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Filipino Maids/Nannies working in Pakistan! What do you think?


Aug 11, 2019
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-Its a growing phenomenon that has grown in the last 10 years
-Middle class and Upper classes preferring Filipino maids and nannies
-salary is around $400 per month (Approx. 62,000 PKR)
-people are apparently hiring them because they speak English with kids
-Now at least workers are legally working in Pakistan on Work Permits!
-Can we train local maids/nannies so we can save foreign exchange?
-Some are eventually settling in Pakistan for good!
-Philippine embassy is also regulating work


Embassy plays a major part in helping their citizens find employment abroad

I saw a HABITUAL / CAREER ORIENTED BEGGAR to walk with support stick / handicapped, walking on ONE LEG, during the day and at about 2 am night rode his MOTORBIKE 🛵 with BOTH his legs comfortably.

Begging should be made ILLEGAL except in certain physical disabilities and such people FORCED TO WORK HARD / FIND EMPLOYMENT by reporting to an UNEMPLOYMENT BUREAU, GoP.
One of my neighbor who happened to have nanny for his kids in Middle East, his wife died and that nanny later on become Muslim, travel to Pakistan to take care of his kids, and after a couple of year he married his kids nanny, and she was a very nice women.
There are around 2,000 Pilipino workers in Pakistan (estimate).
Apparently they are treated better than in GCC.
Some are working as nurses as well since Pakistan is in desperate needs of Nurses and Personal Support Workers as well.
One of my neighbor who happened to have nanny for his kids in Middle East, his wife died and that nanny later on become Muslim, travel to Pakistan to take care of his kids, and after a couple of year he married his kids nanny, and she was a very nice women.

What's the cause of death for his wife? Maybe I'm too much of a conspiracy theorist in this case......
Most pakistani nanny and maids goal is to steal and steal.
This is true sadly. But they are also paid very little in comparison to the Filipinos.

A Pakistani maid will be paid not even 20000 rupees so compare that to $400 can you blame them for stealing?

Plus Pakistani use the Filipinos as a symbol of pride and success. I know many such maids in Islamabad and trust me even gay men are being imported and working in Pakistan.
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