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Few videos about Kashmirs Latest struggle.

@ Hillman32, We are going easy with the situation, we are in no way near the collapse, The Whole world Knows Who is In the verge of a Near Collapse....We dont want our Land To get snatched By a nation who have nothing to do with it.... A soldier has every right to defend its national interest , A soldier has No heart, He works for his national interest Not of his own Interest, his interest is his nations Interest....

Since 1948 Indian administered Kashmir is With us, and trying to Snatch it from us has earned You a Spot in the top 10 failed nations.... We dont Mind, you may Continue to do so and strengthen You spot and Feel pride in taking it to Number One

I agree, our military tried to snatch Kashmir from Indian Army and did not succeed so far. Who knows what happens in future.

Secondly, this time Indian Army is not against Pakistan Army. This time they are fighting against the PEOPLE of Kashmir.


I do not subscribe to that trash that Pakistan is failed State.

Your ancestors predicted in 1947 that Pakistan will collapse in few months but by the grace of Allah Almighty Pakistan is still present on the Map and will remain there.

Take out the misconceptions that Pakistan is about to vanish - your wish will remain an unfulfilled one...................
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I agree, our military tried to snatch Kashmir from Indian Army and did not succeed so far. Who knows what happens in future.

Secondly, this time Indian Army is not against Pakistan Army. This time they are fighting against the PEOPLE of Kashmir.


Ahem.......Remember Khalistan.............................

I do not subscribe to that trash that Pakistan is failed State.

Your ancestors predicted in 1947 that Pakistan will collapse in few months but by the grace of Allah Almighty Pakistan is still present on the Map and will remain there.

Take out the misconceptions that Pakistan is about to vanish - your wish will remain an unfulfilled one...................

Jinnah said same thing about India that India will collapse under Hindu cast ...and all that BS....but look at us we are doing better than land of the pure.
I agree, our military tried to snatch Kashmir from Indian Army and did not succeed so far. Who knows what happens in future.

Secondly, this time Indian Army is not against Pakistan Army. This time they are fighting against the PEOPLE of Kashmir.


I do not subscribe to that trash that Pakistan is failed State.

Your ancestors predicted that Pakistan will collapse in few months but by the grace of Allah Almighty Pakistan is still present on the Map and will remain there.

Take out the misconceptions that Pakistan is about to vanish - your wish will remain and unfulfilled one...................

The same Goes with you, You people have been trying to liberate kashmir, but for 5 decades its Un disturbed, now paying money to local kashmiris and some terrorist organizations to create a curfew In the valley, how long can you sustain and provide money??? We are not the losers, but Only pakistan...

And We never predicted that pakistan will be no more, we just predicted that its nearing its end... You believe the trash of failed nation or not, The lines have already been drawn for it....Nothing changes if you believe it or not....

The Long you waste you resources and Time In Indian matters, The More you loose and we gain.... kashmir is not the Only place in the world which Undergoes such Situation but its in a nation which has been handling it smoothly for so long....

Army will move away from the valley, police and CRPF will take charge, its Controlled, dont worry
Ahem.......Remember Khalistan.............................

Movement of Khalistan has been retarded due to mass murder of Sikh Youth in Punjab. But it is not ceased to exist.

New Khalistan Movement is being nourished in the lap of Sikh Mothers.

Wait and See................

Jinnah said same thing about India that India will collapse under Hindu cast ...and all that BS....but look at us we are doing better than land of the pure.

Jinnah never ever said that India will collapse. He was man of his words and a calculated one.

Do not put a blame of a Great Leader. Do you have an iota of PROOF?
Movement of Khalistan has been retarded due to mass murder of Sikh Youth in Punjab. But it is not ceased to exist.

New Khalistan Movement is being nourished in the lap of Sikh Mothers.

Wait and See................

Jinnah never ever said that India will collapse. He was man of his words and a calculated one.

Do not put a blame of a Great Leader. Do you have an iota of PROOF?

Same sadistic attitude, same destructive mentality...:disagree:

How many times are you to be reminded, just take care of your home.:what:
India controls 2/3 Kashmir and more important the water supply so it has strategic advantage over Pakistan.
"Your ancestors predicted in 1947 that Pakistan will collapse in few months "

May be not in a few months but in a couple of years from 1947 Pakistan was split into two. Take care of your country first, then you can think about India. Each of us have our own problems, we have Kashmir, maoists, you have terrorism and balochistan. Lets take care of our own problems before worring about each others.
Our hearts and minds will always be with our Kashmiri Brothers and Sisters. We love you all and will always stand by you.

Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan, its only a matter of time before it happens, it is only natural that Kashmir is joined to Pakistan where it belongs alongside the rest of its other brothers and sisters :)
You cannot force a territory let alone a people in this day and age. They have been resisting since 1947 and are continuing to do so. And we will always support them and will continue to do so. Lets hope it can be done sooner for the greater interest of the region, both countries and more importantly for the Kashmiri people.

I would urge all Pakistani's and those living abroad who plan on visiting Pakistan, to volunteer and donate to the many different relief organizations and womens shelter established in Kashmir to help the Refugees from occupied Kashmir (many of whom have come decades ago and many who are still coming)

The relief agencies, womens shelters and aid organization set up to assist and facilitate the Kashmiri refugees need our active support, both financially and also through direct volunteering. Even if you can spare a weekend(3 days) of your time will be appreciated, other activities include holding fundraisers, writing to newspapers/the United Nations/Amnesty International/Senators/Politicians etc.., discussing with friends/family and bringing awareness to the sufferings and continued subjugation of the Kashmiri people in occupied Kashmir.

I would even urge indians, to actively protest their country's continued subjugation and forceful occupation of Kashmiri people. To not accept the brutality, torture, rape and suppresion of the freedom movement there. To think with your hearts and minds for the greater good. This is not an issue of politics or religion, there are countless other Muslims in india and we have nothing to do with them, its the Kashmiri people that want seperation and joining with their brothers in Pakistan. I urge indians to protest their governments inhuman policies and allow for the holding of a free plebiscite by international observers.

I hope my words have not fell on deaf ears. There many wonderful people working with the Kashmiri refugees in the camps of Azad Kashmir, the refugees themselves will appreciate it, and Im sure you'll walk away from the experience with a sensation that can only be described as magical and positive.

My last volunteering experience was about 2 years ago, I will try to volunteer some time during my upcoming holidays in september. I would encourage others to do the same and give some of their time to them.

What about the aspirations of Non-Muslim people in Kashmir?
Jinnah said same thing about India that India will collapse under Hindu cast ...and all that BS....but look at us we are doing better than land of the pure.

that is a DISGUSTING lie, and i will publicly ask how DARE you make up blatantly false lies about our nation's founder?

he said no such thing......

though he was a firm believer that caste-system mentality will keep you from growing....and looking at the situation of dalits and untouchables (which, admittedly, is none of my business or concern) I can't disagree
These dialogues are good for movies only.Just today a aik indian major ko kashmirio nay cheer dia..;).
These dialogues are good for movies only.Just today a aik indian major ko kashmirio nay cheer dia..;).

par kashmir to ni hila:victory::victory:,even i m ready 4 such victory wat that major received.these dialog has prevented pak many times.

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