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First time Pak Jewish allowed travelling to Israel


ISLAMABAD: Call it a diplomatic thaw or a baby step towards that side, Pakistan has not only permitted its Jewish citizen to travel to Israel but also encouraged him to publicise this permission, less than three months after the reported arrival of Israeli plane in Islamabad.

Fishel Khalid, 31, will be the first Pakistani in public knowledge as he had been permitted to travel to Israel. He lives in Karachi and has been very open about his religious beliefs. Son of a Muslim father and Jewish mother, Fishel chose to become a Jew and got it registered with Nadra. His four brothers opted Islam. There are around 700-800 Jews in Pakistan. Fishel applied for permission through an app of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Oct 28, three days after an Israeli journalist tweeted about a plane flown from Tel Aviv landed in Islamabad which the government had vehemently denied.

On January 2 this year, Fishel received a call from Foreign Ministry informing him the grant of permission that he tweeted only Wednesday. “Dear @ImranKhanPTI on Jan 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs called to informing that I can visit Jerusalem, Israel on Pakistani passport. I’m applying visa from Israeli embassy. Thank u Dr Faisal,” his tweet reads. Official twitter handles of MoFA, its spokesperson Dr Faisal, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry, DG ISPR Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor and Bilawal Bhutto have been tagged in this tweet.

When Dr Faisal was contacted for comments, he feigned ignorance and asked this correspondent to share the purported tweet. He promised to return after checking but he neither returned the call nor attended when rang again to press for the comment.

However, The News has learnt on good authority that Fishel was encouraged by the office of Dr Faisal to tweet the permission granted by the government and that important government functionaries be tagged in this tweet. Fishel didn’t offer any comment when contacted to inquire about this. “I don’t want to ruin my efforts by indulging in any such controversy,” he said.

A source in the MoFA privy to this development said Fishel applied for the permission on Oct 28 through the ministry’s app; his request was forwarded to Sindh chief secretary for background check as the applicant is Karachi based. It was then forwarded to the PM Office and the permission was granted after approval from there.

How will he travel on Pakistan passport? It is specifically mentioned that the holder of this document can use for travel everywhere in the world except Israel. Fishel said he could apply for Palestinian visa for visit on their side of the territory. From there, he can enter Israel. Alternatively, he can directly apply for Israeli visa as there is no bar from that side; only hurdle was Pakistani government which has already granted permission, though not in writing. Fishel says he has contacts in Israel willing to help him by all means.

Although Fishel has been quite open on social media and had been interviewed by foreign media, he wrote the first article for an English daily in Pakistan last year. In the piece published in July 2018 titled “I’m a Jewish and a Pakistani…let me go to Israel” he made a passionate appeal that he be granted freedom to religion through allowing him visit holy places in Israel.

“I am stuck in a real life conundrum. Being a practicing Jewish man, I want the freedom to perform my religious duties, a right granted to me and other minorities in the country by the constitution,” he wrote. However, Fishel continued, the reality is that my Pakistani passport states that ‘this passport is valid for all countries of the world, except Israel’.

“As per the constitution, every citizen has the right to practice their religion, including religious pilgrimages. How then, can the state be justified in prohibiting not only Jews, but Pakistani Christians, Messianic Jews, and even Muslims from travelling to Jerusalem? This self-conflicting sentence on our passports is flawed and inconsistent with our constitution, and it is time to challenge this archaic law,” he noted.

Now, his wish has finally been granted. Whether it signals a step towards setting up relations with Israel or has been granted purely to acknowledge the right of a Jewish citizen remains to be seen.


I am always perplexed at how desperate some people are to showcase such news as something extraordinary.

It is just one person who no one has ever heard of. Let him go and no one gave a crap.

Seems its true. Shame on PTI for its two faced policy.

There is no such thing as a Pakistani Jew though LOL
I also want to visit Jerusalem with my wife one day , Historically very rich and entire city is Holy .

...I have always wondered how Pakistan, being an Islamic republic, could restrict its citizens from visiting Al-Aqsa mosque irrespective of which country governs over Jerusalem....The reward of praying at the Al-Aqsa mosque is immense. It is the right of every Muslim to at least make an attempt to visit regardless of the restrictions that our government imposes as these are clearly in conflict with Islamic principles and should be reviewed.

I inquired from the Israeli officers about visiting Jerusalem on a Pakistani passport – they said that I could apply for a visa and if it was granted, I could visit. As our passport says that it is not valid for travel to Israel, they would issue a paper visa and put all the entry-exit stamps on that visa.

If I were you, I would definitely try this option since this is a sacred place for all Muslims and Pakistani Muslims should not be deprived of the experience, only because the government has deemed it wrong for us to visit Israel.

Excerpt from I entered Jerusalem as a Pakistani Muslim, Express Tribune, December 31, 2013.
I'm not stealing an individual's identity, I'm defining my own identity in terms of my nationality+religious beliefs+spiritual beliefs+ethnicity+tribe+X+Y+Z.

there must be legal Framework.

I often say we all have jewish mothers but that was a joke. he took it too far.
...I have always wondered how Pakistan, being an Islamic republic, could restrict its citizens from visiting Al-Aqsa mosque irrespective of which country governs over Jerusalem....The reward of praying at the Al-Aqsa mosque is immense. It is the right of every Muslim to at least make an attempt to visit regardless of the restrictions that our government imposes as these are clearly in conflict with Islamic principles and should be reviewed.

I inquired from the Israeli officers about visiting Jerusalem on a Pakistani passport – they said that I could apply for a visa and if it was granted, I could visit. As our passport says that it is not valid for travel to Israel, they would issue a paper visa and put all the entry-exit stamps on that visa.

If I were you, I would definitely try this option since this is a sacred place for all Muslims and Pakistani Muslims should not be deprived of the experience, only because the government has deemed it wrong for us to visit Israel.

Excerpt from I entered Jerusalem as a Pakistani Muslim, Express Tribune, December 31, 2013.

Its more of Politics, I do hope that Pakistani can visit Israel on their own passport, and same for Israel .. Not much of a religious person I am, but Jerusalem is one of the most Holiest Sites in Islam and every Muslim must visit it once in life .
As for me, I will try to Apply for Visit Visa with my Wife from US, hopefully like this i will have more chances of getting one .
there must be legal Framework.

I often say we all have jewish mothers but that was a joke. he took it too far.
There is a 'legal framework' in terms of nationality. You are a national of the country (or countries if they allow dual citizenship) you are a citizen of. Beyond that it's pretty grey.

Let's say you're a Punjabi speaking individual from a Punjabi family that is now settled in Balochistan or Sindh. If your domicile is Sindh or Balochistan, does that make you Sindhi or Baloch? You're likely to still call yourself Punjabi. Same thing with religion - these things can't and shouldn't be forced upon people.
There is a 'legal framework' in terms of nationality. You are a national of the country (or countries if they allow dual citizenship) you are a citizen of. Beyond that it's pretty grey.

Let's say you're a Punjabi speaking individual from a Punjabi family that is now settled in Balochistan or Sindh. If your domicile is Sindh or Balochistan, does that make you Sindhi or Baloch? You're likely to still call yourself Punjabi. Same thing with religion - these things can't and shouldn't be forced upon people.

you live in a country where those born in most States are Not even recognized as americans. how is that working for You?

Religion ensures religious rights protected by the state.

ethinicity well i am sure You cry genocide too less already in the World.

Man has claimed jewish ancestry not jewish Faith. or Vice versa. pretty much is a legal affair.

otherwise on tuesday nights. I feel like a woman
Its more of Politics, I do hope that Pakistani can visit Israel on their own passport, and same for Israel .. Not much of a religious person I am, but Jerusalem is one of the most Holiest Sites in Islam and every Muslim must visit it once in life .
As for me, I will try to Apply for Visit Visa with my Wife from US, hopefully like this i will have more chances of getting one .
Perhaps, at some future time, you will be able to pray to Allah in al-Aqsa while I daven mincha on the Temple Mount. And we will be at peace together.
Perhaps, at some future time, you will be able to pray to Allah in al-Aqsa while I daven mincha on the Temple Mount. And we will be at peace together.

It would be very Amazing to pray in AL-Aqsa Mosque , and Umar Mosque , visit Place like where Prophet prayed on his night journey .. only the thought of been there gives me Goosebumps :D

by the way , what is Daven Mincha ?
The person mentioned in this thread, this jewish person. If he is indeed a Pakistani citizen, then he is accorded the same rights as any Pakistani citizen. No harm should come to him, or his family, in Pakistan. But, when any Pakistani citizen, attempts to visit or associate themselves with the illegal and illegitimate, terrorist state of israel. Well then, that person should only be given one choice, and that is to pack up your bags and get on a one way flight to wherever and be stripped of their Pakistani citizenship.

Pakistan does NOT recognize the state of israel. So anyone who has the desire to want to go to israel, best be stripped of their Pakistani passports and be kicked out. Because israel is a murdering, terrorist state and besides that, a very close ally of our eastern neighbor, india.

So we should also ban people from visiting India?

we have no issues with israel why is this rift only cuz of palistine when all arabs are accepting why not Pakistan just like egypt jordan turkey but we gotta keep an eye on the snake its dealing in Pakistan with the cordination of multiple embasies like argentina like we had this story told by major amir.

I kinda agree on the principle that if even the Arabs have cordial relations with Israel, then whats the point of us being so rigid. Also if we can have full diplomatic relations with a country will call our enemy "India" then why not Israel. Another country that Pakistan doesn't have diplomatic relations is Armenia, which we did to show solidarity with Azerbaijan which again doesn't make sense when even Azeris themselves have diplomatic relations with Armenia.

i think imran khan is mentally ill.this is not madina ki riyasat which he mentions daily in his speeches.army should keep a closer look on government activities related to israel.

Did you know that even the Prophet had done a treaty with the Jews? Have a read through the treaty

Dude this guy is not even ((kosher)) his family disowned him and his brothers said he is doing it for money and attention he is ((kosher)), to be fair 3 of our biggest Allies Pakistan have relations with Israel, Turkey,Azerbaijan and PRC but still I wont advocate for relations with ((Kosherstan))

I don't know what to say, because every time I see the subject of israel come up. I witness some of my fellow Pakistanis fail to grasp the subject of recognizing israel as a state.

By allowing a Pakistani citizen, to visit the illegal and illegitimate state of israel. Essentially signify an israeli immigration stamp on a Pakistani passport. This, even though symbolic, goes directly at the throat of the stance that Pakistan does NOT recognize the state of israel. Now most Pakistanis would just brush it off as a one off and for us to not bother with this anymore. But you fail to see that israel is a country created on a lie and a premise that their snatching Palestinian lands who've lived on it for generations, murdering Palestinians, subjugating Palestinian to live as slaves in concentration camps, is their (israeli) legitimate right. Because when you do permit an alleged Pakistani Jew, to use a Pakistani passport to travel to israel. It is a political poke in the eye of Pakistan's 70 year old solidarity with the Palestinian people.

So we should also ban people from visiting India?

I'm sorry, but did indians forged a mandate with the british to find them a homeland? Or did indians grab Palestinian lands, claim that they (indians) have a Devine right to the Holy Land? Are indians brutally killing Palestinian people? Have indians claimed that they are God's chosen people, which right they alone have ownership to Jerusalem? Or are indians threatening to destroy Masjid Al-Aqsa to build the Temple Mount?

Please, think about what you're writing.
I'm sorry, but did indians forged a mandate with the british to find them a homeland? Or did indians grab Palestinian lands, claim that they (indians) have a Devine right to the Holy Land? Are indians brutally killing Palestinian people? Have indians claimed that they are God's chosen people, which right they alone have ownership to Jerusalem? Or are indians threatening to destroy Masjid Al-Aqsa to build the Temple Mount?

Please, think about what you're writing.

So only Palestinian lands and lives are important, what about Kashmiri lives and land? Indians have already destroyed the Babri Masjid and have killed equal amount of Muslims, yet we still have full diplomatic relations with them.

Personally i don't really care if we have relations with Israel or not, but we need to stop with the hypocrisy.
Well I will write this post for the benefit of those who are actually Muslim and have some semblance of conscience in them.

Present day state of israel was created on the basis of the Zionist agenda, which was chaired by the some of the more powerful of Zionists that resided in britain, i.e the Rothschild family. Efforts by Zionists was the offer of american military help to the british during WW1 on the condition that the latter would submit to the Zionist mandate of having a homeland for the european jews in the Holy Land (Palestine). Hence the Balfour Declaration was drafted and signed by the british government. The british occupied most of Middle East. Upon entering Jerusalem in December 1917, british army general, Edmund Allenby declared "today the crusades have ended."

Now all of this information doesn't count for squat unless Muslims really know the context behind them. Jews were banished from the Holy Land due to their transgressions against the Prophets of Allah Subhanaho Wata'aalah. Jews, who had murdered Prophets Yahya (John the Baptist) Alaihi Salam and Prophet Zakariyyah (Zachariah) Alaihi Salam. Conspired to murder Isa (Jesus) Alaihi Salam. These facts have been stated by the Holy Qur'an and stand undisputed.

The return of the israelite people, 2000 years after banishment is the pretext to humanity finding themselves to the end times. The return of people who claim to be jews and claim that the Holy Land belongs to them and go on murder and plunder Palestinian lands despite having allegedly suffered millions of lives in the supposed Holocaust. Is clear evidence that the recognition of such a state, is tantamount to "kufr" and support for the replacement of Nazis with Zionists.

I honestly don't care whether any Pakistani or Muslim for that matter, believes what I have pointed to you all. Because only those who have any Imaan left in them, shall recognize the truth when they read it. The rest just like cattle, grazing aimlessly and oblivious to what goes on around them.

Read or not, I honestly don't give a shit anymore. Ignorance breeds ignorance and there will always be those jackasses, that even if you ring their necks to make them aware of the truth. They will stay bark their ignorance, better yet, jihalah.
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