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Did i or any other BD member anywhere on earth say we "ARE" buying F-18s....???

Check the F-18 thread and then talk.

If you are not satisfied with wiki....suit yourself....still, i will try for another link and if i dont find any, i will withdraw what i said.....moreover i am quite sure, even leon said that on the basis of wiki information as even he isnt sure....till then, why dont you try answering what has been asked to you before....did BD Media report anything on C-802, BEFORE the day it was test fired???

The source of wiki information is bd-military forum. Which itself is a propaganda forum.

The guy even reported BD buying L-59/159 and F-18's.

If there are Z-9's in BD service then there is nothing to hide about it. Its not secret. Either BD or Chinese media would come up with this.

Or you yourself be kind enough to us by posting the pics.

As I said the official BD Navy website does not acknowledge Z-9 being in service.

Just to show how much our media is allowed to publish....

Come up with better excuse. I have already rubbished this claims by publishing defence related work of BD mainstream media.

You really do have problems with us...dont you GB???

I don't give a damn.

I hate this attitude of posting fake news based on someone's daydreaming.

This is an internet forum. Every claim requires backing of proof.

Check the F-18 thread and then talk.

The source of wiki information is bd-military forum. Which itself is a propaganda forum.

The guy even reported BD buying L-59/159 and F-18's.

If there are Z-9's in BD service then there is nothing to hide about it. Its not secret. Either BD or Chinese media would come up with this.

Or you yourself be kind enough to us by posting the pics.

As I said the official BD Navy website does not acknowledge Z-9 being in service.

Come up with better excuse. I have already rubbished this claims by publishing defence related work of BD mainstream media.

I don't give a damn.

I hate this attitude of posting fake news based on someone's daydreaming.

This is an internet forum. Every claim requires backing of proof.


Well GB, at your humble request....i have gone through the whole thread....YET have not seen any BD member saying we "ARE" going for F-18s....all i have seen is i think/suppose/may be/could be possible stuffs.... it was the poster Sri Lankan who said it, check the first page....and now why dont you check the thread, this time with open eyes and then talk....

You still did not answer my C-802 question....i am waiting for it....:coffee:

However, you "rubbishd" our media claim...BRAVO....!!! Btw, just one thing to say on this....do you mean publishing military news should be done like how the Indian media does??? If that is what you consider to be normal....then yah, our media is abnormal....nothing more to say on the media thing....its derailing the thread....

About the Z-9 links, you read what i wrote earlier.....so again nothing further to say on that....

About your last three sentences.....as i said before, no one is forcing you, its all your choice.....

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Well GB, at your humble request....i have gone through the whole thread....YET have not seen any BD member saying we "ARE" going for F-18s....all i have seen is i think/suppose/may be/could be possible stuffs.... it was the poster Sri Lankan who said it, check the first page....and now why dont you check the thread, this time with open eyes and then talk....

You still did not answer my C-802 question....i am waiting for it....:coffee:

However, you "rubbishd" our media claim...BRAVO....!!! Btw, just one thing to say on this....do you mean publishing military news should be done like how the Indian media does??? If that is what you consider to be normal....then yah, our media is abnormal....nothing more to say on the media thing....its derailing the thread....

About the Z-9 links, you read what i wrote earlier.....so again nothing further to say on that....

About your last three sentences.....as i said before, no one is forcing you, its all your choice.....


Leave this guy alone to his misery. This guy can not even digest the fact that we may acquire these birds. Bharati in general does not like to see another Pakistan in eastern boarder if you get my drifts. :flame:

He is losing sleep just over F18 and now imagine if we ever get hold of some Nuclear warhead. :smokin:
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Well GB, at your humble request....i have gone through the whole thread....YET have not seen any BD member saying we "ARE" going for F-18s....all i have seen is i think/suppose/may be/could be possible stuffs.... it was the poster Sri Lankan who said it, check the first page....and now why dont you check the thread, this time with open eyes and then talk....

The thread itself says BD sends pilots for F-18 training. Sends is the keyword. So why does BAF sends pilots for F-18 training?

Again there is no proof other than a bi-exersice that those pilots were actually on training.

You still did not answer my C-802 question....i am waiting for it....:coffee:

I dont have to. I believe in C-802 as even Indian media acknowledge it. However I wouldn't have trusted the same earlier.

However, you "rubbishd" our media claim...BRAVO....!!! Btw, just one thing to say on this....do you mean publishing military news should be done like how the Indian media does??? If that is what you consider to be normal....then yah, our media is abnormal....nothing more to say on the media thing....its derailing the thread....

Basically you dont have any proof. BD media is not allowed to cover military news but yet Bd-Military forum covers everything? If the BD media dont have any clue how come some internet members know the stuff?

About the Z-9 links, you read what i wrote earlier.....so again nothing further to say on that....

Again. BD-Military and wiki apparently based on BD-Military's inserts
claims that BN operates Z-9. However no BD media nor BN's official website claims so.

About your last three sentences.....as i said before, no one is forcing you, its all your choice.....

This is an internet forum with rules. and one of the rule is to back up claims with links and sources.

The easiest way to keep me out of these threads is links/sources or picture (Z-9 in BN color for instance).

Untill then I will be at your service to introduce you with reality.

Leave this guy alone to his misery. This guy can not even digest the fact that we may acquire these birds. Bharati in general does not like to see another Pakistan in eastern boarder if you get my drifts.

He is losing sleep just over F18 and now imagine if we ever get hold of some Nuclear warhead.


Get those F-18's. How much your country can afford?

12? 24? 100?

IAF is gonna have 230MKI's alone. Navy will have 45 MiG-29K's and IAF has 126 MRCA's to choose from Typhoon,F-18 Super Hornet, Mig-35,F-16IN and Gripen.

You think I will loose sleep over dozen or so F-18's?

I dont have to loose sleep over anything as my nation is prepared against Pakistan and China. The eastern sector of India is being upgraded from the point of defence to counter China. You think those couple of F-18's will scare us while we are pareparing ourselves against the PLAAF?

Get life. Get Real.

All I am asking is for backing to your claims. Provide it or keep quite.

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