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First photos of Iranian RQ-170

Because they can't maintain or repair them because they aren't the technological geniuses they claim to be.

They say they in near future would buy 400 Transports but I think due to proliferation west might not sell them or offer selective models in restrictive numbers.
Because they can't maintain or repair them because they aren't the technological geniuses they claim to be.

so just because an Iranian plane made an emergency landing, Iran is not advanced ??!!! bro u made a Boeing 777-200ER that 10 nations cant find it for months and that was pretty "new" and "advanced" !

happened a day ago !
Plane carrying 185 passengers forced to make emergency landing after nine crew fall ill due to noxious fumes | Mail Online

I know ur butt is burning badly but dont troll ... it wont help ! :coffee:
9 Injured as Iranian Airliner Makes Emergency Landing

The Iranians can supposedly make all this advanced stuff but they bitch and moan because they can't maintain a simple airliner because of the embargo.

At least we can't maintain them for a reason: the embargo. That is way better than you that can't maintain a single airliner although you build them yourselves and have all the means at hand. Apparently, the only person here bitching and moaning is YOU:





Grow up and stop acting like a retard.
Agha narahat nashid, vali be nazar miad az fiberglass sakhte shode. Albate ba tasviri ke man daram mibinam.
9 Injured as Iranian Airliner Makes Emergency Landing

The Iranians can supposedly make all this advanced stuff but they bitch and moan because they can't maintain a simple airliner because of the embargo.

Don't Troll. Your butt hurt is obvious because you know your country ended up looking like stupid noobs in the RQ-170 incident. Your president's response was hilarious: "Give it back pleeeeease!". The Iranian reponse was pretty awesome when they offered a pink toy drone instead. Gotta love politics sometimes.


On a much more topic-related subject, a larger sized drone copy (with some modifications) could hypothetically be made and made into a manned aircraft like the B-2 spirit or enlarged enough to house an A2G missile. Imagine if one or several of those drones flew within shooting distance of an aircraft carrier courtesy of their stealth and fired aircraft carrier killer missiles? Result: F/A-18 hornets lost, Severe casualties, Severe blow to naval power, Reduced capacity to wage wars with long supply chains, Loss of international propaganda image.

No wonder the US "wants to talk" now. The risk of war is too much to stomach for them.
when they say the flight test will be started right after the exhibition, it means this drone is functional, but it's not operational yet.

Not necessarily the model presented.
Anyway I can't say whether this is a mock up or not, but even if it is one , there is nothing wrong with showing a mock up before unveiling a functional UAV.
Don't want to get into whats real or not. But the best way to shut everyone up would be to see an operationalised version.
only professionals can see the truth !

please take a look at the curves ...

from when Iran building such a perfect mockup !?

believe it or not this thing is a real stuff ...

only stupids trolling at the wrong time ...

don't do this to yourselves ...
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