims in Indian subcontinent.
The irony is even after converting to Islam, the lower caste muslims are considered inferior by upper caste convert muslims and pathans especially in India.
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The entire topic derailed by Islamofascists and Indian Call Centre Scam Artists. Great job Mods!
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