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Few videos about Kashmirs Latest struggle.

our support and heart for the Kashmiris will never die, it will only get stronger

God bless the Kashmiri peoples, we do hope they will be united and the artificial occupation will one day be non-existant through all means possible
lathi beating on a ''terrorist'' who was on the ground and surrendered

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None of the pakistani's never talked about the Kashmiri pundit's struggle. :secret:
it's really funny when a dolt from the worlds only caste-bound ''largest democracy'' can't even note an iota of sarcasm
Sarah Ludford on Mass graves in Kashmir in European Parliament during which European parliament passes resolution against mass graves in Kashmir.The draft resolution says that 'hundreds of unidentified graves have been discovered since 2006 in Jammu and Kashmir'

A virtually total information black-out prevailed in the Valley. Two days ago the state police began to restrict the media in the Valley. Some of these restrictions were eased and curfew passes were issued to some journalists. But to protest many restrictions still in place, the Kashmir Press Guild decided not to publish their papers even today. This made it the third day in a row that the papers did not hit the stands.

Kashmiris declare August 15 (hindustan independence day) a ''Black Day''

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