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Forced Conversions of Hindu Girls

I am failing to see the logic you are using in that statement.

Since minority population is not growing in Pakistan, there must be pogroms going on that we can't see. We can only see the 1000 girls/year the are forcilbly converted, bring Hindu population down fro 23% to 2% . It seems there are ninjas in Muslims' ranks who are taking out Hindus without being noticed :lol:

The real reason that unlike Indian muslim, Pakistani hindus don't have the critical mass and therefore their population is stagnant. Unless they start breeding like rats (a pair of rats can sire 1 milions descendants in 18 months, provided safety and ample food.), you aren't going to see a change in that. Also quoting @Neelo 's response below, which you might otherwise conveniently ignore.

@-=virus=- @Areesh @lastofthepatriots

Actually, Pakistan doesn’t do itself any favours. For some weird reason they don’t consider “scheduled castes“ as Hindus.

The Pakistan Hindu Council states that Pakistan’s total Hindu population is roughly double than the current estimate.

This is all fault of Gandhi , Nehru , Communists and all secular liberal hypocrites who did not send all muslims of India to pakistan , even today govt of India should get all hindus of pakistan immigrated to India give them citizenship , give them land from the property of muslims who went to pakistan and waqf board of India. Govt of India should take land from big muslim land holders and give to hindus coming from Pakistan . These hindus coming from pakistan should be settled in muslim majority areas of kashmir , bangal , keral , bihar and uttar pradesh on govt lands with full support from hindus and govt of India.
Govt of India should launch programme of conversion of muslims to hindu dharma with special benefits like govt service , house , free education to the converted persons . Hindu families should encourage hindu boys to marry muslim girls , such couples should be encouraged by giving them gov service , house , education and medical facilities .


Take all the Hindus if you want,, we don't care🤣🤣🤣

But Indian Muslims have their own land and area's

Those areas will be partitioned to for separate Muslim majority states away from a hindutva extremist India

Sikhs will push for Khalistan

Christians can have their own areas

And you can make you Hindu Rashtra shit anywhere else

Yaar this is just comedy,, we only have a few million Hindus in Pakistan

They are fine living under waderas 🤣🤣

This is all just bullshit by paid Hindu actors

People like you are sick and need mental health treatment. You said the same about the Baloch missing persons and now look at what happened to PTI.

Tomorrow it will be you being separated from your family, or your daughter being sent to a safe home because of a corrupt MPA looking for vengence.
People like you are sick and need mental health treatment. You said the same about the Baloch missing persons and now look at what happened to PTI.

Tomorrow it will be you being separated from your family, or your daughter being sent to a safe home because of a corrupt MPA looking for vengence.

Come on man be seriously

What's this human right defender, bullshit

Come into reality the missing persons are TERRORISTS and their supporters,, if you want to fight terrorism, then fight hard. If you shackle your own forces then sit back and watch decades or turmoil

Look Pakistan is a communal Muslim state,, RIGHT

You hear me say it all the time about India

The reality is THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH ASIA are like this,, Jinnah fundamentally understood this,, came to the realisation that separation and partition was the only way

If you leave any of the populations under the control of the "other" then you will have injustice

We have multiple organisations working in and amongst Hindu and Christian populations to spread Islam, FACT

The vast majority of these conversions are normal, spread of Islam via sufi, religious groups etc

Then you have the usual girl falls in love for Muslim boy,, but in order to marry and be accepted she must convert, she leaves her family and you have various emotional problems
BUT fundamentally she has not been forced

Then you have a minority mostly in wadera areas where the wadera types will target a specific Hindu girl,,, because in our society Hindus are seen as "less then" anyone else
And this must be targeted and stopped by
full use of law and state

But then the PPP are in charge and those waderas are connected to them

The rest is bullshit
Come on man be seriously

What's this human right defender, bullshit

Come into reality the missing persons are TERRORISTS and their supporters,, if you want to fight terrorism, then fight hard. If you shackle your own forces then sit back and watch decades or turmoil

Look Pakistan is a communal Muslim state,, RIGHT

You hear me say it all the time about India

The reality is THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH ASIA are like this,, Jinnah fundamentally understood this,, came to the realisation that separation and partition was the only way

If you leave any of the populations under the control of the "other" then you will have injustice

We have multiple organisations working in and amongst Hindu and Christian populations to spread Islam, FACT

The vast majority of these conversions are normal, spread of Islam via sufi, religious groups etc

Then you have the usual girl falls in love for Muslim boy,, but in order to marry and be accepted she must convert, she leaves her family and you have various emotional problems
BUT fundamentally she has not been forced

Then you have a minority mostly in wadera areas where the wadera types will target a specific Hindu girl,,, because in our society Hindus are seen as "less then" anyone else
And this must be targeted and stopped by
full use of law and state

But then the PPP are in charge and those waderas are connected to them

The rest is bullshit

Get help Faujeet.
(a pair of rats can sire 1 milions descendants in 18 months, provided safety and ample food.)

Now that's a piece of information I could've lived without for the rest of my life.


Get help Faujeet.

Now, that's not very nice!

The thing is, a vast majority of Muslims in the subcontinent are converts. Don't believe in the BS that we are a bunch of Arabs! Sure, some of us have "slight" Arab ancestry but that can't be applied to all of us. Several castes such as Rajput, Gujjar (Gurjar), Jutt, Butt (derived from "Bhatt") etc. were originally Hindu, not that I - or anyone else - cares.

Data Ganj Baksh alone used to convert hundreds - if not thousands - of Hindus to Islam on a regular basis. Just one example. Western Christian missionaries also tried the same, but they failed - for several reasons which I won't touch here.

And Jinnah famously said: "Pakistan came into being the day when the first Hindu was converted to Islam."

Now, Indian Godi Media claims that all these people were forcibly converted by the Mughals or whatever but the point is, they wouldn't have taught Islam to their children if that was the case. There simply wouldn't be any Pakistan.

With that in mind, is it really all that farfetched to think that the Hindus living in Pakistan may be slowly converting to Islam by their very own accord? After all, Hinduism is just a mish-mash of a whole bunch of idolistic faiths. Heck, the term "Hinduism" was 'coined' only back in the 18th Century!

Or are you willing to get brainwashed by Godi Media and spew hate against Islam; just because of muh "Imran Khan?!"

Oh well...
Brilliant analyses. So what happened is ok and has been well defended. Only there are some issues with how many but in principle abduction never happened.
Now that's a piece of information I could've lived without for the rest of my life.


Now, that's not very nice!

The thing is, a vast majority of Muslims in the subcontinent are converts. Don't believe in the BS that we are a bunch of Arabs! Sure, some of us have "slight" Arab ancestry but that can't be applied to all of us. Several castes such as Rajput, Gujjar (Gurjar), Jutt, Butt (derived from "Bhatt") etc. were originally Hindu, not that I - or anyone else - cares.

There’s a difference between Sufi saints converting the masses, an nasty old men kidnapping young girls and forcibly marring them and converting them. The fact you deny this despite video evidence is shocking.

Data Ganj Baksh alone used to convert hundreds - if not thousands - of Hindus to Islam on a regular basis. Just one example. Western Christian missionaries also tried the same, but they failed - for several reasons which I won't touch here.

Fail to understand how Sufi saints and little Hindu girls under the age of 18 being kidnapped have to do with one another.

And Jinnah famously said: "Pakistan came into being the day when the first Hindu was converted to Islam."

Here’s Jinnah’s archive. Show me exactly where he said this….date and location.

Now, Indian Godi Media claims that all these people were forcibly converted by the Mughals or whatever but the point is, they wouldn't have taught Islam to their children if that was the case. There simply wouldn't be any Pakistan.

With that in mind, is it really all that farfetched to think that the Hindus living in Pakistan may be slowly converting to Islam by their very own accord? After all, Hinduism is just a mish-mash of a whole bunch of idolistic faiths. Heck, the term "Hinduism" was 'coined' only back in the 18th Century!

Or are you willing to get brainwashed by Godi Media and spew hate against Islam; just because of muh "Imran Khan?!"

Oh well...

Ah yes, the age old Faujeet trick. “It’s all an Indian conspiracy”….Pakistan is perfect.

You can get help too Faujeet.
There’s a difference between Sufi saints converting the masses, an nasty old men kidnapping young girls and forcibly marring them and converting them. The fact you deny this despite video evidence is shocking.

Fail to understand how Sufi saints and little Hindu girls under the age of 18 being kidnapped have to do with one another.

Here’s Jinnah’s archive. Show me exactly where he said this….date and location.

Ah yes, the age old Faujeet trick. “It’s all an Indian conspiracy”….Pakistan is perfect.

You can get help too Faujeet.

Keep drinking the kool-aid, booger!

Brilliant analyses.

It is a natural acts - if environment is healthy than the population growth.

And regarding minority conversation in Pakistan, mostly reports by international media because not only hindu Or sikh, they care mostly about Christian girls.

It is the most reason, time to time basis the international media highlights the minority conversations issue in Pakistan.

And no one can question that minority population is not growing in India, the numbers itself talks
Throughout history Muslim armies made brutal conquests. They did all things that Isis is doing and worse and called themselves ghazi and shit. After this some nonsense fellows calling themselves sufis follow, under the sword of these guys, pretending they are actually civilised. This is how most of the areas in middle east upto Afghanistan and Iran were converted. They created conditions where it was better for the citizens to convert and get into this sordid religion than stay out. A very few like the yazidis and parsis remained. They met a much mire stiff resistance in India and here they initially conducted a shock and awe but could not sustain after a few centuries of resistance. Many of the hindus did exactly what the conquered in the routes before them did. Convert out of economic coercion , fear , abduction and belittling of local religions thru sufism. The product is the current day Pakistani and Indian Muslims. They are respected no where in the Islamic world and treated more as cannon fodder for the OIC. Again I say these Muslims' ideology say that it's OK to do criminal acts against non Muslims. So expect no let up on that. No point in arguing with what is essentially evil .
'See an idol, break an idol' was our motto since the inception of Islam.
No. This was just a policy for the Arabian peninsula. We didn't do that anywhere in the world. Even when bin Qasim entered Sindh, he didn't do such things here, and he was an Arab.

We shouldn't do that actually. Let the people decide whether they want to keep it or destroy it.

Qaaba is a different story.
Brilliant analyses. So what happened is ok and has been well defended. Only there are some issues with how many but in principle abduction never happened.

Yeah pretty much

Most people convert because Islam is a better alternative to idol worship or animal worship etc
Yeah pretty much

Most people convert because Islam is a better alternative to idol worship or animal worship etc
nope.. Most convert out of coercion or convenience mostly. Some convert for getting married w/o any specific belief. Some who are considered weirdos or criminals also tend to convert.
nope.. Most convert out of coercion or convenience mostly. Some convert for getting married w/o any specific belief. Some who are considered weirdos or criminals also tend to convert.

Your coping

Hundreds of millions dumped Hinduism not because of coercion, but because Islam is a superior system

You can't enforce faith,, because the people won't pass the faith onto their children and children's children

It's impossible

What Hindu have is cope to explain why so many people dumped and turned away from Hinduism

Arabs are not brahmins that any Muslim would be concerned about what any random Arab thought🤣🤣
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