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First Embraer Lineage 1000 has arrived in Pakistan

What is more important then slight differences in range or speed or combat load is that this new aircraft will be created for Pakistan to Pakistani specification. Due to the list of agreements Indians signed with US, P-8 cannot "talk" via data link or provide targeting information to non US assets. This is a massive issue and to a large extent handicaps the P-8s and Indians Ships, Sub and cruise missiles are all non US.

Sea Sultan in theory will be able to "talk" to and provide targeting to all PN assets.

That is where the real magic will be. Imagine a Hangor sub being given targeting info from a Sea Sultan 500 miles away, then making ready a cruise missile launch, all the while being undetected....

Due to the list of agreements Indians signed with US, P-8 cannot "talk" via data link or provide targeting information to non US assets. This is a massive issue and to a large extent handicaps the P-8s and Indians Ships, Sub and cruise missiles are all non US.

Completely wrong information!

The APY-10 radar provides precise information in all-weather, day and night missions. The P-8I also integrates BEL Data Link II communications system, Avantel mobile satellite system and a speech secrecy system from Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL).

Due to the list of agreements Indians signed with US, P-8 cannot "talk" via data link or provide targeting information to non US assets. This is a massive issue and to a large extent handicaps the P-8s and Indians Ships, Sub and cruise missiles are all non US.

Completely wrong information!

The APY-10 radar provides precise information in all-weather, day and night missions. The P-8I also integrates BEL Data Link II communications system, Avantel mobile satellite system and a speech secrecy system from Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL).

True they can communicate with indigenous developed secure system but it is similar to a telex system to relay messages and voice via satellite link.

" BEL delivered the Indian-designed Data Link II, a communications system that will enable exchange of tactical data and messages between Indian Navy aircraft, ships and shore establishments. Boeing will install the system during P-8I final assembly at its facility in Renton, Washington. "

Not at par with the inter networking level Pakistan is doing, we have our Link 17 system where the combat management systems on naval assets (Ships/submarines/aircraft), radars, air defense, Tanks, Jet, UAVs and AWACs everything is operating on a common protocol and not limited to just relay of messages. That is target can be picked up by AWAC or MPA and another platform can simply fire the weapon without turning on own sensors.
Indian defence analyst Pravin Sawhney has highlighted this and keeps repeating India needs to follow a more networked approach.
Due to the list of agreements Indians signed with US, P-8 cannot "talk" via data link or provide targeting information to non US assets. This is a massive issue and to a large extent handicaps the P-8s and Indians Ships, Sub and cruise missiles are all non US.

Completely wrong information!

The APY-10 radar provides precise information in all-weather, day and night missions. The P-8I also integrates BEL Data Link II communications system, Avantel mobile satellite system and a speech secrecy system from Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL).

That is not a data link system, read up on it first.
That is not a data link system, read up on it first.

why are you people want to live in a denial mode? Please read the properly about Data Link II.


Boeing’s India partner-network across manufacturing, IT and engineering services provide advanced, complex components and sub-assemblies as part of an integrated global supply chain. Over 200 Indian suppliers are manufacturing critical systems and components, such as aerostructures, wire harness, composites, forgings, avionics mission systems and ground support equipment, for some of Boeing’s most advanced commercial and defense aircraft.

As part of its drive to bring the best of Boeing to India, Boeing collaborates with industrial suppliers on lean manufacturing techniques, program management, supplier management best practices and specialized training.

Boeing’s existing industrial partners are raising the bar to deliver world-class quality and productivity as they become an important part of the company’s worldwide supply chain.

Key partnerships include:

  • Tata Advanced Systems Ltd. (TASL) manufactures the CH-47 Chinook Crown & Tailcone Assembly, AH-64 Apache Secondary Structures, AH-64 Vertical Stabilizer and 777 Uplock Box.
  • Tata Boeing Aerospace Limited (TBAL) facility in Hyderabad has been delivering AH-64 Apache fuselages since May 2018 for customers across the world.
  • TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd.’s state-of-the-art facility manufactures the Advanced Composite Floor Beams (ACFB) for all Dreamliner variants. In August 2019, TAL delivered the 25,000th ACFB to Boeing for the 787 Dreamliner.
    TAL also makes ground support equipment for the C-17.
  • Rossell Techsys has been a long-standing Boeing supplier in India. In January 2019, Rossell delivered the 15,000th wire harness to Boeing for the AH-64 Apache. It recently completed delivery of 2000th harness for V-22 Osprey, and 1500th wire harness and 1000th electrical panel for the AH-64 Apache.
  • Bharat Forge manufactures a range of titanium-forged parts such as flap-track forgings for the Next-Generation 737 and forgings for the 777X.
  • SASMOS HET Technologies manufactures electrical panel assemblies for the F/A-18 Super Hornet and F-15 Strike Eagle. In 2019, it delivered the 1000th F/A-18 Super Hornet electrical panel assembly and 25,000th wire harness.
  • Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) manufactures 777 uplock boxes, F/A-18 gun bay doors and wire harnesses, and P-8I weapons bay doors and identification friend-or-foe transponders.
  • Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) supplied equipment for the P-8I Data Link II communications system. The Data Link II is a communications system that enables an exchange of tactical data and messages among Indian Navy aircraft, ships and shore establishments. BEL has also delivered the Identification Friend-or-Foe Interrogator, a battle management system that enables the aircraft to distinguish friendly aircraft and forces. BEL is now on contract to provide F/A-18 flight deck cockpit panels.
  • Electronic Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) provided speech secrecy systems for the P-8I.
  • Dynamatic Technologies manufactures the ramp and aft pylon for the Chinook heavy-lift helicopters.
  • Dynamatic Technologies and Tata Advanced Materials Ltd. (TAML) have delivered P-8I power and mission equipment cabinets, and TAML is on contract to provide P-8I auxiliary power unit door fairings, composite tailcones for the P-8I and composite interior closeout panels for the P-8 aircraft.
  • Avantel has delivered the mobile satellite systems for the P-8I.
  • Hyderabad-based Cyient (formerly Infotech) has supported a number of critical design-engineering projects for Boeing airplanes and currently provides design and stress support on the 747-8 Freighter and the 787-8 and 787-9.
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Congrats PN and mates here. Total number 9 will be excellent addition in PN.
Still need to to see after weapons and sensor integration whether it will be comparable to P8 .I hope it would be Inshaa Allah.
I think Pakistan will save more money by buying CN 235 from Indonesia Aerospace that can fly for 11 hours non stop. The endurance can be extended by using 2 external fuel tanks. Any way Pakistan doesnt have large sea territory and EEZ. CN 235 I think is enough.

Just look on how Indonesian aerospace put two external fuel tanks for Vietnamese NC 212i.


Senegalese CN 235 MPA is getting test flight

I think Pakistan will save more money by buying CN 235 from Indonesia Aerospace that can fly for 11 hours non stop. The endurance can be extended by using 2 external fuel tanks. Any way Pakistan doesnt have large sea territory and EEZ. CN 235 I think is enough.

Just look on how Indonesian aerospace put two external fuel tanks for Vietnamese NC 212i.

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Senegalese CN 235 MPA is getting test flight

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Well no disrespect but PN has decided otherwise so no use going round in circles aboit what PN should or could havebought instead. The sphere of discussion is set can we stick to it please.
Kind regards
PN wants something of the same capability as P3C orions. CN235 may have the loitering capability but not the range or payload capacity same as P3C.
I think Pakistan will save more money by buying CN 235 from Indonesia Aerospace that can fly for 11 hours non stop. The endurance can be extended by using 2 external fuel tanks. Any way Pakistan doesnt have large sea territory and EEZ. CN 235 I think is enough.

Just look on how Indonesian aerospace put two external fuel tanks for Vietnamese NC 212i.

View attachment 699149

Senegalese CN 235 MPA is getting test flight

View attachment 699150
We’re witnessing the golden age of Pakistan Navy.
Next goal(long term) should be for Pak to develop a twin engine jet powered aircraft(like this Embraer one for example)...so the next platform for AWACS, MPAs, EW Jammers(like the Falcon DA20), etc. can all be standardized on to one indigenously produced platform. The current AWACS and the MPAs being acquired should serve for a few decades...which gives plenty of time to get started on a platform for the future ones. Between military needs, VIP transport, and as a civilian jetliner(PIA and others)...it would have enough local demand with the possibility of exports as well.
Pakistan has 3 layer MPA strategy. First one is with Britten-Norman Defender in Maritime Security Agency, second with ATR 72 and the third with PC3s. Embraer are for the P3C replacement.
Pakistan has 3 layer MPA strategy. First one is with Britten-Norman Defender in Maritime Security Agency, second with ATR 72 and the third with PC3s. Embraer are for the P3C replacement.
How many defenders do PN operate
PIA has decided to finish its commercial ATRs service which means in about 24 months they will get rid of all ATRs and any ground services associated with them. This is bad news for PN whose primary consideration for buying ATRs was using PIA ability for repair and service ATRs periodically and at much cheaper rates. Flying a commercially built non militarised/ marinized ATR for access of 6 hours over the corrosive Arabian Sea environment tremendously increases the MTBF and MTTR of external engines and components. This could mean that very soon PN may as well consider replacing the expensive to maintain ATRs with smaller sized jets as well. Lets see how that comes about in the next five years or so.

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