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For Speaking Their Mind Online, Women In India Face Threats

Why should I? I don't take internet seriously and these women shouldn't either. They need to swallow their pride and get along with the things. If they have strong opinion about a sensitive issue they must be ready to take back some pretty strong replies. Having said that I do agree there are many idiots who threat/mock about these women getting raped, which I strongly condemn.
Yet indians here cry like a baby if @RazPaK @Windjammer or @Areesh says something to them :o:

Why dont they swallow their pride and change forums? :unsure:
Exactly all the news readers face all kind of bs especially males , anyone can look it up on their twitter acc .
But whenever females faces this BS words like rape comes from somewhere and it becomes more important. :-)
Funny thing is when females go to social media regarding harassment of any kind, they get a huge support but when some get the rough end of the stick they cry wolf and demand for preferential treatment.
Why should I?
Then dont show victim complex by pointing at someone voicing out that there is a problem! I recall many saying that 1st thing to solve a problem is acknowledging it! When showcasing what it is instead of acknowledging it many have the audacity to play the victim card and jump into denial mode? :o:
Yet indians here cry like a baby if @RazPaK @Windjammer or @Areesh says something to them :o:

Why dont they swallow their pride and change forums? :unsure:
Well I am no Chaudhary of all Indians here so can't speak for all but for me. I don't cry I believe in giving it back but now trying to turn over a new leaf by ignoring troll fest. Anyway this is off topic, lets better not derail this thread.

Then dont show victim complex by pointing at someone voicing out that there is a problem! I recall many saying that 1st thing to solve a problem is acknowledging it! When showcasing what it is instead of acknowledging it many have the audacity to play the victim card and jump into denial mode? :o:
what victim complex? I am calling out their drama, "hey look how can they say this and that to a girl". I don't why women can't make up their mind? are they for equality or just selective equality or preferential treatment? the other day a feminist outraged on social media just because a guy compliment on her picture. I mean what next?
Why should I? .

Well if the thread shows only one side of the coin so let it be. We're not here to educate every1.

And yeah I guess we need to acknowledge our problems and which is people with lack of knowledge and tolerance. Coming on net and questioning and harassing both males and females, so both are victims here.

And not to mention Culprits include women too but these feminists fails to see that.
Then dont show victim complex by pointing at someone voicing out that there is a problem! I recall many saying that 1st thing to solve a problem is acknowledging it! When showcasing what it is instead of acknowledging it many have the audacity to play the victim card and jump into denial mode? :o:
As far as acknowledging a problem goes I am sure you have seen the protests after that delhi rape case, so strong was the protest that the government of India was forced to bring in more stringent laws, and laws are so women friendly that even a single complaint from a girl will get the guy jailed without any hope of bail. So, yeah did acknowledge the threat but unfortunately there are some women who are abusing the laws which were made to protect them for their own personal gain. So we do need to speak against such blatant abuse of law.

Well if the thread shows only one side of the coin so let it be. We're not here to educate every1.

And yeah I guess we need to acknowledge our problems and which is people with lack of knowledge and tolerance. Coming on net and questioning and harassing both males and females, so both are victims here.

And not to mention Culprits include women too but these feminists fails to see that.
I tell you Feminazis want to kill every single man and men are busy fighting for religion. :hitwall:
forced to bring in more stringent laws
yet soo many women still are complaining not enough is being done or that the men dont fear the laws or something and still continue being animals?
I tell you Feminazis want to kill every single men and men are busy fighting for religion. :hitwall:

:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

Anyway u're taking too much trouble dude leave it.

Yup we need to follows the stringent laws like 100% just like they are followed in other parts of the world.:tdown:

Look at US and other countries they are rape and harassment free. :(
yet soo many women still are complaining not enough is being done or that the men dont fear the laws or something and still continue being animals?
No society is free of ill treatment of women, be it a religious or liberal one. Having said that such laws do take time to trickle down to rural areas where people are ignorant to laws available to them. for example dowry related death was a huge problem in India but after law was introduced against dowry harassment its has drastically come down.
I hope and pray these ladies get appropriate security cover and do not fall victim to extremist nutcase hindus!

@ranjeet Look Hindus are blamed for this too.

@waz ask this enlightened person from where does Hindus comes into this equation?
Let him be iska kasur nahi hai, Mods do give long rope to Indians here on PDF and some Pakistanis at times do feel that they are being treated unfairly on their own forum. Just ignore the comment and move on.
@waz ask this enlightened person from where does Hindus comes into this equation?

From here:

Some are well-known. Sagarika Ghose, a journalist formerly with CNN-IBN who is vocal on Twitter and has 608,000 followers, has repeatedly received threats of rape. In 2012, Meena Kandasamy, a poet and activist, was threatened with acid attacks and "televised gang rapes" when she wrote about a Dalit festival where beef was served. Eating beef is a taboo among upper caste Hindus, and Kandasamy was attacked for writing about eating beef.
From here:

Some are well-known. Sagarika Ghose, a journalist formerly with CNN-IBN who is vocal on Twitter and has 608,000 followers, has repeatedly received threats of rape. In 2012, Meena Kandasamy, a poet and activist, was threatened with acid attacks and "televised gang rapes" when she wrote about a Dalit festival where beef was served. Eating beef is a taboo among upper caste Hindus, and Kandasamy was attacked for writing about eating beef.

:tup: So the problem is not the wild intolerant bunch on internet but its the Hindus.
Cmon and what about Preetha G Nair and Shruthi Seth? They got attacked because Modi is Hindu?
:tup: So the problem is not the wild intolerant bunch on internet but its the Hindus.
Cmon and what about Preetha G Nair and Shruthi Seth? They got attacked because Modi is Hindu?

I merely answered the question you asked, dear.

The question was very short and precise. So was the answer.

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