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FIA arrests HBFC official in connection to espionage/illegal money trafficking for foreign intelligence agency

Also declare Iran a hostile state. A friendly country does not do this. This has been going for decades and they have been in collusion with India to destabilize Baluchistan.
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i dont know why main stream media is quite about these issues. Might be something to do with some retaliatory violence's against Shia population. For Pakistani awam now we should come out of this debate of Shia/Sunni it must now be either you are with Pakistan or with the enemies of Pakistan. Either its Sauida or Iran or some other obsessed country.
Both are illegal.

Never said it was legal bruh

Zainebiyon families are paid by Iran not Pakistan. What you are saying doesn't make sense.

Mate are you high or smth? He's laundering Iranian money and making it white so it can be paid to the fighters families. It's illegal

Okay so it’s halal to launder money for that purpose? Working for any foreign intelligence is ghadari.

By that logic can I start laundering money for dead TALIBAN fighters.

If you simp for Iran so much then why don’t you move there? Anyone who works for foreign intelligence should be punished stop SIMPING

Why can’t we send him back to Iran?

Never said it's legal. I shared what it is. Stop assuming bacha khan'$ sucker.

Money Laundering falls under jurisdiction of FIA Commercial Banking Circle. There is a corporate circle and so there is another one with the name of Cyber Crime.

I'm talking about the wannabe agents on Twitter. They don't even know that FIA and FIA's commerce wing isn't separate. There's no commerce wing of FIA. It's just the cyber crime or commercial wing as you mentioned. Credibility is what am saying.
How do we know its money for families of dead Zainabiyoon fighters or Fatmiyoon fighters and not for terrorism inside Pakistan. We caught Kalbushan from Iran.
How do we know its money for families of dead Zainabiyoon fighters or Fatmiyoon fighters and not for terrorism inside Pakistan. We caught Kalbushan from Iran.
are zianbiyon or khamonion or whatever BS are Pakistan official forces? if it its financial terrorism by Khomeni cultist heaven!

Iran is cancer of Asia!
Should we declare US a hostile state?

Just say yes or no lol
Stop sucking Iranian balls you f@ggot

As if the US is comparable to Iran 🤣

Is Iran the world's leading superpower?

How much do you export to Iran?
You aren't even worth for a comeback but it ain't a secret that you're a bacha sucker

I don’t make excuses for Bacha Khan or ANP or Manzoor Pissteen they can all go to hell, ur the one that makes all kinds of excuses for Iran. If you seriously love Iran that much then just move there…

Seriously just live there, you’ll enjoy and maybe meet some mongol brigade veterans there Lmfao
Stop sucking Iranian balls you f@ggot

As if the US is comparable to Iran 🤣

Is Iran the world's leading superpower?

How much do you export to Iran?

I didn't ask you. Buzz off

No thoughts, he is a sell out
Iranian wannabe first than anything else, don't expect anything from his kind

The only mistake I did was getting sold out in front of you. Shiz man..yk my secrets :(
That's surprising because Persians really abhor them
They are not equals, they are slaves, they are bought, used, and discarded like prostitutes, that's what they are

Some do it for free, take @Big Tank for example, Iranian balls so far down his throat and he does it all for free

At least a prostitute takes money
I say clear our home first from these terrorists. I say cancel their citizenship because they are already dual passport holders. Throw them all inside Iran. Use a big machine or something to capture them all, like in the movie war of the worlds. similarly capture all Jihadi Arabs and send them all to UAE or Saudia. It's time. PAF must start operations now. F-16s are not for 23 march or 14th august. use them. Iran think that Pakistani Baluchistan is important. I believe that strait of Hurmuz is in our reach. let's play dirty.
FIA is someone is trust lesser than Sindh Police. If you guys haven't had any business with them in past, you won't know how corrupt they're and how they extort people through these tactics. I'm not denying Iranian influence, every intelligence plays the role but I'd also least trust these wannabe OSINT twitties who can't even make grammatical sense.

*For a Iranian Intelligence Agency*
*Federal Investigation Agency and FIA's commerce wing* but both are same Agencies lol.

Those are my thots.

Also, if they're really laundering money for Iran, its the money for the dead ZAINEBIYOUN fighters. Their families are paid through this, not BLA etc.

Money laundering is meant to use the money into clean stuff. Funding to BLA can be done via Balochistan border with dirty money since they'd buy weapons, not ghar ka rashan from Imtiyaz Super Store.
If the money is clean why are they laundering it?

Also declare Iran a hostile state. A friendly country does not do this. This has been going for decades and they have been in collusion with India to destabilize Baluchistan.
Screw the Iranians

If the money is clean why are they laundering it?

Screw the Iranians
They already snitched on Pakistan about nuke deals and cannot be trusted
If the money is clean why are they laundering it?

Screw the Iranians

They already snitched on Pakistan about nuke deals and cannot be trusted

Money isn't clean. Its illegal money

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