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First photos of Iranian RQ-170

4 million lines of codes goes into a typical US drone, I will surely be more than skeptical here.
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some info about captured RQ170:
3 independent computers for flight control, communications and special cargo with VxWorks operating system.


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Let me post what we will see in this thread soon .

Mock up

Plastic model


Khompare salavati


Oh I forgot , Mullah propaganda :pop:

Well these threads attract those people from all over. These kinda threads tend to span over several pages.
At least we should be flattered that Iran is so central to their defence.pk forum time. lol
A jpeg analyzer confirms Photoshop 3.0 or later was used, and rates it a Class 1 altered photo, with a profile date of 2012....

Although they are obviously not fake pictures, I would wonder why they are edited.
Did they show some drone firing air to ground missille during the event ?
So please stay quiet until we see a "normal footage of this thing flying"
That doesn't justify your previous comment anyway, it was a nice trolling attempt, that was my point
Your camp initiated trolling that no one should doubt mullah claims (although they are well known pathological liars) and anyone who dares to doubt their empty claims is a troll.
Sorry but there is nothing to see in this thread about air to ground fired missille except a pixelised video shot very far from the Shahed-129.

But I see on this video at 4:14:
That we see a sequence with IR video, from which missille this video come from ?
that's Khalij-e-Fars (Persian gulf) anti ship ballistic missile.
I dnt even see a missile impact from the so called ''missile''... i bet those sepahi morons just planted a bomb under the target to make it look like as if it ''exploded'' :lol:
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