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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

So they did not keep a backup stock of such equipment in case they would need them? Moreover, when it comes to such bottleneck dual use equipments that can be sanctioned, you always make sure you can produce them yourself even if not economical. Whatever "khar" is in charge of such a thing obviously needs to be placed.
there are two possibilities disinformation or Flagrant incompetence

Only an idiot would believe that Iran is developing its most advanced centrifuges in a tiny shack on spy infested nuclear site.

I will just say this since it’s already been revealed. Before iran unveiled It’s “underground cities and missiles bases”, way back in 1998 I had learned of a nuclear program as well as underground missiles bases built with assistance from NK/China.

Also underneath Tehran there is a massive C & C Underground city and center for important heads of the military and government where they can survive for months if not years.

So if you guys want to believe that Iran is carrying its most secretive nuclear work ABOVE ground and in WIDELY monitored nuclear site, then believe what you may.

The goal here is to remove incentive for Iran to publicly reach Advanced level (versus secretly reach) and then use that as leverage in the nuclear standoff by feeding uranium into them and enriching to above 20%.

But you have to separate the dual programs, the public government lead nuclear development program and the IRGC led nuclear development program led by the father of Iranian nuclear weapons program.
There is no evidence of a parallel covert nuclear program and the nature of nuclear activities makes them extremely difficult to hide for a long time
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There is no evidences of a parallel covert nuclear program and the nature of nuclear activities makes them extremely difficult to hide for a long time

History disagrees with your false claims.

Nearly every intelligence report incorrectly predicted the progress of the nuclear weapons programs of Israel, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea.

In the case of Israel their nuclear weapons program was UNDERneath their nuclear reactor. Yet US intelligence didn’t detect it.

It is quite easy to hide a small centrifuge hall using advanced centrifuges in a country the size of Iran.

As for Iranian nuclear weapons program, my personal opinion is that the program is not shuttered and merely spliced and scattered among various organizations.
Now sources are saying that it was indeed Israel who had done it and The the nuclear program has been set back by a year.

Given the questionable prospect of that "one year" estimate the principal of the matter is what's most important.

Retaliation is up for debate honestly, given what PeeD has elucidated on it would seem that any just tit-for-tat action by Iran will be met with a counterattack (in Iran) soon after. They're assets (Israeli) are in Iran and this was just a small measure on their part. Undoubtedly Israel has placed or can conduct more devastating attacks on other areas since they were able to get to two already in such quick succession, you could easily argue that many more targets in Iran have been rigged and only an order needs to be given for their destruction.

Idk gentlemen, I want retaliation but if it goes awry then I want commitment as well. This Iran vs Israel issue won't end peacefully and it's a fool's errand to think so.
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Now sources are saying that it was indeed Israel who had done it and The the nuclear program has been set back by a year.

Given the questionable prospect of that "one year" estimate the principal of the matter is what's most important.

Retaliation is up for debate honestly, given what PeeD has elucidated on it would seem that any just tit-for-tat action by Iran will be met with a counterattack soon after. They're assets are in Iran and this was just a small measure on their part. Undoubtedly Israel has placed or can place more devastating attacks on other areas since they were able to get to two already.

Idk gentlemen, I want retaliation but if it goes awry then I want commitment as well. This Iran vs Israel issue won't end peacefully and it's a fool's errand to think so.
Iran has the capability to go toe to toe with Israel. Iran has everything it needs, men, weapons,cash, intelligence etc.

This Rouhani government and the intelligence services appointed by him simply lack the balls. Same goes for the IRGC.
Iran has the capability to go toe to toe with Israel. Iran has everything it needs, men, weapons,cash, intelligence etc.

This Rouhani government and the intelligence services appointed by him simply lack the balls. Same goes for the IRGC.

Israel is winning the covert war as far as I'm concerned. Mangekyo posted a rather heartfelt reply in response to recent events that put things into a much needed sobering perspective.

Iran has literally said openly and proudly on more than one occasion that if Israel or America dares attack Iran (Iranian soil which was just literally attacked two times now), Iran will fiercely retaliate or something to that effect. So here it is gentlemen, here is Iran's time to prove itself to the Iranian commonwealth and the world. Let's see what happens...

My apologies bachehah...I don't mean to be defeatist but it's hard to not to think this way given all that's gone down recently. Israel's goal with Iran is rather simple really, just physically prevent Iran from being able to produce a nuclear weapon. To that end they have said they will do "whatever is necessary" -- to me that's an indication of how much they're willing to take in terms of damage in order see that goal completed. Realistically all Iran can do is lob thousands of missile and destroy some buildings over in Zionist Land but Israel will have probably set back Iran's nuclear program for years if things got bad enough. These attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities lead me to believe that Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons and Israel also knows this so it's trying to hinder Iran as much as possible without escalating to a full blown war.

Idk, maybe my take on it is wrong, what I'm really saying is that Iran's lack of retaliation against Israel for all these attacks against its infrastructure, soldiers, assets the region over etc...is simply shameful and pathetic. IRGC strongman rhetoric aside, the facts on the ground give Israel the "win" in the terms of attacks on each other.

:yu: what else can I say really...
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Israel is winning the covert war as far as I'm concerned. Mangekyo posted a rather heartfelt reply in response to recent events that put things into a much needed sobering perspective.

Iran has literally said openly and proudly on more than one occasion that if Israel or America dares attack Iran (Iranian soil which was just literally attacked two times now), Iran will fiercely retaliate or something to that effect. So here it is gentlemen, here is Iran's time to prove itself to the Iranian commonwealth and the world. Let's see what happens...

My apologies bachehah...I don't mean to be defeatist but it's hard to not to think this way given all that's gone down recently. Israel's goal with Iran is rather simple really, just physically prevent Iran from being able to produce a nuclear weapon. To that end they have said they will do "whatever is necessary" -- to me that's an indication of how much they're willing to take in terms of damage in order see that goal completed. Realistically all Iran can do is lob thousands of missile and destroy some buildings over in Zionist Land but Israel will have probably set back Iran's nuclear program for years if things got bad enough. These attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities lead me to believe that Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons and Israel also knows this so it's trying to hinder Iran as much as possible without escalating to a full blown war.

Idk, maybe my take on it is wrong, what I'm really saying is that Iran's lack of retaliation against Israel for all these attacks against its infrastructure, soldiers, assets the region over etc...is simply shameful and pathetic. IRGC strongman rhetoric aside, the facts on the ground give Israel the "win" in the terms of attacks on each other.

:yu: what else can I say really...
The sole goal is pushing Iran to make an unwise decision to escalate the situation so they could bring Iran back under the UNSC like what they did in IAEA .. either you wanna play in their ground and respond them or as they did secretly do it behind the curtain ... so you call it shameful and pathetic wouldn't change anything what is matters is Iran security and interests ... idk how long it'd delay Iran NP as far as we have the knowledge the facility would be rebuilt underground.
The real question is why you would put such advanced machinery above ground and then remove adequate air defense systems that can specifically target low flying suicide drones similar to what Iran did on Saudi Arabia.

If a bomb was placed then the question becomes how did the authorize person get into a “shed”. I mean why is this stuff in a workshop shed anyway? You don’t put expensive hard to replace machinery in a shed with limited protection and wide access.

Continuing Iranian incompetence, almost like a child it has to learn its lessons the hard way.

Hurts Iran’s attempts at leverage in negotiations starting in 2021 other than that it’s a mute point since Iran didn’t have the balls to advance its nuclear program by much the last couple years.
Idk, maybe my take on it is wrong, what I'm really saying is that Iran's lack of retaliation against Israel for all these attacks against its infrastructure, soldiers, assets the region over etc...is simply shameful and pathetic. IRGC strongman rhetoric aside, the facts on the ground give Israel the "win" in the terms of attacks on each other.

Our military know better than us what our real capabilities are. They should sit down and decide, either take an offensive stance, or admit defeat and stop this Anti-American and Anti-Israeli policy. Irans lack of retaliation to Israeli attacks only encourages them to attack us more. Had IRGC retaliated after the very first Israeli strike against us in Syria, we wouldn't be sitting here today and discussing Israeli attacks inside Iran. They have discovered our weakness, our weakness is lack of retaliation. It started with a regime change policy, then strikes on our proxies in Syria, then it was strikes on IRGC personnel in Syria, Soleimani in Iraq, and now we see indirect strikes in Iran itself. If we continue to let them exploit our weakness, it wont be long before we see direct military strikes against us in Iran. What I am saying is, it's the militarys duty to protect our nations civilians. If they do not have the capability to do so, then they shouldn't front a policy that potentially could send us towards a war with a superpower and its closest ally, when they know retaliation to their attacks are not on the table.

From where I see it, we have only two options,

1. Strike Israel hard, we need to retaliate disproportionally to teach them that any attack on Iran, we will repay it 10 fold. By doing this, we risk a large scale war, but assuming our military have been honest with us, and that our weapons are real and working, we have the upper hand, they are the ones who should be afraid of us, as retaliating to our strikes would mean they risk total destruction. They bit us, we must cut their tail and show them that next time, we wont show no mercy, we'll come for the head.

2. Do nothing or a small scale attack through proxies, probably a couple katyushas from Syria, or some fire crackers from Palestine, and hope they will not continue to exploit our lack of retaliation.
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Correct but we have to distinguish between the two militaries here

on one hand we have the IRGC, which is a very political organization and with alot of power. Their decisions regarding retaliation are extremely political of nature.

on the other hand we have the army, a honest national fighting force tasked with defending the country's borders. It is the duty of the army to respond to israeli attacks and in any other country they would have done so but due to IRGC's extreme tight grip they are unable to.

And then we have the secret services :

The national intelligence ministry
The IRGC secret services
Internal secret services
External secret services

all of the above have the capability to respond effectively but again, the IRGC is holding them back.

Conclusion : Political and financial interests are holding us back from responding.

Retaliation should have well started with assassination of our scientists. For every scientist killed there should have been 2 Israeli scientists or politicians blown up. Lack of retaliation encouraged the enemy from exactly this point until now.
1. Strike Israel hard, we need to retaliate disproportionally to teach them that any attack on Iran, we will repay it 10 fold. By doing this, we risk a large scale war, but assuming our military have been honest with us, and that our weapons are real and working, we have the upper hand, they are the ones who should be afraid of us, as retaliating to our strikes would mean they risk total destruction. They bit us, we must cut their tail and show them that next time, we wont show no mercy, we'll come for the head.
You don't have the ability to do that.
If you were able to act against Israel you would have reacted.
You are confusing the cause with the effect.

Iran is not reacting because it can't, and Israel is acting because it can, not because Iran is not reacting.

If anyone risks total destruction is Iran, even now.
AFP July 06, 2020

Security officials called it an accident and said they had determined the cause, without providing any further explanation. — AFP

An accident at a nuclear complex in Iran caused significant damage and could slow the production of centrifuges used to enrich uranium, the country's atomic energy spokesman said.
The incident happened on Thursday at a warehouse under construction at the Natanz complex in central Iran, but caused no casualties or radioactive pollution, according to the Islamic republic's nuclear body.

Security officials called it an accident and said they had determined the cause, without providing any further explanation.

There were no victims [...] but the damage is significant on a financial level,” Iranian Atomic Energy Organisation spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said in an interview published Sunday by state news agency IRNA.

In the medium term, this accident could slow down the development and production” of advanced centrifuges, he said. Natanz is one of Iran's main uranium enrichment plants.

God willing, and with constant effort [...] we will compensate for this slowdown so that the rebuilt site will have even more capacity than before,” Kamalvandi added.

The organisation had earlier released a photo purportedly from the site, showing a one-storey building with a damaged roof, walls apparently blackened by fire and doors hanging off their hinges as if blown out from the inside.

State TV later showed the building from a different angle with minor damage to its walls.

Tehran announced in May last year it would progressively suspend certain commitments under a 2015 nuclear deal with major powers, which the United States unilaterally abandoned in 2018.

Iran restarted enriching uranium at Natanz last September, despite having agreed under the accord to put such activities there on hold. Tehran has always denied its nuclear programme has any military dimension.
You don't have the ability to do that.
If you were able to act against Israel you would have reacted.
You are confusing the cause with the effect.

Iran is not reacting because it can't, and Israel is acting because it can, not because Iran is not reacting.

If anyone risks total destruction is Iran, even now.

so you are saying Israel is better then iran at terrorism? no dispute. your entire existence depends on genocide and sheer state sponsored terrorism putting the local palestinians under a boot.

Your entire entity is based on terrorism.

however unfortunately for you, geopoltics is king here. and you are surrounded.

Hezbollah alone on your north can cripple your country. beyond anything you could imagine in 2006. with pinpoint missiles strategically picking off targets like ben gurion airport, downtown tel aviv, water desalination plants, ports, power stations and generally send the zionist hoardes back into stone age living.

Next up you have the syrian state. whom you could not defeat despite confidently predicting assad had 'weeks to months" in 2012 (LOL!!!!!)

Meanwhile there are 10s of thousands of uniformed and plainclothes QODS force/ IRGC/ Intel Forces of Irans army openly operating and setting up more and more death traps for you .....

in the meantime the zionists havent been able to raise a goat herder in the open opposing Irans border. let alone any armies...... you concentrate and spend billions with american intelligence to exploit a weakspot somehere to commit some act of terror in sheer desperation.

and you come in here with a straight face and talk big as if your pathetic zionists accomplished anything besides a terror attack that will be met with a fist.

your days are numbered. Every single day Iran is strenghtening the strategic noose around your tiny entity.
You don't have the ability to do that.
If you were able to act against Israel you would have reacted.
You are confusing the cause with the effect.

Iran is not reacting because it can't, and Israel is acting because it can, not because Iran is not reacting.

If anyone risks total destruction is Iran, even now.

Iran can easily destroy Israel, it doesn't even take much to do it. But destruction of Israel would mean western countries will rush to Israel to prevent Iran from occupying that land. It is here the challenge lies, Iran does not have the power to fight a multifront war in Israel, against the entire world. Not to mention the backlash Iran would receive from the international community, and the fact that we would probably be attacked by US and NATO, prevents us from taking such action. On the other hand, responding to Israeli aggression by attacking it, not invading and occupying it, does not give the international community a casus belli. Irans lack of retaliation is an entirely political decision, based on that we don't have anything (politically speaking) to gain from attacking you.
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People should not forget the obvious, if Iran wants, it can disable Israel with ease. Israel is like a child hiding behind their mother's skirt (USA) whilst throwing rocks. I have spoken many times in this forum that we are engaged in a long term game. You do not sacrifice your long term goals by some knee jerk reactions fuelled by emotions. These three incidents you have seen are done by internal saboteurs. We know they exist, all major nations have such people in the land of their adversaries. And of course such saboteurs will take advantage if they can. The main question that has to be addressed is how such a thing could come to pass? Clearly there was either a transient or longer lax in security and defence measures.

Such facilities should be well protected passively and actively at all times. Starting from being built underground at a vague location (the inspectors should never know their pin point location). If the new building they have talked about building will be above ground again, then I will seriously question the suitability of whoever is in charge. This level of incompetence is treasonous in effect if not in essence.

These attack could have been requested by the Americans due the pressure Trump is feeling regarding Iran nuclear program. Israel could also be behind it due to the rather humiliating cyberattack they faced by Iran on their water facilities recently where the safety of their populace was at the discretion of Iranian hackers (they could have increased the chlorine levels). Israel is under tremendous pressure. They are being surrounded by Iran in multiple fronts and they see this as an existential threat, especially when adding Iran's nuclear latency. Israel's surrounding and check mate is an inevitability, that is why Iran is not resorting to overt actions every-time a building is destroyed sporadically. Nevertheless, you will see a response to these attacks against the perpetrators. These three attacks were in reality a blunder by the enemies of Iran. They revealed their hands too early.
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