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FIA arrests HBFC official in connection to espionage/illegal money trafficking for foreign intelligence agency

The real face of iran will slowly get exposed and soon we will find that half of Pakistani shias are iranian agents. Thats our bad luck, filled with traitors.

Its also astonishing to see such news is never on mainstream media, guess why??
Hint: check behavior of all mainstream media in Muharram, and ull know why such news is never on media.
We need to wake up to the reality before its too late. This cancer have entered our country and is spreading fast.
Who gave you impression that all Shias are labelled as Iranian touts? But all traitors found working for Iran are unfortunately Pakistani Shias. Any denying that?

All the points I raised, are realities, which must be confronted. Brushing them under the carpet will not get us anywhere as a nation. Questions must be raised, answers must be given, solutions must be found. Status quo is no longer an option. I am sure that patriotic Shias will agree as well.
Don't repeat George Bush statement, " all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim". And you know well which sect he is pointing at. So, avoid such statements.
The real face of iran will slowly get exposed and soon we will find that half of Pakistani shias are iranian agents. Thats our bad luck, filled with traitors.

Its also astonishing to see such news is never on mainstream media, guess why??
Hint: check behavior of all mainstream media in Muharram, and ull know why such news is never on media.
We need to wake up to the reality before its too late. This cancer have entered our country and is spreading fast.
Yes, the media is wise, if they named Iran then they name Saudi Arabia and other Arab states who have massive funding in Pakistani madrassah, and because all attacks of ISIS, LEj or TTP will be pointed at Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries due to all terrorist religious ideology. While people are chasing Iran, but what Saudi did behind the scene no one dare to talk ... It's good our intelligence agencies controlling Iranian influence but they can not stop the Suadi Influence.

It's Saudi Arabia and its network of charities and the like. The argument I make is that there is an undercurrent of terror and fanaticism that go hand in hand in the Afghanistan-Pakistan arc, and extend all the way to Uzbekistan. And you can see reflections of it in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in Indonesia, in the Philippines.

kids with guns

For instance, in one madrassa in Pakistan, I interviewed 70 Malaysian and Thai students who are being educated side by side with students who went on to the Afghan war and the like. These people return to their countries, and then we see the results in a short while. ... At best, they become hot-headed preachers in mosques that encourage fighting Christians in Nigeria or in Indonesia. And in a worst case, they actually recruit or participate in terror acts.

What you're saying is that, if we wanted to look for the causes of what's happened -- Al Qaeda and the movement worldwide -- we would have to look to the schools, to the educational system which Saudi Arabia has fostered in the Islamic world?

... In order to have terrorists, in order to have supporters for terrorists, in order to have people who are willing to interpret religion in violent ways, in order to have people who are willing to legitimate crashing yourself into a building and killing 5,000 innocent people, you need particular interpretations of Islam.

Those interpretations of Islam are being propagated out of schools that receive organizational and financial funding from Saudi Arabia. In fact, I would push it further: that these schools would not have existed without Saudi funding. They would not have proliferated across Pakistan and India and Afghanistan without Saudi funding. They would not have had the kind of prowess that they have without Saudi funding, and they would not have trained as many people without Saudi funding. "
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The real face of iran will slowly get exposed and soon we will find that half of Pakistani shias are iranian agents. Thats our bad luck, filled with traitors.

Its also astonishing to see such news is never on mainstream media, guess why??
Hint: check behavior of all mainstream media in Muharram, and ull know why such news is never on media.
We need to wake up to the reality before its too late. This cancer have entered our country and is spreading fast.
Explain this please

What's the behaviour like?
Yes, the media is wise, if they named Iran then they name Saudi Arabia and other Arab states who have massive funding in Pakistani madrassah, and because all attacks of ISIS, LEj or TTP will be pointed at Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries due to all terrorist religious ideology. While people are chasing Iran, but what Saudi did behind the scene no one dare to talk ... It's good our intelligence agencies controlling Iranian influence but they can not stop the Suadi Influence.

It's Saudi Arabia and its network of charities and the like. The argument I make is that there is an undercurrent of terror and fanaticism that go hand in hand in the Afghanistan-Pakistan arc, and extend all the way to Uzbekistan. And you can see reflections of it in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in Indonesia, in the Philippines.

kids with guns

For instance, in one madrassa in Pakistan, I interviewed 70 Malaysian and Thai students who are being educated side by side with students who went on to the Afghan war and the like. These people return to their countries, and then we see the results in a short while. ... At best, they become hot-headed preachers in mosques that encourage fighting Christians in Nigeria or in Indonesia. And in a worst case, they actually recruit or participate in terror acts.

What you're saying is that, if we wanted to look for the causes of what's happened -- Al Qaeda and the movement worldwide -- we would have to look to the schools, to the educational system which Saudi Arabia has fostered in the Islamic world?

... In order to have terrorists, in order to have supporters for terrorists, in order to have people who are willing to interpret religion in violent ways, in order to have people who are willing to legitimate crashing yourself into a building and killing 5,000 innocent people, you need particular interpretations of Islam.

Those interpretations of Islam are being propagated out of schools that receive organizational and financial funding from Saudi Arabia. In fact, I would push it further: that these schools would not have existed without Saudi funding. They would not have proliferated across Pakistan and India and Afghanistan without Saudi funding. They would not have had the kind of prowess that they have without Saudi funding, and they would not have trained as many people without Saudi funding. "

Saudi funding was for afghan war and later they never had the influence, this is all speculation by those who dont know the ground reality. I have worked in field and i know what is happening. The groups u mentioned are all deobandi, while saudis are salafi/wahabi. The only group that have similar views as saudis are ahle hadees in Pakistan. You will barely find ahle hadees terrorist organizations. Do u know deobandis call wahabis as gumrah and some even call them kafir.
Pakistani agencies are not stupid to let a foreign country fund hundreds of madrassahs and create an army of foreign sympathizers. The funding was handed to Pakistan and Pakistan spent it on deobandi madrassas, whose students fought in Afghanistan. The biggest and most famous being dar ul uloom haqqania. Even today their students use haqqani as a surname and is considered an honor.
We need to know how many PPP are compromised? The party should be suspended and investigated. They must have set up a money laundering network with Iran in exchange for state secrets. Benazir is a prime example.
Iranian regime has hijacked the Twelver shia ideology the world over. For shias the regime is untouchable as the likes of Catholic clergy.

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