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FIA arrests HBFC official in connection to espionage/illegal money trafficking for foreign intelligence agency

Don't bring sect into discussion. There are patriots as well.

Who gave you impression that all Shias are labelled as Iranian touts? But all traitors found working for Iran are unfortunately Pakistani Shias. Any denying that?

All the points I raised, are realities, which must be confronted. Brushing them under the carpet will not get us anywhere as a nation. Questions must be raised, answers must be given, solutions must be found. Status quo is no longer an option. I am sure that patriotic Shias will agree as well.
Thank you sir, a lot of these threads become secterian
Which turns many people off who are not like that

We should be careful.and shall not generalize. I agree that most of pro Iranian are found involved in such schemes of espionage due to their Sectarian relations but it does not justify to look at everyone with same optics. Secondly, I have to say this with honesty given my observations and whatever or from wherever I have information, is that Iranian regime uses the religious card only to drag people into their works. Minus the Sectarian or religious side; there's nothing further one could find for their services.

On other hand, this kind of card was well played by Saudis once as well. However, many or almost sunnis are well aware that serving the royals of KSA or UAE is not like serving Islam. Same should be the lesson for Shias as well that Iran is not the cradle of shiasm alone. If a religion is bound to one country them it is like a particular yet ideological existence that flourish from a single place and will vanish if Iran doesn't exist. Mullahs needs such a card for their authoritarian rule. Being religious is not a bad thing unless that's being used for backstabbing a neighbor like Pakistan that never harms Iran. What we got in return? Zanabiyon brigade recruitments, Uzair Baloch, Kalbhushan, BLA, BLF and above all, Indian presence continues in Chahbahar.

Does shiasm exist because of Iran only? I don't think so. This is exactly people needs to understand. Iran is playing strategic games merely based upon Shiasm card hence, inspiring the people of same sect to be used as cannon fodders. I will have to blame particular people that falls for it. These people are traitors and deserves no sympathy at all.

This is dangerous and infact a persistent threat as well. However, no ill ever lives forever. Using proxies, spies, assets and moles will have an end and that's soon In'Sha'ALLAH.

To look at it, it will be better to consider strategical.games, geopolitics and ulterior motives of Iran. By calling it some Shia thing will really derail us. However, I shall wait to see if Iranian Establishment is doing all that because of Pakistan being sunni majority. At-least, we aren't religious extremists and will deal with it too.

Who gave you impression that all Shias are labelled as Iranian touts? But all traitors found working for Iran are unfortunately Pakistani Shias. Any denying that?

All the points I raised, are realities, which must be confronted. Brushing them under the carpet will not get us anywhere as a nation. Questions must be raised, answers must be given, solutions must be found. Status quo is no longer an option. I am sure that patriotic Shias will agree as well.

There was no mention of particular people but shia population.

Who gave you impression

This is all I see and found it off. Repost and prove your point. I didn't serve you fraction but deleted post with message so you can review.
All my life I've rooted for the Iranians as I have for any Muslim country, against the US, the West and the Israelis, all on the basis that they are a fellow Muslim country.
No more.

From hereon in, I will cheer any attack on Iran or it's assets. Iran cannot expect to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. It cannot plot against the rest of the Muslim world yet expect support from the same Muslim world when attacked from outside.

Enough is enough.

Pakistan first and always.
There was no mention of particular people but shia population.

There was no generalization. But fact that which ever way we look at it, by en large, its Pakistani Shias who are committing treason to the motherland by working for Iran.

This is all I see and found it off. Repost and prove your point. I didn't serve you fraction but deleted post with message so you can review.

I have no record of my post because you deleted it!?

Point raised were:

a) Its a indoctrination issue, money if any, is secondary.
b) Its the clergy which is at the root of this indoctrination.

All these people recently nabbed from Karachi, I have feeling they are from Naseerabad, Ancholi area. Another problem of ghettoing within our communities. I have spend a lot of time, a lot, in these localities during my student days, attended many majlis as a gesture of goodwill to my friends. Whatever I am saying, is based on personal experiences. Mention of Iran cause a lot of defensive response for sure. Its clearly a mental issue, which requires debate, awareness and narrative correction.
i dont know why main stream media is quite about these issues. Might be something to do with some retaliatory violence's against Shia population. For Pakistani awam now we should come out of this debate of Shia/Sunni it must now be either you are with Pakistan or with the enemies of Pakistan. Either its Sauida or Iran or some other obsessed country.
Oh how noble of the mainstream media...NOT...
Mainstream media is control by shias in Pakistan, much like Jews in US.

That's why you will never hear anyone openly criticize Iran or Shias in Pakistan (otherwise you will get a visit from Shia hit squad), even though Shia Zakireen openly curse sahabas in Pakistan with no consequences.

All my life I've rooted for the Iranians as I have for any Muslim country, against the US, the West and the Israelis, all on the basis that they are a fellow Muslim country.
No more.

From hereon in, I will cheer any attack on Iran or it's assets. Iran cannot expect to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. It cannot plot against the rest of the Muslim world yet expect support from the same Muslim world when attacked from outside.

Enough is enough.

Pakistan first and always.
Dair ayd droost ayd,

Out of curiosity, when did you first hear about Iranian meddling in Pakistan, just now?

It's been going on since 1977...
even though Shia Zakireen openly curse sahabas in Pakistan with no consequences.
Those politicians that did try to bring this blasphemy to parliament for debate were gun downed by Iranian paid agents and their people party was banned. Courtesy of Iranian funder Shia politicians and media anchors.
Foreign? Iranian.

Surprise surprise, another Iranian connection. (Mod edit).

Pakistan is surrounded by enemies.

Don't want to indulge into sectarianism but we need to open our eyes and call spade a spade.

This comes as not a surprise, unfortunately many shias are being brainwashed for decades in Pakistan to worship Iran as modern day shia'ism has become more of Iran worshiping. As a result, some people in shia community in Pakistan are more loyal to Iran than Pakistan.

Those politicians that did try to bring this blasphemy to parliament for debate were gun downed by Iranian paid agents and their people party was banned. Courtesy of Iranian funder Shia politicians and media anchors.

Do you know our media industry is hijacked by shias? Including showbiz.
once a wise man said "NAME IS ENOUGH". Not all of them but there are quite a few who religiously follows Iran rather than the country they belong. Let see what our sold out mainstream media would say.

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